Travel and Tourism--- TEACHER NOTES

Title: Travel and Tourism

Grade(s): 11-12

Subject: Social Studies

Technology: Imaging

Estimated time for Completion: 6-8 weeks (based on one class per week)


Students will select a destination to research.
Final products will be a travel brochure for that destination including information such as: contact information, travel and accommodation options, weather trends, currency information, maps, local activities and pricing where appropriate.
Ability to navigate the Internet, keyboarding skills, use of a word processor and image editing software(i.e. Photoshop or Paint).
TEACHER PREP TIME: varies (30 minutes)
Preview links in Explore.Then select any imaging editing software and create(or locate) a tutorial if necessary. Review Digital Image training videos from Nortel LearniT (

Students will create a travel brochure.
Brochure/25 (rubric provided) Conclusion Question / 10

Running short on time? Have students work on articles in pairs.

Teacher Tips:
Ensure that a copy of thebrochureis sent home with the student

You are responsible for advertising at you current job in a prestigious travel agency

Your boss wants an advertising campaign prepared for a new "hot spot" within three weeks.

You will need to select and research a unique travel destination and prepare a brochure.

Your boss has left all decisions regarding location up to you.

You will need a computer with Internet access, word processor (or desktop publishing software), and draw / paint software. You may need access to a scanner and digital camera.

These websites will help you answer questions provided in Explainand to prepare your presentation. This list is a starting place; feel free to search the Internet for other related information.

Review Digital Image training videos from Nortel LearniT (
Worldwide tourist information

Research Destinations on Yahoo

United States


Canada World Web Travel Guide

Denmark Tourism




Use a word processor to record your research and answers on your travel hot spot.
Include diagrams and images.

After conducting preliminary research, select a destination for your brochure.
Use the links provided in theExplore (and websites that you find) to answer the following questions.

Use a word processor to write your answers.

  • Where is your destination?
  • How would someone get there? (Provide travel options and costs)
  • Research the culture of your chosen destination. (Religion, language(s) spoken, customs and celebrations)
  • Find, create or copy images of your location.
  • What accommodation options are available? (Include cost)
  • What might tourists do there?
    (Activities, hiking, snorkeling, biking, theatre, boating)
  • What currency is used? What is the conversation rate?
  • Are any government papers or visas required to enter this location?
  • What is the weather like in this location?

Draw or locate a map of the location.

You will create a travel brochure, which describes your chosen "destination hot spot".Use the information collected in Explore.Your brochure should include information such as: contact informationtravel and accommodation options,weather trendscurrency informationmapslocal activitiespricing where appropriate

Include images to support the content in your brochure.Create your own images, take digital pictures, scan pictures from magazines, or use images from the Internet (with proper recognition and permission).

Use a word processor to answer the following question:

Would you like to go to your travel hot spot? Why, or why not?

Want to take this another step?
Have students convert theirbrochure to a webpage and host on the school website.