Ms. Robson’s & Mr. Wittmer’s
Algebra 1A Course Expectations
Course Description: The goal of this course is to develop an understanding of Algebra. Previous learning is reinforced as students learn and apply concepts and skills necessary for success in future Mathematics courses.
“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”~ Dr. Spock
Grades will be calculated by taking the total amount of points earned divided by the total number of possible points. Grades will include (but is not limited to): tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, material and notebook checks. Assignments will be graded using a rubric so that students can be graded on process and not simply the final answer. Testing days are Mondays and Thursdays. Students should attempt every problem and show all work to earn credit.
“80% of success is showing up” ~Woody Allen
Absences and Attendance If a class is missed due to illness or sports the student is expected to check with another student and the instructor for information regarding assignments and notifications of quizzes and tests. All assignments will be posted on the class website daily. If a student is absent due to a sport or activity, arrangements should be made in advance. Tests and quizzes should be made up within two days of the absence during study hall or resource room.
“There is no glory in practice, but without practice there is no glory” ~Unknown
Materials and Study Habits
The following is a list of items required for class each day.
● Binder with three separate sections
○ Section 1: Warm-Ups
○ Section 2: Notes/Homework
○ Section 3: Tests/Quizzes/Reviews
● TI 84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator
● Pencils/pens
-Take notes in class (note taking will be checked periodically)
-Attempt every assigned classwork and homework problem!
-Seek help when needed as soon as possible and as often as needed
-Study for tests & quizzes by reviewing class examples & class work. There will be no surprises!
Contact Information
Email: or
Phone: 215-938-0220 ext: 2213
Website: Found at Find my name under the high school staff directory.
“Your task? To work with all the passion of your being to acquire an inner light.” ~Rumi