TRC General Board Meeting

November 7, 2012

RFES Activity Room

Actual Meeting Time: 7:30 – 8:35pm

Executive Members Present Guests_____

Jen Bolster

Ben Faraone Aaron Zurenburg

Lori Kolesa

Gale Della Santina BCRP_____

Greg Lockwood

Members Present Dave Fazenbach

Stan White

Todd Langenberg

Kim Deinlein

Kevin Wright

Suzanne Shriver

Joy Lewandowski

Judy Renie

Fred Burger

Ray Cordon

Anna Vella

Old Business Review

  1. Approval of Minutes: Approved
  2. TRC Storage Area: Lori, Suzanne, Jim & Greg will decide what to do. Will use steel shelves donated from old Bank building.
  3. Defibrillators
  4. $700 each w/ US Lacrosse grant (received by Todd)
  5. Board approved purchase of two units
  6. Todd will get payment details
  7. Storage, use, maintenance will be worked out going forward
  8. Ski Club
  9. Tabled for 2012
  10. Due to lack of synergy between program and TRC

New Business

  1. Turf for Towson
  2. Gale proposed that TRC contribute $150,000 to turf field
  3. TRC would have access to field outside of HS schedule
  4. Greg submitted LOU to be provided as addendum to BCPS/BCRP JUA
  5. Gale & Ben suggested that programs will contribute varying amounts TBD
  6. Funds would be encumbered in separate account until needed
  7. Money will be delivered to BCRP upon completion of the field.
  8. All approved
  9. Ben will talk to 5 programs: football, G&B soccer, G & B lacrosse about amounts to contribute and if fee increase needed
  10. Holiday Break Soccer Camp
  11. Registration open
  12. Very few registered
  13. Board suggested to open more ages and publicize more
  14. Polar Bear Plunge
  15. Due to BCPS policy, Plunge can no longer be sponsored as school activity
  16. All money goes directly to Plunge fundraisers
  17. Teaching staff will chaperone
  18. Buses provided by Plunge
  19. Board voted to make Plunge an affiliate
  20. Memorial
  21. Board approved $250 donation in memory of Louis Lowenthal
  22. Assessment of Affiliates
  23. Board voted to approve a fee of 20% on gross revenues for affiliates
  24. Greg Lockwood will compose a letter to be sent with new policy
  25. Start date of Jan. 1, 2013

2013 Board Nominations

·  President, Jen Bolster, would like to retire as it has been two years; looking for a replacement

·  Lori Kolesa,VP, will stay

·  Karen Fragetta, at large member, will stay

·  Greg Gabell, former President, will stay

·  Gale Della Santina, secretary, will stay one more year

·  Ben Faraone, Treasurer

·  Board approved Todd Langenberg as new member-at-large, replacing Greg Lockwood

Treasurer’s Report

1.  Monthly reports available

2.  Ben has documented the process of requesting checks and making deposits; will have posted on the web site

3.  Large programs need a treasurer

4.  Auditors will come and talk to board about recommendations

BCRP Report

1.  Permits take 6 weeks

2.  Insurance Certificates take 6 weeks

3.  Dave needs the cell # of program chairs in case of situation requiring immediate attention.

4.  Gale will forward list from sign-up