Transport Legislation Amendment (Further Taxi Reform and Other Matters) Act 2014
No. 35 of 2014
table of provisions
Part 1—Preliminary
3Principal Act
Part 2—Amendment of Transport (Compliance
and Miscellaneous) Act 1983
Division 1—Taxi industry accreditation amendments
4Purpose of accreditation
5Definitions and interpretative provisions
6Offence for taxi-cab operator not to be accredited
7Offence for provider of taxi-cab network services not to be accredited
8Making of application
9Time within which licensing authority must deal with
10Circumstances in which application may be approved
11Section 132C substituted
132CAccreditation lasts until cancelled or surrendered
12Mandatory refusal of accreditation
13Presumption in favour of refusal of accreditation
14Discretionary refusal of accreditation
15Heading to Subdivision 4 of Division 4 of Part VI amended
16Restrictions and conditions concerning accreditation
17Offence to fail to comply with conditions etc.
18Section 133C repealed
19Issue of certificate of accreditation
20Return of certificate of accreditation
21Improvement notices
22New Subdivision 6A of Division 4 of Part VI inserted
Subdivision 6A—Internal review
135JMeaning of reviewable decision
135KApplication for internal review
135LEffect of decision on application
135MDetermination of application for internal review
23Heading to Subdivision 7 of Division 4 of Part VI substituted
24Review of decision by VCAT
25Holder of accreditation to notify of relevant change in circumstances
26False representation in relation to accreditation
28Review by Tribunal of licence cancellation etc.
29Transfers of licences
30Effect on taxi-cab licences of certain outcomes
Division 2—Driver accreditation amendments
31Matters to be considered by the licensing authority when issuing or renewing an accreditation
32New sections 169MA to 169MC inserted
169MAApplication for internal review
169MBEffect of decision on application
169MCDetermination of application for internal review
33Review of decision by VCAT
Division 3—Taxi industry participant register amendments
35New Division 6A of Part VI inserted
Division 6A—Register of taxi industry participants
Subdivision 1—Register and public version of register
169ZARegister of taxi industry participants
169ZBPublic version of the register
169ZCCorrections of register
Subdivision 2—Restriction of public access to information
169ZDWhat happens when information is included on the register?
169ZENotification that information to be made publicly available
169ZFApplication to restrict public access
169ZGDetermination of application
169ZHNotification of determination
169ZIRights of review
Division 4—Taxi industry compliance and investigation powers amendments
36New Subdivision 5B of Division 9A of Part VI inserted
Subdivision 5B—Taxi industry monitoring, compliance and enforcement policy
191YFTSC to develop, maintain and review taxi industry monitoring, compliance and enforcement policy
191YGTSC must coordinate and support implementation
191YHTSC must consult when developing or reviewing taxi industry monitoring, compliance and enforcement
191YIContent of taxi industry monitoring, compliance and enforcement policy
191YJTaxi industry monitoring, compliance and enforcement policy to be had regard to
37New Division 4ABA of Part VII inserted
Division 4ABA—Enforcement of commercial passenger vehicle laws
Subdivision 1—Interpretation
228RBMeaning of specified person
Subdivision 2—Taxi compliance officers
228RDIdentity cards
228REReturn of identity cards
228RFProduction of identity card
228RGTaxi compliance officers subject to TSC's direction
228RHOffence to impersonate a taxi compliance officer
Subdivision 3—Powers of entry
228RIPower of entry
228RJRequirements applying to entry when persons not present
228RKNotification of entry without prior notice to any
228RLProcedure for entry with consent
Subdivision 4—Inspection, inquiry, search and seizure powers
228RMGeneral inspection, inquiry and search powers
Subdivision 5—Search warrants
228RNSearch warrant
228ROSeizure of things not mentioned in the warrant
228RPAnnouncement before entry
228RQCopy of warrant to be given to occupier
Subdivision 6—Ancillary investigatory powers
228RRUse or seizure of electronic equipment
228RSUse of equipment to examine or process things
Subdivision 7—Seized things
228RTReceipt for seized things
228RUCopies of certain seized things to be given
228RVReturn of seized things
228RWMagistrates' Court may extend period
228RXForfeiture of seized thing
Subdivision 8—Directions
228RYPower to require production of information or documents and related items
228RZManner in which directions under section 228RY may
be given
Subdivision 9—Miscellaneous provisions relating to enforcement powers
228RZAUse of force
228RZBManner in which taxi compliance officers must exercise powers
228RZCCompensation for damage caused during exercise of powers under this Division
228RZDAbrogation of privilege against self-incrimination
228RZELegal professional privilege not abrogated
Subdivision 10—Review of decisions
228RZFReviewable decisions
228RZGReview by TSC
228RZHReview by VCAT
Subdivision 11—Regulations
38Criminal liability of officers of bodies corporate—failure to exercise due diligence
Division 5—Abolition of Public Transport Fund amendments
39Section 11 repealed
40Financial assistance to train drivers following fatal incidents
41New Division 11 inserted in Part VIII
Division 11—Transitional provisions—Transport
Legislation Amendment (Further Taxi Reform and Other Matters) Act 2014
352Continuation of Public Transport Fund
353Specification of money to be transferred
354Transfer of money and abolition of old fund
355References to old fund
Division 6—Other amendments
43Definition of taxi non-cash payment transaction
44Tests, qualifications and other requirements
45New Division 1C of Part VIII inserted
Division 1C—Wheelchair accessible taxi-cab fixed term licence fee instalment amounts
246CZFInstalment amounts for licence fees for WAT fixed term licences changed
246CZGSet off of excess licence fee payments
246CZHRevocation of 2014 amending Order
46Statute law revision
Part 3—Amendment of Transport Legislation Amendment (Foundation Taxi and Hire Car Reforms) Act 2013
47Taxi-cab zones
48Licensing authority may vary Zone conditions for pre-booked taxi cab
49Transfers of licences
50Implied conditions as to fares or hiring rates
51Powers in relation to fares regulation
Division 5AB—Notification, publication and monitoring
of taxi fares and hiring rates in the Regional and Country Zones
162EALicensing authority to be notified of maximum taxi
fares and hiring rates in Regional and Country
162EBLicensing authority must publish maximum taxi
fares and hiring rates in Regional and Country
162ECOperators of taxi-cabs in Regional and Country
Zones must notify hirers of maximum fares and
hiring rates
162EDESC to monitor prices, costs and return on assets
in Regional and Country Zones
52Driver agreements
Subdivision 2A—Preliminary assistance in dispute
162MAReferral of disputes to TSC
162MBMinister may refer dispute directly to the Tribunal
162MCUnresolved disputes may be referred to Small Business Commissioner or the Tribunal
162PASmall Business Commissioner may issue
162PBParties may apply to the Tribunal
162QJurisdiction of the Tribunal
162RTime limits for certain complaints
Part 4—Amendment of Transport Integration Act 2010
53General fund
54Functions of Taxi Services Commission
55Definitions—Part 7A
56Section 197B substituted
197BResolution of conflict by regulators
57Determination by the Minister or Ministers
58Regulators subject to guidelines and directions
Part 5—Amendment of Other Acts
Division 1—Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013
60Authorised officer
61Persons who may commence proceedings for offences
Division 2—Ombudsman Act 1973
62Ombudsman Act 1973 amendment—taxi compliance officers
Division 3—Road Safety Amendment (Operator Onus) Act 2012
63Statute law revision
Part 6—Repeal of Amending Act
64Repeal of amending Act
Transport Legislation Amendment (Further Taxi Reform and Other Matters) Act 2014[†]
No. 35 of 2014
[Assented to 13 May 2014]
Transport Legislation Amendment (Further Taxi Reform and Other Matters) Act 2014
No. 35 of 2014
Transport Legislation Amendment (Further Taxi Reform and Other Matters) Act 2014
No. 35 of 2014
The Parliament of Victoriaenacts:
Part 6—Repeal of Amending Act
Transport Legislation Amendment (Further Taxi Reform and Other Matters) Act 2014
No. 35 of 2014
Part 1—Preliminary
The main purposes of this Act are—
(a)to amend the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983—
(i)to reduce and streamline taxi industry accreditation requirements; and
(ii)provide for a new regime for the monitoring and investigation of compliance with commercial passenger vehicle laws and the enforcement of those laws, including the appointment of taxi compliance officers whose role will be to exercise the monitoring, investigation and enforcement powers under the new regime; and
(iii)to establish a Register of taxi industry participants; and
(iv)to abolish the Public Transport Fund; and
(v) to make further provision in relation to the regulation of taxi non-cash payment transactions; and
s. 1
(vi)to make further provision for the making of regulations in relation to the parking of vehicles at train stations and similar parking places; and
(b)to amend the Transport Legislation Amendment (Foundation Taxi and Hire Car Reforms) Act 2013—
(i)to enable taxi-cab operators in the Regional Zone or the Country Zone to determine their own maximum fares or hiring rates and notify the Taxi Services Commission and hirers of them; and
(ii)to empower the Essential Services Commission to monitor prices, costs and return on assets in the taxi industry in the Regional Zone and the Country Zone; and
(iii)to improve the system for resolving disputes concerning the conditions of a driver agreement and expand the range of orders that VCAT can make in relation to such disputes; and
(iv)to enable the Taxi Services Commission to vary the zoning conditions for pre-booked work; and
(v)to enable taxi-cab zones to overlap at Avalon Airport; and
(c)to amend the Transport Integration Act 2010—
(i) to make further provision in relation to the Taxi Services Commission's functions; and
(ii)to extend the application of the statutory scheme for the resolution of regulatory conflict under Part 7A to transport system agencies, Transport Corporations and the National Rail Safety Regulator; and
s. 1
(d)to amend the Heavy Vehicle National Law Application Act 2013 to make miscellaneous amendments to improve the operation of that Act; and
(e)to amend the Ombudsman Act 1973 to extend the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman to administrative actions of taxi compliance officers; and
(f)to amend the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983 and the Road Safety Amendment (Operator Onus) Act 2012 to make statute law revisions.
s. 2
(1)This Part, sections 45 and 46, Part 3 and Divisions 1 and 3 of Part 5 come into operation on the day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), the remaining provisions of this Act come into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed.
(3) If a provision referred to in subsection (2) does not come into operation before 1 March 2015, it comes into operation on that day.
3Principal Act
Act No.
Reprint No. 18
as at
27 March 2013
and amending
Act Nos
34/2011, 9/2013, 22/2013, 23/2013, 30/2013, 32/2013, 36/2013, 43/2013, 70/2013 and 80/2013.
In this Act, the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983 is called the Principal Act.
Part 2—Amendment of Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983
Division 1—Taxi industry accreditation amendments
4Purpose of accreditation
s. 4
In section 130 of the Principal Act, for "safe, reliable and efficient" substitute "safe and reliable".
5Definitions and interpretative provisions
Section 130A(5) of the Principal Act is repealed.
6Offence for taxi-cab operator not to be accredited
For the penalty at the foot of section 131 of the Principal Act substitute—
"Penalty:In the case of a natural person, 60 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate, 300 penalty units.".
7Offence for provider of taxi-cab network services not to be accredited
For section 131A(2)(b) of the Principal Act substitute—
"(b) in the case of any kind of taxi-cab network service—
(i)a driver or the operator of a taxi-cab who—
(A)provides the service; and
(B)is a member of an unincorporated body or association comprising drivers and operators of taxi-cabs that is accredited to provide that service; or
(ii)an operator of a taxi-cab who provides the service to—
(A)a driver of the taxi-cab; or
(B)a relevant person in relation to the operator.".
8Making of application
s. 8
(1)Section 132(1)(a) of the Principal Act is repealed.
(2)In section 132(5) of the Principal Act omit "a taxi-cab licence holder or".
9Time within which licensing authority must deal with application
In section 132A(1) of the Principal Act, for "90" substitute "30".
10Circumstances in which application may be approved
In the note at the foot of section 132B of the Principal Act omit "and for business and service standards that must be met".
11Section 132C substituted
For section 132C of the Principal Act substitute—
"132C Accreditation lasts until cancelled or surrendered
An accreditation remains in force until it is cancelled or surrendered.
Section 135D provides that a person is taken not to hold an accreditation during any period in which the accreditation is suspended.".
12Mandatory refusal of accreditation
s. 12
(1)In section 132D(1)(b) of the Principal Act—
(a)in subparagraph (i), for "accreditation; or" substitute "accreditation.";
(b)subparagraphs (ii), (iii) and (iv) are repealed.
(2)Section 132D(2) and (3) of the Principal Act are repealed.
13Presumption in favour of refusal of accreditation
Section 132E(a) of the Principal Act is repealed.
14Discretionary refusal of accreditation
Section 132F(3)(a) of the Principal Act is repealed.
15Heading to Subdivision 4 of Division 4 of Part VI amended
In the heading to Subdivision 4 of Division 4 of Part VI of the Principal Act omit "and business and service standards".
16Restrictions and conditions concerning accreditation
Section 133(4) and (5) of the Principal Act are repealed.
17Offence to fail to comply with conditions etc.
In the penalty at the foot of section 133B of the Principal Act—
(a)omit "taxi-cab licence holder or";
(b)for "units;" substitute "units for a natural person and 150 penalty units for a body corporate;".
18Section 133C repealed
s. 18
Section 133C of the Principal Act is repealed.
19Issue of certificate of accreditation
(1)Section 134(1)(b)(v) of the Principal Act is repealed.
(2)Section 134(2) of the Principal Act is repealed.
20Return of certificate of accreditation
In section 135E(2) of the Principal Act, for "has not expired" substitute "is not cancelled".
21Improvement notices
(1)Section 135F(1)(a)(ii) of the Principal Act is repealed.
(2)In section 135F(1)(c)(i) of the Principal Act omit "or an applicable business or service standard".
(3)In section 135F(2)(b) of the Principal Act, for "limitation, standard" substitute "limitation".
(4) In section 135F(4)(b) of the Principal Act omit "and efficient".
(5) For the penalty at the foot of section 135F(5) of the Principal Act substitute—
"Penalty:In the case of a natural person, 120 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate, 600 penalty units.".
22New Subdivision 6A of Division 4 of Part VI inserted
s. 22
After section 135H of the Principal Act insert—
"Subdivision 6A—Internal review
(1)In this Subdivision—
eligible person means a person—
(a) who is—
(i)an applicant for accreditation; or
(ii)an accredited person; or
(iii)a relevant person in relation to an applicant for accreditation or an accredited person; and
(b) whose interests are affected by a reviewable decision;
reviewable decision has the meaning given by section 135J.
135JMeaning of reviewable decision
(1)A reviewable decision is a decision—
(a)to refuse an application for accreditation; or
(b)to disqualify a person from applying for accreditation; or
(c)to impose a condition, restriction or other limitation on an accreditation; or
(d)to vary or revoke a condition, restriction or other limitation on an accreditation; or
(e)to take disciplinary action; or
(f)to serve an improvement notice.
(2) A reviewable decision does not include—
(a)a decision referred to in subsection (1) that was—
(i) affirmed, varied or substituted for another decision under section 135M; or
(ii) made by the licensing authority and not by a delegate of the licensing authority; or
(b)a decision in respect of which an application may be made under section 136(1A) for an order in respect of the decision.
135K Application for internal review
s. 22
(1)An eligible person may apply to the licensing authority for review of a reviewable decision.
Section 136A provides for the review by VCAT of a reviewable decision.
(2)An application under subsection (1) must be made within—
(a)28 days after the day on which the decision first came to the eligible person's notice; or
(b)such longer period as the licensing authority allows.
(3)An application under subsection (1) must be made in the manner and form determined by the licensing authority.
135LEffect of decision on application
(1)An application under section 135K(1) does not affect the operation of the reviewable decision or prevent the taking of any action to implement it unless the licensing authority, on its own initiative or on the application of the applicant for review, stays the operation of the decision pending the determination of the internal review.
(2)The licensing authority must make a decision on an application for a stay within 24 hours after the making of the application.
(3)If the licensing authority has not made a decision in accordance with subsection (2), the licensing authority is taken to have made a decision to grant a stay.
(4)The licensing authority may attach any conditions to a stay of the operation of a reviewable decision that the licensing authority considers appropriate.
135M Determination of application for internal review
s. 22
(1)If an application is made to the licensing authority in accordance with section 135K, the licensing authority must make a fresh decision—
(a)that affirms or varies the reviewable decision; or
(b)that sets aside the reviewable decision and substitutes another decision that the licensing authority considers appropriate.
(2)The licensing authority must give a written notice to the applicant setting out—
(a)the decision of the licensing authority under subsection (1) and the reasons for the decision; and
(b)the findings on material questions of fact that led to the decision, referring to the evidence or other material on which those findings were based—
and must do so within 28 days after the application is made.
(3)If the licensing authority has not notified an applicant of a decision in accordance with subsection (2), the licensing authority is taken to have made a decision to affirm the reviewable decision.".
23Heading to Subdivision 7 of Division 4 of Part VI substituted
s. 23
For the heading to Subdivision 7 of Division 4 of Part VI of the Principal Act substitute—
"Subdivision 7—Jurisdiction of VCAT".
24Review of decision by VCAT
(1)For section 136A(1) and (2) of the Principal Act substitute—
"(1)An eligible person may apply to VCAT for review of a reviewable decision.".
(2) After section 136A(3) of the Principal Act insert—
"(4)In this section—
eligible person has the same meaning as in Subdivision 6A;
reviewable decision means a decision—
(a)to refuse an application for accreditation; or
(b)to disqualify a person from applying for accreditation; or
(c)to impose a condition, restriction or other limitation on an accreditation; or
(d)to vary or revoke a condition, restriction or other limitation on an accreditation; or
(e)to take disciplinary action; or
(f)to serve an improvement notice.".
25Holder of accreditation to notify of relevant change in circumstances
s. 25
(1)Section 137A(2)(b) of the Principal Act is repealed.
(2) In section 137A(4)(a) of the Principal Act omit "as a taxi-cab licence holder or".
(3) In section 137A(5) of the Principal Act omit "for the remainder of the period of the accreditation".
26False representation in relation to accreditation
For the penalty at the foot of section 137C of the Principal Act substitute—
"Penalty:In the case of a natural person, 30 penalty units;
In the case of a body corporate, 150 penalty units.".
s. 27
(1)In section 137E(2)(c) of the Principal Act, for "records." substitute "records;".
(2)After section 137E(2)(c) of the Principal Act insert—
"(d) the safety of taxi-cab drivers, customers and members of the public;
(e) customer service;
(f)complaint handling processes;
(g) education and training;
(h) in the case of an accreditation as a provider of taxi-cab network services, a requirement to implement disciplinary procedures that are to apply when a taxi-cab driver or operator to whom the provider provides taxi-cab network services fails to comply with the agreement under which those services are provided.".
28Review by Tribunal of licence cancellation etc.
In section 146C(1)(c) of the Principal Act, after "the licence" insert "(other than by revoking a condition)".
29Transfers of licences
(1)In section 149(2)(b) of the Principal Act, for "156A(2) or (6)" substitute "156A(6)".
(2)For section 149(3)(a) of the Principal Act substitute—
"(a)other than in the case of a taxi-cab licence, that the person to whom it is proposed to transfer the licence is a fit and proper person to hold the licence; or".
(3)Section 149(3)(b) of the Principal Act is repealed.
(4)Section 149(3AA)(a) of the Principal Act is repealed.
30Effect on taxi-cab licences of certain outcomes
s. 30
(1)Section 156A(1) and (2) of the Principal Act are repealed.
(2)In section 156A(3) of the Principal Act, for "accredited as a taxi-cab licence holder, but not" substitute "not accredited".
(3)In section 156A(5) of the Principal Act omit
"or expires without being renewed".
Division 2—Driver accreditation amendments