Title: 30508_SEM_Rotterdam_Video02_x264
Duration: 3:06 minutes
30508_SEM_Rotterdam_Video02_x264 Film Transcript
[Background music]
Dramatic pop music – keyboard and drums.
[Video footage]
Panning across a waterside scene, boats in the water with buildings in the background.
[Split screen]
Two squares of video footage: Reflection of a driver seen in a wing mirror; Person wearing overalls waving a green flag.
“It’s one of the most prestigious and exciting student science events in the calendar. A technical challenge wrapped in a unique race.”
[Video footage]
Large sign reading, “Shell Eco-marathon.”
Two small cars racing along a track.
[Split screen]
Three squares of video footage: Aerial shot looking down at crowd of people lined up next to cars; Cover being removed from a car, Shell logo painted on the bonnet; People pushing cars.
[Video footage]
Car races along a track, spectators lining the track in the background.
Shot from inside the car looking out. Driver’s head takes up most of the shot, Shell Eco-marathon can be seen on helmet.
Interview with Giorgio Delpiano
[Giorgio Delpiano]
General Manager, Shell [unclear]
“Welcome to the Shell Eco-Marathon”
[Video footage]
Large buildings next to water, camera pans across to water.
[Text displays]
The excitement of Shell Eco-Marathon.
Shell Card. Your partner on the road.
“Three times a year thousands of students gather at three locations on three continents, not to see who can go fastest but who can go furthest using the least fuel.”
[Video footage]
People walking towards camera.
Sped-up footage of lots of people crossing a road.
Aerial shot of crowd of people cheering. Cars lined up. Shell flags flying.
Various shots of people pushing or carrying parts of their cars.
Driver getting into car, screen being closed on top of them.
Team pushes their car out to the start line on the track.
Roger Hunter delivering presentation
[Roger Hunter]
General Manager, Shell Alternative Energy & Fuel Development Strategy
“It’s about the internal combustion engine getting better. That’s more efficient, cleverer but smarter.”
[Video footage]
Cars going around the track.
Group of people cheering, hands in the air.
Shell worker smiles and waves at the camera.
People dressed up in costumes, smiling and dancing.
Interview with Wolfgang Warnecke
[Wolfgang Warnecke]
Shell Chief Scientist Mobility
“It’s a kind of mixture of high tech and Woodstock.”
[Video footage]
Cameraman and Shell worker waving flag dancing on the track.
“The students have worked all year refining their cars, determined to go furthest. It’s a drive to win the race, born of the need to meet the energy challenges that are with us already. A passion that is shared by managers of large vehicle fleets, under pressure to save fuel and to meet national and international regulations.”
[Video footage]
Team testing the wheel of a car.
Checking various parts of cars. Some teams making mechanical changes to car, looking closely at wires. Bonnet being closed on a car. A team member fits a wheel to the car. Cars being wheeled out onto the track to the starting line.
Older people, more dressed up in suits, walking down a corridor and into a room set up with tables and a projector. Sped-up footage as the room fills up.
Interview with Luberto van Buiten
[Luberto van Buiten]
Mobility Media B.V.
“They have to do something for the environment.”
“Every year some of these partners come to the Shell Eco-marathon. It’s an opportunity to see a little behind the scenes and to get up close with the newest technology.”
[Video footage]
People walking around a large exhibition with lots of stands. Shot panning over the exhibition. People looking at one of the cars.
Interview with Johan van Schuylenbergh
[Johan van Schuylenbergh]
ALD Automotive
“Astonishing and amazing to see what’s happened here.”
“It’s this passion about finding different ways of addressing the energy challenge.”
“They can find out about Shell’s latest thinking.”
[Video footage]
At one of the presentations. A person looks through a booklet. Close-up of a man’s face.
Ben van Beurden delivering presentation
[Ben van Beurden]
Shell Chief Executive Officer
“We also value to be in continuous dialogue with you. You are after all in this part of the world our most important and most strategic partners.”
[Man attending event]
“We lost nuclear energy more or less after Fukishima. Do you expect that to come back?”
[Video footage]
People listening to presentation.
“I think nuclear will see growth, but I also believe that we will have to rely on other solutions for low carbon or carbon free.”
“They can see how we’re inspired by the Eco-marathon itself.”
[Video footage]
People looking at exhibits. Man looking closely at a wheel. Exhibit with a driving simulation.
“Even if we are running on small engines and small vehicles here, definitely this will lead technology in the future also for commercial road transport.”
“They can discover Shell’s values and commitment through efficiency and sustainability.”
[Video footage]
Exhibit for wave power – a child turning a handle to create a wave in a large test tube of water.
Children playing with another exhibit – jumping on a dancefloor with squares that light up, large screen in front.
“We believe that we need to use our resources conservatively as good as we can and that’s why we developed fuel technology that enable customers to drive longer for the same amount of fuel.”
“We know these values are shared by our customers.”
[Video footage]
Board at exhibition reading, “Make, try, test, learn.” Camera pans over to show the exhibition, people gathered around a stand. Group of people walking and talking. Group in the middle standing and talking, various exhibits around them.
“Automotive is more than just technical issues, technical topics; it’s about energy, it’s about the future of our globe, of our mother Earth.”
“They can join in the debate.”
[Video footage]
People seated around tables watching a presentation.
[Unidentified Female]
“Can you give me a wheel to wheel comparison, LNG to diesel?”
[Video footage]
People on stage nodding, close-up of a person taking notes.
“And of course, there’s time just to enjoy the race itself.”
[Video footage]
Sign for Shell Eco-marathon. Aerial shot of crowd of people cheering, cars lined up.
Car being waved off at the start line. Car goes around track. People on the side-lines cheering. Cars racing around the track. People filming the cars on their phones. Shot from inside the car looking up at driver. More cars racing around the track. Team member cheers. Team waving a German flag. Team members hug the driver.
“Every year some of these partners come to the Shell Eco-marathon. It’s an opportunity to see behind the scenes and get up close with the newest technology.”
“The Eco-marathon is really something special. It’s a pity why we cannot bring all of our customers from all over the world to see.”
[Video footage]
Car going across the finish line. A car pulls up to a line, a Stop sign in foreground.
Shell logo
Riff plays