Village of Bloomfield Board of Trustees Meeting of October 23, 2013

Present: Mayor Mark Falsone

Trustees: Francis Coleman, Dave Conklin, Clayton Barnard

Kathy Conradt, CEO Andy Hall

Guests: Judy Kwarta, Nancy Long, Diane Crowley, Peg Gochenauer, John O’Mara, Estelle Hall, Reese Davis, Nikki Every, and MP Newspaper reporter Meg Brandow.

Excused: Trustee Scott Kimball, Brian Rayburn

The meeting was opened at 5:30 pm with the pledge to the flag.

Minutes: The September minutes were approved as submitted.

Mayor’s report:

1. Following a discussion of the planning board review of a proposed concept site plan to construct a gas station on Elm St., Mayor Falsone offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Trustee Barnard:

WHEREAS pursuant to Village Law Section 7-718, the Village of Bloomfield Board of Trustees has created a planning board and the mayor has appointed the members, with trustees’ approval, and;

WHEREAS said planning board members are charged with approval of projects that may involve subdivisions, site plans and special use permits and;

WHEREAS such proposed projects can be controversial within the community and;

WHEREAS the planning board has recently reviewed a controversial concept site plan for a project proposed for Elm St. and;

WHEREAS the village board wishes to offer their vote of confidence and recognize these planning board members for their dedicated efforts;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Bloomfield Board of Trustees extends their sincere appreciation to the village planning board for their outstanding service to our community, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Board offers their full support and funding up to $5000 for legal assistance through the village attorney, or any counsel the attorney may advise, should the planning board deem it necessary.

The roll call vote was: Trustee Conklin – yes, Trustee Barnard – yes, Trustee Coleman – yes, Mayor Falsone – yes and trustee Kimball was absent and the resolution was duly adopted.

2. There is currently a vacancy on the planning board for alternate member. Gail Harrington has been interviewed by both the mayor and planning board chair. As there were no objections from the trustees, the mayor appoints Gail Harrington as alternate member for the planning board.

3. Members of the planning board and ZBA have expressed concerns for the some of the language in the Village Center District regulations. Both boards will be asked to review the law and make recommendations. A professional planner may be retained, if needed.

4. The Village Board will host a public forum to discuss ideas for development within the Village Center District and specifically the parcel at 2 Elm St.

CEO report: Andy Hall reported:

1. Discussed concerns about the Village Center District regulations

a. buildings constructed up to the road

(i) may cause line-of-site and other visibility issues

(ii) may become a public safety hazard in case of fire and would burn utility lines located in front of the building

(iii) will cause fire hydrants be located to the side of the building and less accessible

(iv) will require village DPW to remove snow at an additional cost to taxpayers

(v) may require utilities to be located under the sidewalk causing problems when repairs are needed

(vi) maintenance of properties becomes very difficult for property owners

(vii) salt and water damage is more prevalent with buildings located so close to the sidewalk and roadway

b. buildings built to the side lot lines with alleyways reduce visibility and make fire fighting for the rear of the buildings very difficult

c. language may be conflicting where a drive-thru is required to be located in the rear and parking is prohibited in the front. Pedestrian traffic across a drive-thu lane would be unsafe

2. Intersection of South Ave. and State St. has had 3 accidents within the past week. Residents are asking that DOT be contacted to further study ways to make that intersection safer. A resident has taken photographs at the scenes of the accidents that he will share with the trustees, which will be included in the letter to Mr. Greg Trost.

3. The plumbing repairs have been completed at 6 Michigan St. but a new gas line, meter and furnace must still be installed.

Clerk’s report:

1. Board reviewed financial report for September 2013. All checks exceeding $5000 included two signatures, per the new policy.

2. Abstract #5 (vouchers 99-132, B4) was audited and approved for the following amounts: General Fund $16,215.25 Water Fund $29,356.18, Sewer Fund $3,604.09, Sewer Capital Fund $8,656.70, and Trust and Agency Fund $6,295.68. The clerk declared that all goods have been received and all services have been rendered. Trustee Barnard motioned, Trustee Coleman seconded and it was unanimously carried to pay the bills as presented. Trustee Barnard declared that he audited all claims prior to the meeting.

3. Trustee Barnard motioned, Trustee Coleman seconded and it was unanimously carried to grant prior approval for payment of the credit card in the amount of $56.98 for a table and chair for the records room – if the bill is due without penalty before the November meeting.

4. Received a bill for $300 due by Nov. 15 from EBSRMSCO to modify the contract to comply with the Affordable Care Act. The broker will be contacted to discuss the bill. Trustee Coleman motioned, Trustee Barnard seconded that the bill be paid prior to the November meeting subject to the mayor’s discretion. The roll call vote was: Trustee Conklin – yes, Trustee Barnard – yes, Trustee Coleman – yes and Mayor Falsone abstained. The motion passed.

5. Received an anonymous letter sent through the mail slot in the door. Upon advise from the village attorney, the letter will not become part of the public record nor be acted upon. Mayor Falsone motioned, Trustee Coleman seconded and it was unanimously carried to declare that it is the policy of the Village of Bloomfield to accept and acknowledge only that correspondence that is signed with the name of the individual responsible, with the exception of a matter concerning public safety, at which time the mayor would contact the village attorney.

6. Attended an excellent workshop in Victor presented by Gail Fisher, regional advisor for the State Archives addressing information technology governance. Also discussed by Ontario County Clerks’ Association was a new “yellow dot” program to warn emergency medical and fire personnel of special medical conditions of a victim in a car accident. Information will be included in the next newsletter.

7. Trustee Coleman has suggested, based upon information previously reported by the clerk, that special email addresses be assigned for all board members to address official correspondence.

Public works report:

1. Water will be shut off to Pickle and Elton Parks, and making sure any meter and valve pits are ready for freezing weather.


2. There is no new news on the sewer plant project.

3. We will be cleaning some sewer mains this month that are troublesome in the cold weather in preparation for winter.

4. The inmates will be back out this month to paint another building in the WWTP, weather permitting.


5. Signs and banners will be removed prior to Halloween.

6. The radar sign is still not in. A rep from a different area will be getting us a sign.

7. The street sweeper has suffered another major failure. It would be worthwhile to make some minor repairs to get it somewhat operational and get rid of it before it fails completely. I am exploring other options for sweepers, including a possible joint ownership with the Town of E Bloomfield.

8. This month we will be getting all of the plow equipment ready for snowplowing.

WOLCDC: There will be discussion of possibly dissolving the WOLCDC due to the unfunded mandates from NY State that will usurp the limited funds previously devoted to economic development. The next meeting will be Dec. 5.

Comprehensive Plan committee: the Sept. 24 meeting was cancelled and has not been rescheduled as yet.

Recreation committee: no information

Insurance committee: Mayor Falsone reported that a meeting is set for Thursday Oct. 24 at 3pm to discuss health insurance and compliance with the Affordable Healthcare Act.

Unfinished business: The gateway sign policy is tabled until November.

New business:

1. Will set a public hearing for draft Local Law #1 of 2013 for tax cap to be held at the November meeting.

2. Judy Kwarta was present to represent St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. The Church requested, and was granted, a sign permit fee waiver in 2011. However, the sign was not constructed but the Church is prepared to construct said sign now. The mayor and trustees confirmed that the sign permit fee waiver is still valid.


1. Date for the November meeting will be Nov. 20 and date for Dec meeting will be Dec. 18

2. There will be a gathering on Dec. 1 at Mickey Finn’s at 5:30 pm. to recognize the retirement of John Champlin, Town Supervisor for the Town of West Bloomfield

Adjournment: Trustee Barnard motioned, Trustee Conklin seconded and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Conradt, Clerk