Date: Thursday, March 17, 2005

Time: 3:00 pm

Members Present: Ray Allen, Scott Brabham, Margaret Brickman, Galen DeHay, Tracy

Ethridge, Cathy Ford, Blair Hinson, Richard Kingman, Suzanne Konieczny, LouAnn Martin, Robin McFall, Amoena Norcross, Ross Wagenseil

Members Absent: Cris Bailey, Katy Goforth, James Haney, Sheila Harbin, Julia

Jackson, Lynn Lollis, Julie Vernon

Guest: Edie Hardin

Submitted by: Tracy L. Ethridge




+/- GRADING – Robin McFall

Positive Issues:
·  May be beneficial to students
·  Rewards student that is close
·  Distinguishes between an 80 and 89 / Negative Issues:
·  Results from Wake Forest model: not likely to change grade more than .08
·  More grade inflation – inflates D students and deflates A and B students down from grade they would be able to earn
·  Question of ‘what is a B+? 88 or 89?
·  Negative impact on financial aid – ex. LIFE scholarship

·  Questions:

o  Why don’t we just give number grades?

o  What impact +/- grading would have on different types of financial aid?

·  Robin asked if we had to adopt one of the two options listed on the Horry-Georgetown memo, which one would we choose? Majority of senators would choose the following with some adjustments.

A+ = 4.00
A = 4.00
A- = 3.70 / B+ = 3.30
B = 3.00
B- = 2.70 / C+ = 2.30
C = 2.00
C- = 1.70 / D+ = 1.30
D = 1.00
D- = .70
F = 0.00

·  At this time, only one senator would vote to try the +/- grading system.

RELAY FOR LIFE – Edie Hardin

·  May 6 - 7, 2005, 7:00 pm to 7:00 am

·  Edie wants all full-time and part-time faculty and staff to participate in “Penny War”

o  Each employee would receive a jar to drop contributions – anything other than pennies would be considered a “negative”

o  Edie will collect money from jars once a week from drop-off points

o  Goal -= $4000

o  E-mail Edie at if you wish to participate in the “Penny War”

o  Winner will get to kiss a pig

o  “Penny War” contest runs through April 13th

·  TCTC Existing Teams:

o  Nursing

o  CRJ

o  Scott Harvey

o  Croslina Johnson

o  SGA

·  SGA is selling “In Honor of” and “In Memory of” tags and luminary bags

·  SGA is also selling bracelets for $2 - $1 goes to national organization, the other $1 stays with the Anderson organization


·  Calendar committee intends to survey (10 questions) students during the 11:15 MWF and 11:10 TR class periods

·  Committee also intends to survey faculty and staff

·  Senators’ thoughts:

o  “It reeks of High School”

o  If we have to keep it, then move it to 12:45 TR timeslot.

o  Move it to afternoon – but then it would affect lab classes

o  Benefit of scheduling meetings


·  Forms to make changes to courses and certificates should be available within two to three weeks

·  Forms to make changes to diploma and degree programs will be available later


·  A motion was made that Robin take some suggestions/questions to the Academic Delivery Committee

·  A motion with the following suggestion/questions was passed:

o  Give evaluations the last week of classes or two weeks prior to the end of classes

o  Investigate automating the evaluations on Campus Pipeline or on Scantron forms to easily tally

o  Why do all faculty (full and part-time) not get feedback from evaluations?

o  Stratified sample suggestion

o  How are evaluations REALLY used?


·  Faculty Non-Work Days – Dr. Booth will discuss this issue at March 30th Faculty Meeting

·  Performance Pay – Robin met with Dr. Booth and received the following information. Dr. Booth:

o  is planning to meet with Sharon to address the concerns raised by Robin on behalf of faculty

o  explained that there was a limited pot of money for the entire school year.

§  If any area used their entire portion during December, then there will be no additional funds for increases in April

§  Robin told Dr. Booth that fact was not made clear to faculty and staff

o  will address the eligibility issue for second-year probationary faculty

o  stated that the 360° evaluations should address the issue of fairness of comparisons among departments that used different criteria and procedures – Robin was asked to get clarification on this

o  stated that all employees should have received feedback from their supervisor as to why they received or why they did not receive an increase or bonus and that any supervisor who is unable to give that feedback should not be a supervisor

·  Smoking

o  “creep to doors” of smokers

o  TCTC needs to address the following issues:

§  Nastiness of smoking areas

§  How to ticket violators?

·  Why does financial aid pay for parking tickets and would they pay for “smoking” tickets?

·  Faculty/Staff Picnic

o  May 6, 2005 at 5:00 pm until ?

o  Dr. Booth’s house

o  In planning stage


·  Friday, April 15, 2005, 5:00 pm

·  Robin’s house

·  Robin will cook shrimp and grits and jambalaya

·  E-mail Robin with what you would like to bring


·  W/WF Policy:

o  Dr. Buckhiester will address at a future Faculty Senate meeting

o  concern about online vs on-campus courses

·  2005-2006 Faculty Senate President nominations:

o  Tracy Ethridge

o  Julie Jackson

·  Service Learning - Dr. Buckhiester will address at a future Faculty Senate meeting