HF Net -- OPEN

Good evening. Welcome to the Parma Radio Club 10 meter net. My name is (name)______, (call) ______. We'll be using the club's call for the net, Whiskey-Eight-Papa-Romeo-Charlie, W8PRC. This net meets every Thursday at 9 PM on this frequency, plus or minus a 5 kilohertz if this frequency is in use.

This net meets for the purpose of fellowship, exchange of technical information and anything you'd like to discuss. You don't have to be a club member to participate.

We also have a VHF/UHF net that meets every Tuesday at 9 PM on 145.410 mHz. The repeater is a linked repeater, so you can check-in from other bands. For full detail on the nets, our meeting time and location and other information about the PRC go to and enter W8PRC in the search box. Or go to

Lets get started with our first check-ins tonight. This is W8PRC.



We have an informative email reminder that is sent prior to each meeting. If you'd like to receive the e-minder, write us at .



The Parma Radio Club meets the 1ST and 3RD Monday of the month at the Busch Community Room, 7501 Ridge Road in Parma, just south of Pleasant Valley Road at 7 PM. Everyone is welcome. You do not need to be a member or a licensed amateur.



This has been the Parma Radio Club 10 meter net. We meet every Thursday at 9 PM EST on 28.460 mHz. I want to thank everyone for joining us tonight. It's always a pleasure. Invite a friend to join our net or to attend a PRC meeting. We send out an informative e-minder prior to each meeting. To be on the email list write . Our web site is Until next time-- 73, have a pleasant evening and a good day tomorrow. Until next time this is (name) (call) signing clear for W8PRC and returning the frequency to normal use.



Good evening. Welcome to the Parma Radio Club FM net. We meet every Tuesday at this time. My name is ______, and my call is ______. For the net we’ll be using the Club’s call sign, W8PRC -- Whiskey Eight Papa Romeo Charlie.

This is a directed net – all communication should be directed through this net control station. If you’d like to have a direct conversation with another station, just say “contact” and you will be recognized.

This net meets every Tuesday at 9PM on this frequency. It can be heard and accessed from several bands via a sophisticated linked repeater system owned and operated by Mark, KB8RST and Mike, KB8WLW. We appreciate the use of their system.

Detailed information on the many input and listening frequencies of this repeater are on our web site,, under NETS.

If you can’t stay with us for the entire net, just say “in and out” or “just listening.”

In checking in please give your call sign phonetically and slowly as well as your name and location. I’ll take up to 5 check-ins at a time. Remember to wait for a beep before you key up.

I’ll stand by now for the first 5 check-ins. This is W8PRC.

PROMOS (drop these in when time permits)


We have an informative email reminder that is sent prior to each meeting. If you'd like to receive the e-minder, write us at .

The PRC’s has a new web site. Check it out at



The Parma Radio Club meets the 1ST and 3RD Monday of the month at the Busch Community Room, 7501 Ridge Road in Parma, just south of Pleasant Valley Road at 7 PM. Everyone is welcome. You do not need to be a member or a licensed amateur.


The complete PRC program schedule is posted on our new web site. More programs and events will be added but its very much up to date. Check it out at



This has been the Parma Radio Club FM net. This net meets every Tuesday at 9 pm on this frequency. The next PRC net will be on 10 meters, Thursday at 9 pm on 28.460. mhz. The PRC meets meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at the Busch community room, 7501 ridge road in Parma, just south of pleasant valley road at 7 pm. Information about the Parma Radio Club is available at

Or write and request the PRC e-minder. Until next time this is (name) (call) signing clear for W8PRC and returning the frequency to normal use.