Woodland regional

high school

Athletic Handbook


Table of Contents Page

Introduction ……………………………………………………… 2

Staff Directory ………………………………………………………. 3

Woodland Regional High School Mission

Statement ……………………………………………………. 4

Athletic Department Philosophy ……………………………………………………. 4

Expectations ………………………………………………………. 4

Athletic Department Regulations and Guidelines

Academic Eligibility Requirements ………………………………………………………. 6

Athletic Booster Club ………………………………………………………. 6

Athletic Trainer Services ………………………………………………………. 6

Attendance Policy ………………………………………………………. 7

Awards ………………………………………………………. 8

Awards Night ………………………………………………………. 9

Captains ………………………………………………………. 9

Captain’s Practices ………………………………………………………. 9

CIAC ………………………………………………………. 9

CIAC Eligibility Requirements ………………………………………………………. 10

Concussion Management and

Head Injuries ………………………………………………………. 10

Concussion Management and

Head Injuries- IMPACT ………………………………………………………. 11

Conditioning programs ………………………………………………………. 11

Conference Affiliation ………………………………………………………. 12

Conflict Resolution ………………………………………………………. 12

Directions ………………………………………………………. 12

Dismissal From Team ………………………………………………………. 12

Dress Code ………………………………………………………. 12

Equipment/Uniforms ………………………………………………………. 13

Equipment Storage ………………………………………………………. 13

Exam Schedules ………………………………………………………. 13

Fighting ………………………………………………………. 13

Hazing ………………………………………………………. 13

Injuries ………………………………………………………. 14

Insurance Coverage ………………………………………………………. 14

NCAA Requirements ………………………………………………………. 14

Out of School Conduct ………………………………………………………. 15

Participation ………………………………………………………. 15

Physical Exam Requirements ………………………………………………………. 15

Postponement of Athletic Events ………………………………………………………. 15

Preseason Parent Meetings ………………………………………………………. 16

Program Levels/JV Philosophy ………………………………………………………. 16

Schedules ………………………………………………………. 16

Season Start/End Dates ………………………………………………………. 16

Sports Offered ………………………………………………………. 17

Substance Abuse/Chemical Health ………………………………………………………. 17

Team Rosters/Tryouts ………………………………………………………. 18

Title IX ………………………………………………………. 18

Travel ………………………………………………………. 18

Weight Room/gymnasium ………………………………………………………. 18

Frequently Asked Questions ………………………………………………………. App. A

CIAC Chemical Health Policy ………………………………………………………. App. B

CIAC Concussion Management and Return

Return to Play Requirements ………………………………………………………. App. C

Woodland Regional High School’s Athletic Department extends an invitation to all students to participate in the many interscholastic athletic programs offered in the school. The information provided in this handbook is relevant to policies, regulations, and rules of Woodland Regional High School, the Region 16 Board of Education, Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (C.I.A.C.) and the Naugatuck Valley League (N.V.L.). Parents and athletes are asked to carefully read this handbook prior to the start of athletic participation at Woodland. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions about any of the policies or procedures outlined herein.

Woodland Regional High School’s Athletic Department is committed to the educational development of students and feels that a properly controlled, well-organized, sports program will meet the students’ needs for self-expression, mental alertness, and physical growth. The student athlete will learn the value of setting goals, sportsmanship, citizenship, and self-reliance. Ultimately, the athlete develops an understanding of the necessity of self-discipline and hard work to attain success. Athletes are selected for Varsity, Junior Varsity, or Freshman teams based on their demonstrated abilities. Our numerous programs are designed to accommodate as many students as possible.

Students who choose to participate in athletics are making a choice that requires self-discipline. Consequently, we place a strong emphasis on good training habits. Failure to comply with rules of training can affect an athlete’s performance and contribution to the team. Students who do not adhere to these rules will be jeopardizing their participation in the program. They should be aware that involvement in athletics is a privilege, not a right.

Woodland Regional High School takes great pride in its athletic program. I invite you to become an integral part of Woodland’s athletic family. Remember, student-athletes are role models for others and consequently, should set a good example for others.

I welcome you to “the Woods!”


Brian Fell


Woodland Regional High School Phone: (203) 881-5551

135 Back Rimmon Road Fax: (203) 881-2015

Beacon Falls, CT 06403 Web address: www.region16ct.org

Principal: Mr. Kurt Ogren e-mail:

Assistant Principal: Ms. Dana Mulligan e-mail:

Assistant Principal/Athletic Director: Mr. Brian Fell e-mail:

Athletic Department Secretary Mrs. Jill Spiwak e-mail:

Athletic Department Phone: (203) 881-9694

Athletic Department Fax: (203) 881-9709

Athletic Trainer: Ms. Caitie Moulton:

School Nurse: Mrs. Mary Christiano

Head Coaches

Boys Girls Coed

Baseball Mike Kingsley

Basketball Tom Hunt Jessica Moffo

Cheerleading Leigh Graveline

Cross Country Jeff Lownds Jeff Lownds

Dance Marissa DeCola

Football Tim Phipps

Golf Bill Carangelo

Indoor Track Tim Shea Jeff Lownds

Soccer Tony Moutinho Caitlin Witham

Softball Loren Luddy

Swimming/Diving Tom Currier Mike Magas

Tennis Mike Magas Jess DeGennaro

Track & Field Tim Shea Jeff Lownds

Unified Sports George Meyers

Volleyball Jim Amato

Weightlifting Chris Moffo


Woodland Regional High School is a community of learners aspiring to develop citizens who are active and productive members of an ever-changing world. Together, in a climate of mutual trust and respect, we will create opportunities for students to acquire, analyze, and apply knowledge.


· Be truthful and communicate honestly.

· Be responsible and accountable for your actions.

· Respect and encourage everyone's right to teach and learn at all times.

· Be actively engaged in the learning process by asking questions, collaborating and seeking answers.

· Be appropriate: demonstrate behavior that is considerate of the learning community, campus and yourself.

Athletic Department Philosophy

Woodland Regional High School’s Athletic Department’s mission is to provide a comprehensive, diverse, wholesome, and dynamic program consistent with the basic philosophy of Regional School District #16. As an integral part of a student’s total education, Woodland’s athletic program makes a significant contribution to the personal growth and development of those involved.

Although Woodland High School looks forward to the success of its many programs, it does not condone a “win at all cost” attitude. The purpose of the program is to ensure a positive experience for those students who choose to participate. Another goal is to provide all student-athletes with an opportunity to learn the importance of ethical behavior, good sportsmanship, positive values, and a realization of their self-worth. Woodland Regional High School seeks to produce well-rounded individuals with interests and abilities in many areas.

Specialization in one sport during the middle school and high school years to the exclusion of others or other equally valuable activities is not encouraged.

Woodland’s Athletic Department has a professional staff that takes great pride in both preserving and promoting the welfare of each athlete. The staff is cognizant of the tremendous influence a coach has on an athlete and is committed to instilling the highest ideals and character traits in our students.


Student Athletes:

Woodland Regional High School expects a high standard of conduct from all players, parents and spectators at athletic contests. As members of a team, a student athlete serves as a role model. They are admired and respected by many, including younger athletes and their behavior and actions often have a significant impact on others. The student athlete plays an essential role in the promotion of sportsmanship and they must accept the responsibility to always display high standards of sportsmanship. Athletes must realize that often more is expected of them than other students. All student-athletes and team managers are expected to:

· Conform to all rules set forth by Woodland Regional High School, the athletic department/team, the Naugatuck Valley League (NVL) and the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Association (CIAC).

· Adhere to the laws established by local, state and federal governments.

· Understand the importance of academics and strive to maintain a satisfactory performance in the classroom.

· Accept the responsibility and privilege the student athlete has in representing their school and community.

· Demonstrate respect for self, coach, teammates, opponents, officials and spectators by exhibiting good character and conducting themselves as a positive role model.

· Refrain from using profanity or obscene language or gestures.

· Win with dignity and lose with grace.

· Have a thorough knowledge of and abide by all rules of the game.

· Work for the good of the team at all times.

· Show good sportsmanship toward officials, coaches, spectators, and fellow athletes.

· Play fair, play hard, and put forth their best effort in practice and in competition.

Athletes who fail to comply with these expectations may face disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal from their team.


Attendance at athletic events at Woodland High School is a privilege. Students, parents and the community are encouraged to attend and support the athletes in the school. It is their responsibility as spectators to adhere to the expectations set forth by the athletic department. Spectators are expected to:

· Conform to all rules set forth by Woodland Regional High School, the athletic department/team, the Naugatuck Valley League (NVL) and the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Association (CIAC).

· Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials as impartial applications of the rules.

· Refrain from criticizing, demeaning or embarrassing players, coaches, officials, or other spectators.

· Demonstrate good sportsmanship.

· Never target anyone for abuse whether physical, verbal or emotional.

· Refrain from using profanity or obscenities.

· Support their own team through appropriate cheers and enthusiasm.

· Cheer for their own team and not against the opponent.

· Accept with dignity the outcome of the contest whether won or lost.

· Make an effort to know and understand the rules of the game.

· Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.

· Be considerate of injured players from both teams and not encourage rough play.

Spectators who fail to comply with these expectations may be asked to leave the competition area and may be denied the privilege of attending future athletic events.


Being a parent of an athlete can be a time consuming and difficult position but often offers tremendous reward. Parents are encouraged to support their children’s athletic endeavors and recognize the importance of athletics in their children’s lives. It is their responsibility to adhere to the expectations set forth by the athletic department. All parents are expected to:

· Conform to all rules set forth by Woodland Regional High School, the athletic department/team, the Naugatuck Valley League (NVL) and the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Association (CIAC).

· Understand that academics are a priority over athletics and emphasize successful classroom performance.

· Support and be enthusiastic about their child’s chosen sport.

· Be positive and help their child understand the benefits of athletic participation regardless of contest results or individual performance.

· Insist their child abide by the expectations of the athletic department and by team rules.

· Express any concerns about their child’s participation in a rational and appropriate manner.

· Encourage their child to play for the love of the game.

· Encourage fair play.

· Encourage their child to do the best they can regardless of ability.

· Respect the actions and decisions of the coaches with regard to contest strategy, their child’s playing status, and playing time.

· Avoid “coaching” their child from the stands or sidelines.

Academic Eligibility Requirements

Student eligibility will be determined by the CIAC criteria. Academic eligibility for fall sports is determined by successfully accumulating four credits toward graduation in the preceding school year. Failures made up in summer school (or in an approved tutorial) are acceptable. A student enrolling in ninth grade for the first time will be eligible for the first quarter regardless of previous academic achievement. Eligibility in fall sports is reviewed again at the completion of the first marking period with the continuation in their fall sport dependent on the athlete having passed four courses effective the day report cards are issued.

Academic eligibility to begin competition in the winter season is also based on successful progress (70 or better) in four courses for first quarter. Continuation in a winter sport after the end of the first semester is dependent on successful progress during the second quarter, and is based on second quarter grades at the time report cards are issued, not semester or exam grades.

Academic eligibility to begin competition in the spring season is based on successful progress (70 or better) in four courses for second quarter. Continuation in a spring sport after the end of the third quarter is dependent on successful progress during the third quarter, and is based on those grades at the time report cards are issued.

Students who are ineligible for competition at the start of a season may become eligible during the season. In these cases, at the discretion of the coach an athlete may begin competition for a team whose season is in progress. For teams that conduct tryouts as a condition of qualifying for a roster spot, the athlete will be required to meet the same tryout conditions as other team members and may be subject to cuts. Prior to participation in any contest, previously ineligible athletes must first practice in a team setting for a minimum of 15 practices. At the discretion of the coach, and providing all other conditions for participation have been met, these 15 practices may occur before the athlete becomes eligible

Students who are academically ineligible for winter season weightlifting (based on second quarter grades) may participate in weightlifting activities as follows:

· First time found ineligible- may fully participate in weightlifting but MAY NOT participate in any outside competitions.

· Second and subsequent times found ineligible- may not participate in ANY weightlifting activities until third quarter grades show that the student has re-established eligibility.

Students who are academically ineligible for spring season football (based on third quarter grades) may participate in spring football as follows:

· First time found ineligible- may fully participate in spring practices but MAY NOT participate in the black/gold game.

· Second and subsequent times found ineligible- may not participate in ANY spring football activities, but may participate in fall football if normal fall eligibility requirements are met.

Athletic Booster Club

A Woodland Regional High School Athletic Booster Club is a non-profit organization established for the purpose of augmenting the Board of Education budget in the area of athletics. Each sport offers its own branch of the booster club dedicated to enhancing the athletic experience for the athletes in that particular sport. The boosters conduct extensive fundraising and have contributed thousands of dollars to the athletic program including equipment, special opportunities for athletes, and scholarships. Parents are encouraged to become active members of a booster club and should contact the athletic office for information.

Athletic Trainer Services

Athletic trainer services are provided for Woodland student-athletes by Catie Moulton, ATC, from Advanced Physical Therapy located in Prospect. A certified athletic trainer will be on-site for most home contests and away varsity football games. The athletic trainer is contracted out by Advanced Physical Therapy and will be present after school hours through most of the in-season varsity team practices. The athletic trainer will work on a walk-in basis and student-athletes are encouraged to visit with the athletic trainer for any and all injuries. The athletic trainer is available and free of charge for all Woodland student-athletes. There will be instances where the student-athlete’s injury might require further medical assistance and the athletic trainer will facilitate this process. Further medical assistance could consist of, but is not limited to, the emergency room, walk-in clinic, specialist, or family physician. Payment for such additional treatment is covered in this handbook under “Insurance Coverage”. In the case where the athletic trainer would like a “second opinion” from either another athletic trainer or a physical therapist, the student-athlete might be referred out to Advanced Physical Therapy. This service will be free of charge. Any and all head injuries should be reported to the athletic trainer and will be treated accordingly. Please see “Concussion Management and Head Injures” in this handbook for additional information regarding seeing the athletic trainer about a head injury.