TSNI Program Application Form – How to complete the form

The Program Application Form is the key to getting a Solar Neighbourhoods incentive for your installation. It should be filled out by the Contractor, with the homeowner (or “Customer”), at the time of sale. The form should be fairly straight-forward, but the following explains each section in greater detail:

Site Information

The Water Heater information should be in the solar audit; if not, take a look in the basement.

Advanced monitoring will be installed on at least 10% of installs, free of charge. If the homeowner is interested in this, check the box and have them sign, and check what type of internet access they have (if any) and if there is an electrical outlet for the controls.

SHW System Information

This section is meant to give the homeowner, as well as TSNI, a more detailed description of the system they are purchasing. This information should be consistent with the information in the product application you submitted.

Performance Information

Values to be used in the Performance Information section should come from your RETScreen analyses, done using the data from the home’s Solar Audit and [the very last lines: Hot Water Usage; Temperature Setting of Hot Water Tank (oC); and Hot Water System Efficiency (%) should be used in your RETScreen analyses]. The first scenario shows the SDHW system performance if water use and system efficiency does not change - enter the same value for hot water consumption for both the base and proposed cases, and use the existing system efficiency. The second scenario shows the expected performance of hot water system if the homeowner implements the recommended water efficiency improvements (use the proposed case water consumption, and the proposed case system efficiency in the RETScreen line for “seasonal efficiency”.


Make sure that you attach the Solar Site Assessment report (provided by the homeowner, from Windfall); a copy of the two RETScreen simulations using the information from the Solar Audit (one holding the current water use steady for both the base and proposed case, and one using the current water use as the base case and the expected water use after water efficiency improvements as the proposed case); and a copy of the site shade analysis used to determine shading for the RetScreen analysis.

Price Information

The Price Information section breaks down the cost of the system (based on what’s taxable and what is not), and the various grants and incentives. For lines 7 & 8, only fill in one section – that for the rebate option, or the loan option. The numbers in this section should correspond to the numbers in the loan contract (if the homeowner chooses the loan option) - all the values on the two forms should match.

Program Participation Agreement

Ensure that the homeowner has read the Program Participation Agreement Terms & Conditions before signing.

Next Steps

If the homeowner has selected the rebate option, submit the Program Application and supporting documents to TSNI for approval.

If they have selected the loan option, it is time to do a credit check, fill out the EnWise conditional sales contract, and submit these materials along with a void cheque to TSNI for approval.