Tserklevych Viktoriya Sergijivna
Kravec Yulia Sergijivna
Khmelnytskyi cooperative trade-economic institute
Khmelnytskyi city
In the article are the basis principles of Christianity are examined from positions of today in relations to economic life of society. Certainly principles of conduct of ethics business and also rule menage, what Bibles formed on the basis of canons and Christian dogmas.
Keywords: business, economic relations, Old Testament, New Testament, ethics business, rule menages, commandments.
Introduction. The whole point of life is to endless conquest of the unknown, the eternal effort to learn more (Emile Zola). Labor - the main purpose of man, which develops our ability samovdoskonalytys helps to live in harmony with themselves and society, achieve their goals, to change the world and society. One of the most common expressions of labor is the business of a private business that covers today an increasing number of people is the foundation of a market economy, but for the mentality of the West is the personification of economic freedom and personal independence of man.
For societies post-Soviet states inherent part of the demonstration of negative attitude towards business, the prevalence of thoughts about dishonest ways of forming the initial capital, abuse, unruly attitude toward employees. This attitude, often, is not so much of the activity, as individuals engaged in it. As post-Soviet society, the mentality of people still reigns the spirit of the previous era, when business acutely condemned, on the other hand, traceable processes that contribute to "shadow" economy, wages "envelopes", opacity tendering processes re like.
At the same time, for Christian believers raises significant questions: how to earn money (to business), but in a way that is not contrary to religious and ethical beliefs. It is therefore important question of developing such a model of economic relations in society, which would be the moral position of Christianity and what it means for funding under specific historical conditions.
The problem of interpretation of Christian dogma and religious norms of Christianity transfer directly or indirectly considered in fundamental scientific research Dzh.M.Keynsa, Max Weber and others., In writings on the history of economics (Konotopova MV, Mayburd EM, Menshikov SM, etc..) in special studies on analysis guidelines of Scripture as to the suitability of their use in modern socio-economic conditions (Kandalyschev V. Toshkova S., Rauscher A., Brown D. et al.) , in the writings of religious leaders (Vorobyov V., Hofner Jozsef, Charles C. Manz et al.).
Given the urgency, social and moral significance of the problem, the next task was separated article:
• identify the main item of Christian doctrine on various aspects of economic life (based on the Old and New Testament);
• outline the principles of business according to ethical principles of Orthodoxy;
• the position of an ethical code Orthodox entrepreneur.
The results of research. Rules, guidelines and recommendations believers derive from the Bible - the holy book of Christians. It consists of two sections: the Old and New Testaments. After examining the Bible and the guidance of the Church Fathers, can shape moral position of Christianity, the model of economic relations in society.
Yes, the Old Testament clearly defined attitude necessary labor: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, until you return to the earth" (Genesis 3:3) - thus, a person has to work hard during his earthly life, in order to feed themselves ( this attitude as pointing guided believers Protestant denominations). Note that this thesis is widely used in Protestantism as an argument in favor of the approval of business initiatives. In traditional Christian religions - Orthodoxy and Catholicism until recently was dominant thesis of the famous parable of the rich young man that "easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into the kingdom of God."
Along with this, regulated human right to proper rest. Six days a person must engage in physical labor, but the seventh - spiritual. It is this attitude today is the most difficult as effective as the current Ukraine labor supply is much higher than the demand for it, so common is the situation where people work with irregular working hours, overtime, sometimes seven days a week, trying to save their own jobs and earn enough amount of money. Almost similar is the situation in Western Europe and the U.S.: psychotherapists and counselors problem of the XXI century is called the "workaholic syndrome" - a man preoccupied career, business, unable to rest, which ultimately leads to occupational stress and burnout. Referrals to the maximum level of material wealth leads to such social and demographic consequences: about 40% of the adult population in the U.S. are loners, driven by higher levels of personal and economic freedom than in people who are married. The average age of marriage, in EU countries in 2010 for women was 28-30 years; birth - 30-32 years. So prevalent is the one-child or childless families - in fact, at the request of the legislation of different countries to actively work she has come back after 2-12months after birth. This, according to psychologists and psychiatrists, leads to mental and moral exhaustion, when wealth will not bring the expected joy.
In the Old Testament clearly regulated by laws on property, and with certain coefficients. Stealing sharply condemned. Thus, if the robber noticed when the offense was committed, the murder was not considered a sin. If a person found stolen earlier, she had to pay twice as much. When his fortune was not enough, the thief gave into slavery (today - prison).
To comply with economic justice in the relationship and the laws of God, you help the poor. Part of their income should be given to charity (to the poor). Each year, a person has to sacrifice part of their incomes in favor of others. This is positive from the point of Christianity, not only for those who help, but for those who help. The Bible teaches us to share with our neighbors, to think not only about themselves but also about others.
For treatment of laborers, they are forbidden to hurt, it is considered a great sin. The man who runs the house, working for his benefit, hurt its just ridiculous.
Informed important rule of fair business - "better to have less of the truth than many lies" (Proverbs 16), a man must work not for the accumulation of a large number of resources, and in order to feed themselves. If the accumulation of wealth is the ultimate goal, it makes a person greedy, immoral and fortune turn into castaway junk.
Upon the sale of goods should not be preying on his neighbor and set too high a margin. Sharply condemned people who pretend to be someone else's property, "Cursed be he who violates the limits of his neighbor" (Povt.Zakonu 27:17). This is really a recognition of private property and its integrity.
At the end of the Old Testament are interesting parable:
"That's four small on the earth, but they are wiser than the wise
Ants - people not strong, but the summer accumulate food itself;
Mountain Mouse - people weak, but arrange their house upon a rock;
In locusts have no king, but it acts unanimously;
Spider taketh hold with her hands, and he is the king's apartments "(Proverbs 30).
In general, the content of the Old Testament highlight specific tips, rules and prohibitions, namely, duty physical work and spiritual, nenahromadzhennya wealth "for later", not to steal, to resolve disputes fairly, not to insult employees to engage in charity, not to infringe on someone else's property, not to be laziness.
In the New Testament provisions for farming is more radical, and set mostly in parables. Note that, according to the New Testament teachings, all life should be oriented towards virtues rewarded after life on earth, in the kingdom of God. For example: if you want to pick up a shirt to give away all my clothes, and if hit on the left cheek, you should substitute the law. Condemned accumulation of property, separation "from his others." However, clearly indicated that worker deserves food, ie one per day should make for themselves so that she had the next day.
There is the main principle, "ranks with others as I would like to do with you." Jesus taught his disciples that the rich will be difficult to go to heaven, all the poor become rich and vice versa. In the Epistle of James is a verse that many will suffer greatly because of their wealth and the wealthy should weep over their wealth: the reason for this is that people who want to be enriched, often fall into temptation, different desires, they cease to care for their spiritual condition.
Is instructive parable about money (Matthew 25: 15-29): the owner left his servants money: one five talents, the second - two, three - one. The first servant five coins earned the same amount, the second two earned two more, and the third buried his talent. When the owner returned the first servant gave ten Talanov, second - four, and the third had made and delivered only one. Owner praised the first two servants, and the third angry, and delivered him luck first servant. From this conclusion: who is trying to increase his property, and works hard for it - enriched (and worthy of praise), but he is just waiting for that fortune come themselves, shows no initiative, and lose what he has.
The necessity of humility employers servants have diligently serve the lord and rejoice with, and "lords", in turn, have rightly treat their slaves. In the modern sense is the relationship between employer and employee.
Message Timothy contains an interesting quote that hard times will come when people will be proud, proud, arrogant, conceited, sharp-tongued, rebellious, ungrateful, wicked and unfriendly, the accumulation of wealth becomes the purpose of life.
Many instructive in the parable about how people put gifts into the treasury (Luke 21). The rich put their gifts and with them put her gifts widow. She gave more than all, that gave the last, and the rich paid only a portion of its surplus to God.
Modern man often seems to live by the rules of the New Testament is impossible, because you can not give up their property, forgiven debt will not defend their rights in the work. It should be remembered while in the New Testament describes the ideal model of the world where people very close to the son of God - Jesus Christ. This economic model - a guide to modern man, something that should be pursued.
In Ukraine, the population in terms of religions represented mainly Christian denominations - Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant creeds. The economic development of the society, entrepreneurship and business activities often require violate Christian tenets.
Having data center Razumkov sharing believers determined that orthodoxy professed 67% of Ukraine's population, Catholics - 16.8% Islam - 0.8%, Judaism - 0.4% undecided - 15% [13] . Therefore, we will form a model of behavior is orthodox entrepreneur.
The purpose of the Orthodox life, as taught by the Fathers - the salvation of the soul, not the manufacture and sale of tangible goods. Having Orthodox theological works, we can distinguish three basic principles of ethical business:
1. Addicted to the economy as an art. Man creates not only because it is so desirable, it works together with God - is the basis of morality economy.
2. The work is not seen as a production process, pedagogical, educational, leading to the ultimate goal - the salvation of the soul, but has creative value.
3. Moment combination of labor and property achieved charity. It professed a dual purpose: I need help to another person so it was good not only for me but for her. This leads to social harmony and salvation. [12]
That same richness in terms of Orthodox theology, has neither money nor a blessing. This "golden nugget, which lies on the ground, and by it you can just go, and you can pick it up and" - choice makes a man Just what riches justly used a blessing.
Business in Ukraine, having the hard way in 20 years, finally "grown up" to the question of the morality business, but unfortunately it has not expanded its horizons so that design issue for society as a whole. Today, morality requires a businessman to himself he personally felt calm, peaceful sleep and have not thought about what he was doing wrong. Entrepreneurship is creating their environment - financial, business, moral and ethical.
Seventh World Orthodox Cathedral invited the faithful to live by new entrepreneurs code of ethics. This collection of rules and principles of management, based on the Biblical 10 Commandments, as well as the experience of their use Christianity.
Collect moral rules and principles describing the ideal model of management that does not exist now, but the implementation of which can and should aspire to everyday. Perhaps the reality for a long time will not match this document, but it is impossible to say that the goal of failure, as in the quest for a clean conscience and a decent life, a man with the help of God can take the most difficult ways, even if it involves such complicated spheres of human existence as the economy [8, p.16]. So:
1: Do not forget about daily bread, to remember the meaning of life. Not forgetting personal benefit, you must take care of the welfare of others, the good of society and the country.
2: Wealth - not an end in itself. It should serve the creation of a decent life and people.
3. You should always remember about the culture business relationship, this will improve human and economy.
4. Man - not "constantly working mechanism." She needs time to rest, spiritual life and creative development.
5. State, society, employers should care about the dignity of workers, and especially those who can not earn their bread.
6. Work should not kill or maim people.
7. Political and economic power should be separated. Business participation in politics can only be transparent and open.
8. Appropriating someone else's property, ignoring common, not paying employee wages, cheating partner, a man crosses the moral law, harms society and themselves.
9. In the competition can not use lies and insults, exploit the vices and instincts.
10. We respect the institution of property, the right to own and dispose of property. Immoral envy welfare close, encroach on his property.
Conclusions. Thus, the state of the economy depends on the spiritual and moral state of the individual, his desire to live according to the tenets of the Christian faith. Only a person with a good heart and bright mind, spiritually mature, hardworking and responsible, able to provide for their own economic needs, while bringing benefits to our neighbors, the people, the state.
The analysis demonstrates the failure of criticism of Christianity guidelines regarding "moral" business justification can not reply concepts and traditions thousands of years old.
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