Tribal Law Basics for Legal Writing
Stetson Webinar:Teaching the Basics of Tribal Law in First-Year Legal Research and Writing
September 24, 2012 / Tonya Kowalski
Professor of Law
Washburn University School of Law
- William C. Canby, Jr., American Indian Law in a Nutshell (5th ed. West 2009)
- Matthew L. M. Fletcher, American Indian Tribal Law (Wolters Kluwer 2011)
- Stephen L. Pevar, The Rights of Indians and Tribes: The Authoritative ACLU Guide to Indian and Tribal Rights (NYU Press 2004)
- Justin B. Richland & Sarah Deer, Introduction to Tribal Legal Studies (2d ed., AltaMira Press 2010)
Articles on Tribal Law in LRW Courses
- Barbara P. Blumenfeld, Integrating Indian Law into a First Year Legal Writing Course, 37 Tulsa L. Rev. 503 (2001)
- Tonya Kowalski, Demarginalizing Tribal Law in Legal Writing, 25:2 The Second Draft 12 (Fall 2011), available at
- Tonya Kowalski, The Forgotten Sovereigns, 36 Fla. State U.L. Rev. 765 (2009)
- Samantha Moppett, Acknowledging America's First Sovereign: Incorporating Tribal Justice Systems into the Legal Research and Writing Curriculum, 35 Okla. City U.L. Rev. (2010)
Articles on Tribal and Diverse Law Across the Curriculum
- Cynthia Ford, Integrating Indian Law into a Traditional Civil Procedure Course, 46 Syracuse L. Rev. 1243 (1996)
- Carole Goldberg, Critique by Comparison in Federal Indian Law, 82 N.D. L. Rev. 719, 727-35 (2006)
- Helen Hershkoff, Integrating Transnational Legal Perspectives into the First Year Civil Procedure Curriculum, 56 J. Legal Ed. 479 (2006)
- Aliza Organick, Tribal Law and Best Practices in Legal Education: Creating a New Path for the Study of Tribal Law, 19 Kan. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 63 (2009)
- Frank Pommersheim, “Our Federalism” in the Context of Federal Courts and Tribal Courts: An Open Letter to the Federal Courts’ Teaching and Scholarly Community, 71 U. Colo. L. Rev. 123 (2000)
Articles on Teaching Cultural Literacy
- Susan Bryant, The Five Habits: Building Cross-Cultural Competence in Lawyers, 8 Clinical L. Rev. 33 (2001)
- Susan Bryant & Jean Koh Peters, Five Habits for Cross-Cultural Lawyering (last accessed June 6, 2011)
- Nelson P. Miller and Tracey Brame, Equality as Talisman: Getting Beyond Bias to Cultural Competence as a Professional Skill, 25 T.M. Cooley L. Rev. 99 (2008)
- Antoinette Sedillo López, Making and Breaking Habits: Teaching (and Learning) Cultural Context, Self-Awareness, and Intercultural Communication Through Case Supervision in a Client-Service Legal Clinic, 28 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol’y 37 (2008)
- Carwina Weng, Multicultural Lawyering: Teaching Psychology to Develop Cultural Self-Awareness, 11 Clinical L. Rev. 369 (2005)
- In Time, Culturally Responsive Teaching:
- Legal Writing Institute Diversity Initiatives Committee:
- National Center for Cultural Competence:
- National Indian Law Library:
- National Indian Law Library, Indian Law Reporter: Cumulative Subject Index to Tribal Court Cases,
- Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project:
- Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER):
- Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University Ross Blakley Law Library—Indian Law Portal:
- Tribal Court Clearinghouse, Tribal Court Decisions:
- Turtle Talk: (blog)
- United States Peace Corps Paul D. Coverdell, Culture Matters Workbook,
- Westlaw Tribal Court Opinion Databases: Oklahoma Tribal Court Reports (OKTRIB-CS), West’s American Tribal Law Reporter – Headnotes (AMTRIB-HN)