Harvest Thanksgiving Mass 2014

Sacred Space

A sense of abundance is at the heart of our harvest sacred space. Use natural materials e.g., hessian, wood, baskets, rugs, a bale of straw and natural coloured cloths to enhance the produce presented. Look at what is growing at this time and make floral arrangements of branches with blackberries etc. Arrange fruits, vegetables, foliage, berries, turf, grain, etc. in the containers. Use some foliage in the porch of the church to engage people’s senses from their entrance into the space. You might like to use a banner or poster with a suitable phrase, e.g. Give thanks to him, bless his name! A basket could be set aside for people to add gifts of food to be given to those in need in the parish[St. Vincent de Paul conference might take responsibility for distribution].


All the ends of the earth

Here I am, Lord (Canaimís, 83)

Men sow the fields in the Spring (Canaimís,122)

Ag Críost an Síol (Canaimís, 13)

All the Nations of the Earth (Hymns Old & New)


Today we celebrate in thanksgiving God’s goodness to us. In particular we wish to give thanks for the fruits of this year’s harvest. As we look around us and see all the fruits of this year’s harvest, (naming some of the produce), we give thanks for the way in which God brings our efforts on the land to harvest. As we begin our Mass, we gather with those who have supported our work over the year - our families, neighbours, friends…..The harvest is a time to give thanks to the God of the harvest for God’s generosity to us, and also to give thanks for those who have supported us, and nourished our lives during the year……We take a quiet moment to call them to mind by name, and to give thanks to God for our many blessings..

Mass in missal: Various Needs and Occasions, No. 27

Readings: Readings of the Day


Lectionary Vol. III, No. 20

for Masses for Various Needs and Occasions

Prayer of the Faithful

Priest Gathered to worship our God who desires to hear all our needs, we are confident to offer our prayers.

Reader: For our Church leaders, that they may recognise the gifts and talents of others and harness them for the good of the community. Lord hear us.

Reader: For ourselves, that we may be blessed with a spirit of wonder and gratitude for the beauty all around us and a sense of responsibility for it.

Lord hear us.

Reader: For those whose crops have failed and whose harvest comes only after a struggle with the elements, that they may be filled with hope.

Lord hear us.

Reader: For all families, that they may reap the fruits of the care and concern they show in the home. Lord hear us.

Reader: For those who are sick and worried, that they may find comfort and peace in the love of those who care. Lord hear us.

Reader: For those who have laboured and toiled and who are no longer with us. We remember especially………that they may now reap the harvest of their good deeds. Lord hear us.

Priest: Almighty God, we bring our prayers and our lives before you,

knowing that you desire to share your life with us.

Hear us and be gracious in blessing us,

as we make our prayer through Christ our Lord.

All: Amen.

Preparation of the Gifts

Bread and wine are brought forward by members of the parish community

A collection could also be made for those who have not enough to eat.

Final Blessing

Priest: May the Lord bless you and keep you.

All: Amen

Priest: May his face shine upon you and be gracious to you

All: Amen

Priest: May he look upon you with kindness, and give you his peace.

All: Amen

Priest: May almighty God bless you,

the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen