Surname / ForenamesTitle (Mr/ Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other)
Telephone: Business / Mobile / Home
Fax / E-mail
Trading Name (if any)
Location for which consent is required
Articles to be offered for sale
Details of any vehicle to be used. Make / Reg. No.
Description of any stall, barrow, equipment to be used. (Please also attach a photograph)
What type of consent are you applying for? (please tick)
Please note – a separate license is required if you would like to sell hot food after 11.00pm. Contact Charnwood Borough Council’s Licensing Department on 01509 634622 for further information.
Annual: / Food / £1500.00per annum / Non Food / £1033.00per annum
Daily: / Food / £41.00per day / Non Food / £29.00 per day
Prices shown are correct as 1stApril 2014 to 31stMarch 2015
There is an additional charge for an electricity supply, which is as follows:
Food and refreshment units - £1.30 per electrical appliance per dayFairground rides and attractions - £5.60 per unit per day
Do you require an electricity supply? (Please tick)
Food and refreshment units – if ticked yes, how many electrical appliances?Fairground rides and attractions – if ticked yes, how many units?
All Electrical & Gas appliances must be tested & a copy of any certificates provided at the application stage.
Applicants for annual consent only
Number of days per year you intend to tradeMaximum of 263 days in 2014/15 .The list of special events is attached in a separate letter and attendance to any of these events is strictly by application.
Days of the week you intend to trade (not Thurs/Sat)
Applicants for daily consent only
Date(s) you intend to trade (not Thurs/Sat)All applicants
Proposed trading times
Details of employees:
Name / Address
Date of Birth
Name / Address
Date of Birth
Name / Address
Date of Birth
Please provide details of your past trading experience and background, information on any relevant qualifications (e.g. Food Hygiene) and give details of any unspent convictions.
I declare that the information supplied is correct and I understand that failure to disclose relevant details may lead to refusal or revocation of consent.Signed
Your attention is drawn to the conditions enclosed with this application. It is the right of Charnwood Borough Council to impose such conditions as it sees fit. Failure to comply may result in revocation of consent. Information supplied will be held on a secure database and will only be used for the purposes of managing the Street Trading Consent scheme.
STC03 1Apr2014