Western Nevada College

Fall 2013

Math 095: Elementary Algebra


Office: Del Byassee

Office Hours:By Appointment


Phone: (775) 220-2185

Catalog Course Description: A first course in algebra. Topics covered include the fundamental operations on real numbers, first degree equations, inequalities in one variable, polynomials, integer exponents, solving quadratic equations by factoring.

Pre-requisites:Qualifying ACCUPLACER, ACT/SAT test results.

Course Outcomes: at the completion of the course students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate and apply the basic properties, and perform operations of real numbers
  • Interpret and apply rules of the order of operations involving real numbers.
  • Translate English into algebraic expressions and develop mathematical reasoning.
  • Simplify and evaluate algebraic expressions.
  • Form and solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable.
  • Solve and graph linear equations in two variables.
  • Perform the rules/properties of exponents and operations of polynomials.
  • Perform the basic polynomial factoring.
  • Solve quadratic equations by factoring.

Textbook: Introductory Algebra, Fourth edition, by Elayn Martin-Gay.

Calculator: A basic calculator is recommended for this course.

Attendance:Students are encouraged to attend every class and are responsible for all material covered in each class session.Students who attend class regularly tend to have a higher level of success.

Communications:Some class materials will be distributed via email. Students are required to send the instructor an email from your most used email account by August 29th. This email will be used to create a distribution list.

Note: It’s the student’s responsibility to be aware of drop dates and withdraw themselves from the class or you will receive a grade of F.

Ethics Statement: No cheating of any kind will be tolerated. Any student caught cheating; attempting to cheat or assisting in the cheating of another student will be expelled from the class with a grade of F.

Grading: Grades will be based on the following:

  • 60%Test Average (4 Chapter Tests at 15% each)
  • 20%Homework and Notebook. All homework is to be kept in a student notebook.
  • 20% Final Comprehensive Exam
  • Practice Exams will be given and scored for extra credit of up to 10 points toward each Exam score.

Letter grades will be assigned as follows: A: 90-100%, B: 80-89%, C: 70-79%, D: 60-69%, F: below 60%.

Makeup Exams: Make up Exams will not be given. One Exam may be missed with prior approval. The Final Exam score will counted for the missed Exam.

Responsibility Statement: Students are responsible for…

  • Attending class regularly and on time
  • In the event of an absence, determine what they missed including any syllabus revisions
  • Completing homework in a notebook and ready for review after each chapter test
  • Meeting the deadlines as specified in this course outline
  • Determining the content of course material missed due to absence
  • Their own performance in this course
  • Learning basic calculator procedures to solve problems
  • Completing homework assignments and all tests as specified
  • Participating in class discussions and activities
  • Getting help when you don’t understand something


  • Drop-in and group assistance is available at the Tutoring Center located at the Main Campus,
  • Ask questions!! Your instructor is here to help you understand and master the material.

ADA: If youhave a disability for which you will need to request accommodations, please contact the Disability Support Services office (Carson Campus, Bristlecone building, Room 103) as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations.

Student Classroom Conduct Statement: Western Nevada College encourages all students to pursue academic studies and other college sponsored activities that promote intellectual growth and personal development. Students are responsible for complying with Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) and college guidelines.WNC has an obligation to maintain conditions under which the work of the college can go forward freely, in accordance with the highest standards of quality, institutional integrity and freedom of expression. These standards, procedures for reporting infractions, and processes for addressing complaints and allegations are available on the WNC web site, college catalog and the office of the Dean of Students.

Other Issues:

Cell Phones: All cell phones are to be silenced AND out of sight during class time – this includes talking and text messaging. If you have exceptional circumstances that might require you to answer your cell phone during class, please leave the room to take the call.

E-mails: When sending me an email you need to include your name, class, section (or time). Write the email as a note or letter not a text message.

Phone-messages: When leaving me a message, state your name, class, section (or time). If leaving me a phone number to return the call – speak slowly, clearly and say the number twice.

Quality of work: When handing in assignments, make sure to include your name, class and section (or time), and the assignment number. Homework should be kept in a well organized notebook for reference when studying for exams. Your work is a reflection of yourself, your effort, and your attitude. Give your assignments your best.

Course Outline – Fall 2013

Math 095 Elementary Algebra

This outline will be followed as closely as possible. The instructor reserves the right to make changes, as they become necessary.

Meeting / Material Covered / Assignment
Meeting #1
8/27 / Introduction/Syllabus
Study skills
R.1 Factors and the least common multiple multiple
R.2 Fractions
R.3 Decimals and percents / R.1 Odd through #57
R.2 Odd through #75
R.3 Odd through #69
Meeting #2
8/29 / Fraction Workshop
Meeting #3
9/3 / 1.2 Symbols and sets of numbers
1.3 Exponents, order or operations, & variable expressions
1.4 Adding real numbers
1.5 Subtracting real numbers / 1.4 Odd through #75
1.5 Odd through #95
Meeting #4
9/5 / 1.6 Multiplying and dividing real numbers
1.7 Properties of real numbers
1.8 Simplifying expressions / 1.6 Odd through #109
1.7 Odd through #77
1.8 Odd through #57
Meeting #5
9/10 / 2.1 The addition property of equality
2.2 The multiplication property of equality / 2.1 Odd through #57
2.2 Odd through #75
Meeting #6
9/12 / 2.3 Further solving linear equations / 2.3 Odd through #63
Meeting #7
9/17 / 2.4 An introduction to problem solving
2.5 Formulas and problem solving / 2.4 Odd through #51
2.5 Odd through #55
Meeting #8
9/19 / 2.7 Linear inequalities and problem solving / 2.7 Odd through #47
Meeting #9
9/24 / Exam I Review
Meeting / Material Covered / Assignment
Meeting #10
9/26 / Exam I
Meeting #11
10/1 / 6.1 Reading graphs and the rectuangular coordinate systems
6.2 Graphing linear equations / 6.1 Odd through #55
6.2 Odd through #27
Meeting #12
10/3 / 6.3 Intercepts
6.4 Slope and rate of change / 6.3 Odd through #43
6.4 Odd through #51
Meeting #13
10/8 / 6.5 Equations of lines / 6.5 Odd through #55
Meeting #14
10/10 / 6.6 Introduction to functions
6.7 Graphing linear inequalities in two variables / 6.6 Odd through #17
6.7 Odd through #31
Meeting #15
10/15 / Exam II Review
Meeting #16
10/17 / Exam II
Meeting #17
10/22 / 3.1 Exponents / 3.1 Odd through #105
Meeting #18
10/24 / 3.2 Negative exponents and scientic notation
3.3 Introduction to polynomials / 3.2 Odd through #87
3.3 Odd through #67
Meeting #19
10/29 / 3.4 Adding and subtracting polynomials
3.5 Multiplying polynomials / 3.4 Odd through #69
3.5 Odd through #69
Meeting #20
10/31 / 3.6 Special products
3.7 Dividing polynomials / 3.6 Odd through #79
3.7 Odd through #45
Meeting / Material Covered / Assignment
Meeting #21
11/5 / Exam III Review
Meeting #22
11/7 / Exam III
Meeting #23
11/12 / 4.1 Greatest Common Factor
4.4 Factoring trinomials of the form ax^2 +bx + C by grouping / 4.1 Odd through #79
4.4 Odd through #49
Meeting #24
11/14 / 4.5 Factoring perfect square trinomials and the difference of two squares / 4.5 Odd through #69
Meeting #25
11/19 / 4.2 Factoring trinomials of the form x^2 +bx + C
4.3 Factoring trinomials of the form ax^2 +bx + C / 4.2 Odd through #57
4.3 Odd through #79
Meeting #26
11/21 / 4.6 Solving quadratice equations by factoring / 4.6 Odd through #67
Meeting #27
11/26 / 4.7 Quadratic equations and problem solving / 4.6 Odd through #13
Meeting #28
12/5 / Exam IV Review
Meeting #29
12/3 / Exam IV
Meeting #30
12/5 / Final Exam Review
Meeting #31
12/10 / Final Exam