Triumph Owners Motor Cycle Club –Royal Berkshire Branch

Committee Meeting Notes

Tuesday 4th March 2014


The BCSA, James Lane, Burghfield at 2030hrs

1. Introductions / Committee Members present:

Don MacLean, David Holland, Mike Ryall, Mick Billing, Steve Butcher, Bob Cromwell.

2. Apologies: None.

Branch Members, Show Committee & Guestspresent:None.

3. Accuracy of AGM Minutes:AGM Minutes not available, to be distributed within 7 days (post meeting note: circulated as directed on 5th Mar and hard copy supplied to M Billing 6th Mar, feedback awaited – Bob Cromwell)

4. Committee Reports:

4.1Chairman: Welcome to attendees,

4.2Vice-Chairman: General discussion over Show tee-shirts and nature of gloss material used in print process, new sample to be obtained (Action: Steve Butcher),

4.3Secretary: Brief discussion over new member details provision to Scribe.

4.4Treasurer: Cheque awaited from HQ re Branch renewals (post meeting note: Cheque now received, adjusted for outstanding fees from Branch, Action Closed),

4.5Social Secretary: Advised the BCSA has been provisionally booked for the 2014 Christmas Dinner @ £16.50 a head for 20th December 2014. Additional charge for Disco / Band, and accommodation to be identified in due course. Some discussion over lack of accommodation on site. Show tee-shirts on-going, Khaki is fine, details of text and colour need further work (Action: Steve Butcher),

4.6Scribe: Details of new committee provided to Webmaster and request for coloured image made for Nacelle Branch Report heading. Dave Holland will try to locate green / silver electronic version (Action: Dave Holland),

4.7Runs Co-coordinator:Discussion over runs listing, Mike Ryall suggested more input from the general membership would be useful rather than let any decisions be made just by the committee. This could be achieved by co-opting certain active members from the general membership in the discussions from time to time(Action: Mike Ryall, on-going),

4.8Tools Registrar: N/A, carried forward to next meeting,

4.9MAG Representative: Reminder over Reading Bike Awareness Day 5th April 2014, requests for assistance, noted by all,

4.10Clubs Liaison Officer: now collective function,

5.Matters Arising:

5.1Mid-Summer BBQ19th June 2014: Bob Cromwell and Steve Butcher to organize, Bob Cromwell to purchase food etc, Derek Young to be contacted to provide BBQ unit. Carried forward,

5.2Old Bike Gathering Saturday 21st June 2014:

a. Classes and Trophies: Four classes as previous years, Best in Show, Best Triumph, Best Foreign and Best Special. Some discussion over Best Special, but it was agreed to take forward. Trophies to be manufactured by Paul Mansfield, with Mick Billing to provide Badges (Action Paul Mansfield and Mick Billing),

b. Purchase of Trophies: See a,

c. Organization: Not discussed, carried forward,

6.Classic and Custom Bike Show 26th July 2014:

a. Sub-committee: Roles responsibilities sheet requested from Dave Holland (Action Dave Holland),

b. Flyers, Invitations, promotion and replies: Cards produced and distributed, scanned flyer requested for distribution by Dave Holland (Action Bob Cromwell),

c. Layout of Show: carried forward, discussion over re-location to BCSA,

d. Trophies and Regalia: Discussion over availability of metal for trophies, checks to be made, but no action placed,

e. PA System: Dave Holland advised to be supplied as normal by John Brown (MAG),

f. Abbey RFC Liaison: Discussion over unacceptably poor quality of food, to be raised with ARFC. Mick Billing ordered Saturday night fish and chips for the event via Bob Cromwell!!. Consideration to be given to relocating the event to BCSA, as south of Reading, carried forward.

g. Manor Café: Dave Holland expressed concerns over their involvement, management skills and contribution. Mike Ryall counseled continued involvement to bringing in more riders on the day. No actions placed,

h. Entertainment: Band booked for Saturday Night (Action Steve Butcher), no music Friday night. General appeal for more stands for the day (Action All),

7.Branch Website; Paul Ralph, noted, much improved of late, with quicker updates,

8.Branch Stand at MAG Easter Show: Agreed, contact to be made with Derek Young to confirm arrangements, On-going,

9.Christmas Party: Refer to paragraph 4.5,

10.AOB: Discussion over attendance at AGM over at Guildford,

Meeting Closed 10:10pm.