Minutes: Friends of White Clay Creek

February 1, 2016

Present from the Board: John Starzmann, Roland Miller, Carla Lucas, Debbie Lander, April Schmitt, Tim Grimme, Jeb Bartle

Treasurer’s Report – Roland Miller

  • Treasurers reports from November, December and January.


Over the last few months there have been small increases in membership, including a couple of lifetime memberships. To date, there are 113 members.


  • No current activity planned other than completing reports for last year as we are well funded for this year

Discussion with Mike Kutzmonich (Carla reported from Gary’s email as Gary could not attend)

  • Mike approved the Map Kiosk for the WCC Preserve Arc Corner Road Parking lot
  • Mike verbally approved the Halloween event
  • Mike questioned the need for tree planting effort (reforestation effort) and asked for more information
  • Mike was in general supportive of projects and indicated they had no current activity planned for Big Elk so he welcomed our ideas

Trails White Clay Creek:

  • Wendel made the following report:

- Discussions are ongoing with potential Boy Scouts for an Eagle Scout Project to install a map kiosk at the Arc Corner Parking lot. I forwarded a packet of design and cost information to Scotty and Jeb Bartle.

  • Wendel plans further discussions with Mike K. on the following

-installation of a permanent plaque at the Tri-State Marker

- installation of permanent Preserve boundary markers near the Tri-State Marker

- installation of a bridge on existing railroad abutments on the Charles Bailey Trail

- updating the WCC Preserve Map showing the Tri-State Trail and other corrections

Trails Big Elk Creek:

  • Bob Gaston reported that he has GPS mapped 80% of the area and is ready to plan trails
  • Identified the following user groups: Horse riders, hikers, bikes and hunters who should be considered when designing the trail.
  • Options for trails were discussed and sustainable loop trails that get you to Fairhill trails and Springlawn Trail were recommended and to keep it as natural as possible.
  • There are some old roads with a few trees down but overall not expected to be too difficult
  • Interacting with Fairhill
  • Plan to have a WCCPa meeting with interested members to discuss trails before next meeting


  • April reported that the Wildlife and Scenic River Committee is looking for places near WCC for tree reforestation and will provide the trees and people to plant. Have to get specifics and try to get Mike K and farmer to buy in as open space is farmed in WCCPa. Timing may be difficult for this year.


  • There are ongoing discussions to get MD to buy the Hunt/Munger Projerty so MD can have a parking area for Tri-State Marker
  • DE has mapped an area for open space by the Tri-State Marker
  • Looking for a representative from WCCPa for next year's CreekFest, as Ken Prager is no longer in the area.
  • Looking for Membership Chair for WCCPa

Next meeting: April 4, 2016