ROS Registration Number: PPM-005-10-18102017


International Conference on Drug Discovery and Translational Medicine 2018
(ICDDTM ‘18)

Sponsorship Package

Platinum sponsor (RM 30,000) / Gold sponsor (RM 20,000) / Silver package (RM 10,000)
●Main sponsor of the event
●15 minutes speaking opportunity in the main plenary
●1 exhibition booth in central location
●Logo and branding on all promotional materials – print and online
●Branding on signage inside and outside the conference room
●Full exhibitor listing on the official event website
●2 Full page advertisement in the official event guide
●100-word company profile in the official event guide
●Company’s promotional catalogues or gifts inside the visitor packs
●3 Full Delegates passes
●All day refreshments included, breakfast, lunch and drinks / ●Key supporters of the event
●15 minutes speaking opportunity in the main plenary
●1 exhibition booth in central location
●Logo and branding on all promotional materials – print and online
●Full exhibitor listing on the official event website
●1 Full page advertisement in the official event guide
●100-word company profile in the official event guide
●Company’s promotional catalogues or gifts inside the visitor packs
●2 Full Delegates passes
●All day refreshments included, breakfast, lunch and drinks / ●Support sponsor of the event
●1 exhibition booth in central location
●Logo and branding on all promotional materials – print and online
●Full exhibitor listing on the official event website
●1/2 page advertisement in the official event guide
●50 words company profile in the official event guide
●Company’s promotional catalogues or gifts inside the visitor packs
●2 Full Delegates passes
●All day refreshments included, breakfast, lunch and drinks
Exhibitor Package A (RM 3,500) / Exhibitor Package B (RM 3,000)
●2 x 2 m Exhibition space, includes table and 2 chairs.
●Full exhibitor listing on the official event website
●1/2 page advertisement in the official event guide
●Company LOGO on conference website
●Participate in the exclusive Exhibitors Stamp Collection Game! / ●2 x 2 m Exhibition space, includes table and 2 chairs.
●Full exhibitor listing on the official event website
●Company LOGO on conference website
●Participate in the exclusive Exhibitors Stamp Collection Game!

*Exhibitors Stamp Collection Game!

THINK BIGGER - Expand Your Influence

To encourage more people to visit your stand, ICDDTM ‘18 would like to organise, an “Exhibitors Stamp Collection Game”. Would you like to participate? Find out how you can participate in game exclusive for participants.

On arrival at registration, each participant receives a ‘stamp collection passport’. This passport includes spaces for the company’s stamp from each exhibitor participating in the game. The exhibitors are listed in order of booth numbers to enable the participants to browse one at a time. You may ask them to fill in their information on the form or play any games at your booth.

Participant can redeem a mystery prize with their full stamped passport.

It is a great opportunity to exchange information with the participants as well as enhance your corporate branding / products.

All you need:

➢A container for collecting the business cards.

➢Your corporate stamp (or two) and plenty of ink!

Award Category Sponsorship / RM / Please
Best Oral Presentations (1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes) / 2,000
Best Speed Presentations (1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes) / 2,000
Best Poster Presentations (1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes) / 2,000
Audience Choice Award for Oral Presentation (1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes) / 2,000

●THE OPPORTUNITY FOR A SENIOR REPRESENTATIVE of your company to present the Award and to be photographed with the winners and presenter.

●LOGO ON SCREEN AND CREDITS IN SCRIPT during your sponsored category

●Company LOGO on conference website

●Two full conference registration

Miscellaneous Sponsorship / RM / Please
1 / Advertisement in Program Book
Front Page / 600
Back Page / 550
1/2 A4 Page Colour / 450
2 / Conference Bag Sponsor / 1,500
3 / Conference Souvenir Sponsor / 1,500
4 / Others (Please state the amount)
Total Contribution


Company Information

(Please print the company name as you would prefer it to appear in acknowledgements, etc)

Company Name:

Company Address:

Contact Name:______Title:______

Phone No:______Fax No:______Email:______

Signature & Stamp:______Date:______

Make cheque/cash payable to:


Bank account no : 8007258618

Name of bank : CIMB BANK BERHAD

Please send a copy of proof of payment confirm your payment.

Contact Number:

: + 60182054568 (Mrs.Nura)

: + 60125699089 (Dr. Foo JhiBiau)

: + 60179758996 (Dr. How Chee Wun)

: + 60183752833 (Dr. Catherine Tan)

Malaysian Association for Cancer Research (MACR), Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.

Email: Fax: +603-89472759