The club’s financial position remains strong, and the club has assets in excess of £44,000.
The accounts for the year show a surplus of over £4,000 for the year despite a small fall in club membership. The surplus is attributed mainly to the Star-track courses and a significant drop, back to levels seen pre-2009, of expenditure on the training of coaches. In addition, there has been also been a significant drop in track income though the club continues to record a small surplus over hire costs. The surplus for a number of years has been donated to the Track Appeal, and for 2010 the donation was £150.
In more detail, the principal features of the accounts for the year are as follows:
1. Club assets increased by £4,404 to a total of £44,771, including £39,759 in the bank.
2. The club received £1,377 in January and £1,384 in September from East Cheshire council relating to the Star-track courses held in July 2009 and July 2010. The council makes this donation in view of the assistance the club provides the council in putting on this course, and it is shown within grants and donations income. Note that due to the timing of payments, no income from this source was recognised in the 2009 accounts.
3. The club’s membership has decreased slightly on prior year and this shows in reduced levels of subscription income and payments to England Athletics.
Given the club’s strong financial position, it is however proposed to hold membership fees at current levels for 2011/12.
4. Usage of the track has declined significantly on the prior year. This is in part due to a number of committed athletes moving on to university in late 2009 not being replaced, but is also due to the snow and ice which affected the club’s ability to use the track in both January and December. Although the club does not pay for sessions which are cancelled and athlete attendance in late 2010 was comparable with late 2009, changes to the method of collection of track fees and the amounts charged should be expected to ensure that track income continues to exceed hire costs.
It is proposed that any track income surplus for 2011 is again donated to the Track Appeal.
5.The club’s income from hosting events is lower as the club only hosted one open meeting in 2010 as opposed to two in 2009. (nb. In 2008 the Star-track receipt was shown in this line of the accounts)
Contributions from catering at events hosted by the club are up however on those from 2009.
6. Club expenditure – hosting, entry fees and travel. Considered together, these costs have fallen on 2009, mainly due to (i) travel costs being met for three away Young Athletes League meetings in 2010 as opposed to four in 2009, and (ii) only hosting one open meeting. The club’s policy remains to pay only team and league entry fees, and it is proposed to continue to fund travel for junior athletes to key track and field events.
7. Club expenditure - other
Awards and prizes have decreased by ca £170 – this is principally the cost of the presentation evening.
The club’s trained more coaches and first aiders in 2009 than for a number of years. Training returned in 2010 to levels seen in previous years.
8. Races which the club either organises or is associated with continue to be self-financing. These includes theLangley 7 and Macclesfield half marathon,both of which were financially successful, the Langley 7 making over £1550 for the East Cheshire Hospice (shown within Langley 7 expenses)
9. Expenditure on social events is the Boxing Day handicap.
Finally, I have now been the club treasurer for four years and feel that the time is now due to hand over to another willing volunteer.
Chris Bentley. 8 January 2011
NB The Half Marathon has a separate account and committee (all Macc Harriers). The surplus from the 2010 event was donated to a number of charities, including the Track Appeal.