
This document has been created to help you practice your editing skills and to provide a summary for you. Edit the changes in it by following the instructions in each paragraph in order. Then you may make any other changes, add any text to it, and change it in any way that pleases you.

When you are finished, you may want to close it without saving the changes or save it with a new name, so that you can come back to the document at a future time for more practice.

Begin b edtin the mispelld wordddsin thes pargraph. To insert ltters, position he I-beam wher you wint the litter added, click the moose buton to plaece te inserton point their, nd type th letter or leters to be addeddd. Notice thet yu can moove the I-beam anewhere, and the insertion point remanes in place. Youmust clicking the mouse button to position the insertion point. Insertingspaces isjust lik

Insertingletters,butyoutype a space ratherthan a letter. To deeleete letters, position the insert point at the right ofthelettrer or letttters to be deeleeted, thin press the Backspace key or place the insert point on thhhe leetter and press the Delete key. To replace lebbers or words garbage, you can first delete,k then type. Or you can take a shortcut—select the lebbers or parawordsgraphs that are rong, then type Remebeer. T to select text, grage the I-beam across the text while holeing the moosebutton down. Or for shortcuts; two clicks to select a sword, a click in the left margarine to selectect a lin, and three chicks to select a paragraf,

Continue to edit any earors you see as you work.

Now try adding some paragraph return markers: Make each instruction (To…) above a separate paragraph. To add a return marker, position the insertion point whair you wwont the paragraf to begin and press the Enter key. Remember that if you want to see ther paragraph markers, you can chosse Show/Hide from the Standard Toolbar or choose Options from the Tools menu and in the view tab select the nonprinting characters you wish to view.

Next, copy the last sentence of this paragraph. To copy text,.,.,. select the text, then choose copy from the Shortcuts or the Edit menu.

Paste the sentence now on the clipboard immediately before this sentence. To paste text, position the insertion point in the location where you want the text, then choose Paste from the Shortcuts or the Edit menu. (Yes, you can put it on the same line, before “Paste” by putting the insertion point there). Be careful—remember that the text will be inserted at the insertion point (or in place of selected text), not at the I-beam—click the I-beam, to position the insertion point.

Edit the pasted sentence: change “copy” to “cut” and change “Copy” to “Cut”.

Delete the first sentence of the paragraph beginning “Next… “ and the sentence beginning “Paste…” of the paragraph after that. Delete everything in this paragraph and prior paragraph.

At this point you should have a series of paragraphs beginning “To…” in this document. Space the paragraphs evenly—add or delete paragraph markers so that you have on blank line between each. To delete a paragraph marker, position the insertion point at the beginning of the next line and press the Backspace key (or Show/Hide nonprinting characters, position the insertion point on the paragraph marker and press the Delete key).

Delete the first two sentences of the paragraph above this one. The , select the first phrase of one of the paragraphs beginning “To… .” Use the Style Shortcuts to emphasize the phrase. If you wish, use the Size Shortcuts, as well. Repeat for each “To” paragraph.


To select text, position the I-beam at one end of the text you want to select and drag the I-beam, with the mouse button down, to the other end. Notice that when you drag the mouse you can go all ‘round Robin’s barn if you wish—you don’t have to stay right along a line. If you go off the edge of the window, the window will scroll—and if you go off the opposite edge, it will scroll back. What counts is where you finally release the mouse. Select the paragraph before this by draggin up, down, and around the screen. Delete the paragraph when you are done.

You can also select ext by clickinging at one end of the text you want to sdelect and clickinging with the Shirt key held doowowwn at the other end.

Select portions of the text or all the text if you wish (Slect All on the Edit menu or clicking three times in the left margin), and try different fonts.

Move the first three paragraphs of this document to the end of the document by either cutting and pasting or dragging and dropping.

Move “Hints” (above this paragraph) to the beginning of this document. (Position the I-beam before the first word to paste.)

Finish editing the document: correct any typin or grammar; errors you see, delete any unnecessary unnecessary unnecessary text, arrange paragraphs in an order that makes sense to you (such as all select information together), and add any other instructions that might help to remind you dow to edit.

If you would like to keep this summary for future reference, use Save As… on the File menu to save this document with the name Edit Summary on your Data Disk. As you progress through the book you will be able to add more hints, to improve the document format, and to print the document.

Close this document when you are finished with it—click on the close box on the right end of the Title bar or choose Close from the File menu.