Broken Cross Primary Academy and Nursery

Nursery Concerns and Complaints Policy and Procedures

At Broken Cross Primary Academy and Nursery we aim to provide the highest quality of care and learning for our children. We hope families will be happy with every aspect of the stimulating, creative and nurturing learning environments we create and the opportunities we provide the children to enable them to develop flourish and progress, whilst they play!

The Complaints Policy is in place to facilitate channels of communication which allow and encourage parents and visitors to raise concerns regarding the service provided.

Broken Cross Primary Academy and Nursery work with, children, parents, agencies and visitors in a professional and courteous manner.

Wherever possible concerns/complaints should be raised immediately therefore, if you should have cause for comment or complaint regarding the service provided the people to contact are listed below.

If you are not fully satisfied with the resolution/action please contact the next person on the list – contact details are available at the end of the document.

  1. Key Worker As provided to you on entry
  2. Nursery LeaderMrs Jenny Helliwell
  3. Foundation Stage ManagerMiss Dawn Tristram
  4. Head TeacherMr Brian Wilkinson
  5. Chair of GovernorsMr Peter Cresswell

Each of the above will record the complaint and the action to be taken on the Complaints Record Form.

We will listen to your concern / complaint and investigate the issue as soon as possible. A verbal response should be received within one working day indicating what immediate action may have been taken to resolve the issue. If this is not possible due to operational circumstances, a verbal acknowledgement, registering your concern / complaint will be given within one working day, followed by a full response within 3 working days.

Written correspondence sent directly to Broken Cross Primary Academy and Nursery either by letter or email will be responded to within 5 working days.

It is common to require more information to clarify issues and to be able to fully understand concerns so that a high quality investigation can take place. This may be done on the phone or in person via a meeting.

If you require a meeting to discuss a specific issue in private, please speak to the Broken Cross Primary Academy and Nursery school Office Staff, to arrange a mutually convenient time.

If you remain unhappy, the contact details for Ofsted (the regulatory body for childcare) are listed below who you can contact at any time.

Contact Details

OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education)

Royal Exchange Buildings

Piccadilly Gate

Store Street

Manchester M1 2WD

Tel: 0300 123 1231


Broken Cross Primary Academy and Nursery

Parkett Heyes Road



SK11 8UD

Tel: 01625 383029

Nursery Leader

Mrs Jenny Helliwell


Foundation Stage Manager

Miss Dawn Tristram


Head Teacher

Mr Brian Wilkinson


Chair of Governors

Mr Peter Cresswell



September 2014