TITLE / Corporate mission, values and strategic objectives
PURPOSE / To propose a new mission statement and new values statement for incorporation in the integrated business plan and advise the Board of the proposed approach to development of strategic objectives.
FORMAT / Proposals for decision
  • adopt the proposed new mission and values statements subject to review following the Foundation Trust application process
  • note the approach to development of strategic objectives.


This paper proposes new corporate mission and values statements for Board adoption and describes the approach to defining strategic objectives for the integrated business plan.


The Trust Board has previously discussed the benefits of reviewing the existing corporate mission and values statements.

It is, in addition, a Department of Health/Monitor requirement that the integrated business plan, supporting the Trust’s Foundation Trust application this year, contains a statement of the corporate vision or mission (the organisation’s ultimate purpose).


The Board discussed its preferred approach to refining the mission and values statements at its Seminar on 27 February 2007. It agreed that there should be:

  • one vision/mission statement
  • one values statement
  • one set of strategic objectives.

The Board further agreed that these statements should be:

  • concise
  • easily comprehensible to a lay audience
  • expressed as clear statements of corporate intent.

Limited further comment was received from Board members subsequent to the meeting, which has been taken into account in formulating the proposed statements below.

Wider consultation has not taken place inside the Trust. There is a tension between the benefits of clear Board leadership in setting the mission and values for the organisation and the Board’s commitment to stakeholder consultation. Given that the Foundation Trust application process itself involves wide consultation on the Trust’s direction and governance, it is proposed that the Board adopt the statements below subject to review following the Foundation Trust application process.

4.Mission Statement

The mission statement describes the Trust’s vision and direction for the next ten years or more and should focus on a limited number of clear goals.

The current mission statement is,

To deliver patient services, education and research to the highest possible standards, in a sustainable manner, and with a high level of governance, by working in partnership with other organisations, by investing in our staff and by valuing diversity in everything we do.

It is proposed that a new mission statement be adopted as follows:

We will provide patient care, education and research of the highest quality.

This statement is commended to the Board for its brevity and clarity and also for its inclusiveness, in that it does not limit the scope of the Trust’s mission, either geographically or by care sector.

Some aspects of the current mission are not reflected in the proposed statement, specifically those described in the qualifying clauses of the existing statement. It is suggested that these

are essentially values which should be considered for inclusion in the Trust values statement


An organisational values statement should:

  • be attractiveto and readily understandable by stakeholders
  • encourage commitment from staff and pride in the organisation
  • provide an ethical compass to guide behaviour
  • be courageous in its aspirations.

The current values statement is,

Patient-led care

Pursuit of excellence

Positioning for the future

Performing today

It is proposed that a new values statement be adopted as follows:

We will put patients first

We will develop staff to work to the best of their abilities

We will innovate and change for the benefit of patients

We will pursue excellence in everything we do

We will respect others and treat everyone equally

We will work in partnership to improve the health and well-being of our local community

We will be accountable for our use of public resources.

This statement is commended to the Board for the following reasons:

  • it covers all the elements of the existing statement, although these are differently expressed or in some cases implied
  • it adds some key elements from the existing mission statement (specifically, values around staff development, equalities and partnership working)
  • it adds a new reference to the Trust’s role in the community
  • it re-instates (from an older values statement) a reference to the Trust’s public accountability which reflects the Board’s recent emphasis on its corporate social responsibility
  • it suggests a clear ethical stance, which is externally focused
  • it is expressed in a way which makes the statement readily applicable to any department at any level of the Trust.

6.Strategic objectives

The corporate strategic objectives will be derived from the clinical services strategy, learning and development strategy and research strategy previously approved by the Board.

The development process will encompass consistency-checking and alignment of the three strategies.

Thestrategic objectives will be incorporated into the integrated business plan and submitted for Board approval as part of that plan.


A separate exercise is under consideration to assess the need for and possible approach to branding of the Trust, including:

  • naming of the Trust and its component hospitals and services
  • other aspects of corporate image, including strap-lines and visual design elements

A report and specific proposals, if appropriate, will be brought to the Trust Board in due course.

8.Contribution to reducing health inequalities

The proposed values statement is an expression of the Trust’s commitment to improving the health of the local community and supporting equality and diversity.

9.Conclusions and recommendations

The Trust board is asked to:

  • adopt the proposed new mission and values statements, subject to review as part of the Foundation Trust application process
  • note the approach to development of strategic objectivesfollowing the integrated business plan for Foundation Trust application.

Prepared and presented by:

Robert Woolley

Director of Corporate Development

18 April 2007