Tri-State Executive Board
Conference Call
February 7, 2017 – 10:00 a.m.
Members Present:
Chris Zimmerman, Marie Janiszewski, Tisa Silver, Aristea Williams, Andrew Harvey, Beth McSweeney, Danette Burgess, Melanie Mason, Sarah Mariner, Detra Hooper, Andrea Cipolla, Holly Hawkins, Patrick Moore, Jennifer Sandler, Elizabeth Urbanski, Donna Thomas
Keia Brown, Susan Erb, Amy Spinnato
Call to Order (Chris Zimmerman) 10:03 am
- Announcement (Call Out) will go out to membership for nominations
- Results of Election will be announced at Spring Training
- Cutting voting window from 4 weeks to 2 weeks.
- Open Positions: Secretary/Treasurer/Chair elect
Committee Updates
Nominations & Elections (Amy Spinnato)
See notes above
Chair Elect (Aristea Williams)
- Site selection for fall conference 2018
- Visit near National Harbor and southern MD (MGM and Gaylord) Aristea and Andrea
- Kent Manor Inn (Tues/Wed - June 6-7 2017) Executive Board Retreat (will need deposit)
- Look for better flow/continuity (meeting/dinner/ new board for 2nd day)
- 2018 Neophyte location – Wisp Resort (Oct); have meeting spaces and residential and also use Garrett College classrooms for free and also catering services.; Also the Double Tree in Annapolis; other smaller venue idea – let them know (Chesapeake Beach Hotel – enough room for classrooms – Chris will look into logistics). (having it away from the metro area) (visits to come – Melanie would like to go as well)
- Committee Chair – Stay on or new people/nominate…let her know her interest by next week so she can reach out to others
Vice Chair (Andrea Cipolla)
- Bank of American/Wells Fargo ; fraud check will not be covered – looking into what we need to do
- Dave – contacted about Taxes
Secretary (Marie Janiszewski )
- Business meeting minutes from Fall 2015 conference will be posted
- Minutes from Fall 2016 Conference will be sent out shortly for review; will be approved at next meeting
Treasurer (Holly Hawkins)
- Check on payments for verification training (hasn’t gotten 43; 25 payment reminders will go out; some may have been sent to the mailbox or will be bringing the check.
- Reimbursement that was sent yesterday will be processed today
Delaware President (Patrick Moore)
- R2T4 workshop – working on a date (market to DE group, if room open it up to more); April or May – Craig Rory to present
District of Columbia President (Danette Burgess)
- Coats and Socks (Elementary School in DC)were delivered – visit went really well; offer FA night to staff or parents who have older kids; open to other suggestions to help
Maryland President (Sarah Mariner)
- HS Guidance Counselor workshops wrapped up in January
- Event: Coat Drive – supported 2 organizations (Charm City Warmth and Sarah’s House)
- Spring Events:
- 4/2 - Red Shoe Shuffle (8 members on the team so far)
- May/June – Diversity Workshop – Mental Health Issue
- Business Communications Training – Join Spring Training planning -
- MD Food Bank – hard time getting a date (popular place) Pat is working on securing)
Conference Committee (Amy Spinnato & Tisa Silver)
Electronic Services & Technology (Tisa Silver)
- Job board is up to date
- Nominations being updated and will go out to membership
- Scholarships will be updated shortly
- 80 registered attendees – survey result @ 30% responded (conference communications went out early enough; more day to day FA
- Satisfied with Hotel and Food
- Wi-Fi unreliable
- Overall positive
- Should have come in underbudget for conference
Scholarships & Awards (Detra Hooper)
- Email out to those interested to join the committee
- Awards given out at fall conference
- Scholarship applications updated – 17/18 posted on website; Announcement on FB; FA Directors to get applications
- Committee Meeting in April with Decisions in May for Scholarships (giving out 6 scholarships)
Social Media & Newsletter(Keia Brown)
Not on the call
Federal Relations/Co-Chair(Andrew Harvey)
- Report posted
- Selected On NASSFA – Advocacy Pipeline – speaking to legislators (this week); NASFFA Leg priority handouts….will help us with our info
- March Date not going to work; secure a new date and make appointments with legislators and also visit MD House (not sure if they will be same day or separate visit); working with Patrick to arrange a DE leg visit too – details will come out shortly
Historian (Danette Burgess)
- Anniversary (50th)– coming up - doing something special – adhoc committee?
- Payment to historic society
Long Range Planning (Elizabeth Urbanski )
- Close to finish with draft survey (to be reviewed) and get it out in the Spring
Membership(Susan Erb)
Not on call
PD & T Chair/Co-Chairs (Melanie Mason & Donna Thomas)
- Planning 2/23 Verification Training (Angie and Cissy) will be providing lunch; 43 registered so far
- Cancel winter training (low registration)
- March 30th Spring training (trying to secure room at AACC or other alternative (FCC/Hagerstown/AACC Arundel Mills); focus on agenda – they will come
Organization & Governance (Jennifer Sandler)
- (Moving to position at UMBC)
- Not a lot to report at this time
Development(Beth McSweeney)
- Posted minutes
- Meeting of business partners at Conference;
- Good: Vending areas; meeting with schools
- Concerns: Attendance #; Who is attending – what is going on? (costs, something more?) Good bang for buck; other tracks (directors/business offices); Survey – what driving to attend and send? Register incentive? East/West trainings (location)?
- Discussion of Regional/National conferences – changes in those dates may affect State conferences…no decisions made yet
- Move date b/c of FAFSA? Business partners changes- how it affects sponsorships
- “Thought Groups” developed to work with NAFSSA to discuss topics (Chris)
Old Business
No Old Business
New Business
- Fall Conference Contract (Fall 2017) (Tri State responsible $) Prices listed for 2015 and they will honor that amount (don’t anticipate change)
- Room Reservations – no minimum; honor that rate until one week out from conference
- Conference Committee will take on more
- Motion to move forward with contract - Andrea Cipollafirst; Beth McSweeney second; All in favor –yes
- $1000 deposit with contract (Chris work with Holly)
Next Meeting is at TBD/within week (10 am -2 pm) Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Motion to end the Call (11:21 am)
- 1stLiz Urbanski
- 2ndJennifer Sandler
- All in favor - yes
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