ACADEMIC YEAR 2017-2018.
TERM NUMBER & WEEK NUMBER / LEARNING OUTCOMES / LEARNING OBJECTIVES TO BE DELIVEREDT2. W1 / Numeracy:Children shoud be able to say what each digit represents in a 7-digit number and use negative numbers in context of temperature. / Numeracy: To place value in 7-digit numbers and to use negative numbers in context of temperature and calculate intervals across zero.
Literacy: Children will be able to read and identify the genre of a range of short stories, identify and use adverbials to link sentences or paragraphs together. / Literacy: To read and discuss a wide range of fiction; predict what will happen next in the stories and identify the genre.
Topic: Children will be able to: research the location and environment where the Maya lived and find out when the Maya were first recognised by archaeologists using evidence. / Topic: To know when the Maya were first recognised by archaeologists.
Understand the different type of evidence that tells us about the Maya.
Science:Children will be able to identify variations and investigate variation and adaptation of specific animals and plants in their environments.
African Studies: :Children will be able to locate Zulu people’s hometown on ancient and modern maps. / Science: To identify inherited characteristics in living things and know that variation occurs within offspring as well as across a species.
African Studies: To investigate the location of the Zulu people on ancient and modern maps.
Music : Children will be able to Identify and explore loops in different genres of music. / Music: To learn what is meant by loops
ICT: Children will be able to use collaboration tools to work together to produce a joint piece of work with children both inside and outside Children's International School. / ICT: To continue to collaborate on a project using a range of web 2.0 tools to support their work- including, google documents and sites- both with children in their class, other classes and children from other schools.
PE: Children will be able to know that there are a variety of running styles and understand which styles are more suited to which events. (100m)To know that there are a variety of running styles and understand which styles are more suited to which events. (100m) know that there are a variety of running styles and understand which styles are more suited to which events. (100m). / PE: To be able to sprint over short distances demonstrating this technique (high hips, relaxed neck and shoulders, still head etc.)
Swimming: .Children will be able to improve their freestyle stroke by practicing:
I. Leg kicks with arms extended and locked
II. Leg kicks with one arm on the thigh and the other extended forward with shoulder touching the ear
III. Alternating arms action after six leg kicks
IV. Single arm action ‘catch and pull drill’ and bilateral breathing every three arm pulls.
French: Children will be able to find out the history behind la fête des rois festival in French. / Swimming: To will understand and be able to apply proper legs and arm actions as well as good body position and bilateral breathing in the freestyle strokes.
French: To learn the history behind la fête des rois festival in French.
Art:Children will be able to understand deep etching. They would prepare the surface of the board they will use for the deep etching. / Art:To understand deep etching and the technique involved.
T2, W2 / Numeracy: Children will be able to read and covert measurement on different scales / Numeracy: To construct, interpret and use standard units of measures.
Literacy: Children will be able to identify adverbials in a text and investigate the various ways of writing dialogue. / Literacy:
To link paragraphs and write narratives describing settings, characters and atmosphere.
Topic: Children will be able to Find out how the Maya writing and discover their fascinating maths and calendar / Topic: To appreciate the beauty and power of the Maya mathematics.
Science: Children will be able to suggest how animals and plants are adapted to extreme environments. / Science: To suggest how some animals and plants are adapted to extreme environments.
African Study: The children will be able to identify and outline key features of the Zulu culture. / African Studies:To explore the Zulu culture.
Music: The children will be able to sequence their own sounds. / Music:
To learn how to sequence sound.
ICT: The children will be able to use appropriate forms of communication to, share information or ideas. / ICT:To talk about the different forms of electronic communication and web 2.0 tools.
French: Children will be able to talk about the French festival of la fête des rois. / French: To learn the history behind la fête des rois festival in French.
PE: Children will be able to perform staggered start and crouched start. / PE: To understand the Techniques used..
On your Marks: - The foot is placed up to the starting line but not on it.
- The feet are about shoulder width apart to obtain a good balanced position
- The weight is distributed so that about 2/3rds of the weight is on the front foot.
Set: - Bend the knees and lean forwards.
- Arms synchronised with the legs - in this case right foot forward and left arm forward.
- Back, neck and head in line.
- Remain motionless.
Swimming: Children will learn how to improve their freestyle stroke by practicing:
I. Leg kicks with arms extended and locked
II. Continuous single arm action ‘catch and pull drill’ and bilateral breathing every three arm pulls
III. Continuous and alternating arms actions ‘catch and pull drill’ and bilateral breathing every three arm pulls. / Swimming: Children will further understand and be able to apply proper legs and arm actions as well as good body position and bilateral breathing in the freestyle strokes.
French : The children will be able to read in French. / French: Students will be able to read in French.
Art: The children will be able to produce water colour painting in landscape by applying the principle of perspectives drawing. / Art:To identify what is landscape painting. The different materials entailed and techniques involved in producing a water colour painting would be looked at.
T2, W3 / Numeracy: Children will be able to use rounding to make an estimate and round answers to a given level of accuracy. / Numeracy:To understand place value addition and subtraction; multiplying, dividing and rounding of whole numbers and decimals to 3 decimal place.
Literacy: The children will be able to identify features of arguments texts and discuss between facts and opinions. / Literacy: To discuss ideas for debate and hold a debate.
Topic: The children will be able to study the
different kind of building by discovering the palaces of the Maya kings and the houses of common people. / Topic: To discuss about the organisation of Maya cities and how the Maya used technology to make their day to day activity easier and faster.
Science: The children will be able to use given evidence to attempt to backup evolutionary ideas and present logical findings. / Science: To recognise the role fossils have in the development of evolutionary theory and to learn more about the work of Anning, Darwin and Wallace:
PE: The children will be able to know and understand the different aspects and its uniqueness of the 400m sprint compared to the 100 and 200 races / PE: To be able to begin a sprint race using the semi-crouched start.
To know and understand the different aspects and its uniqueness of the 400m sprint compared to the 100 and 200 races.
Swimming: Children will be able to swim complete freestyle stroke for 50m by practicing:
I. Leg kicks with arms extended and locked
II. Leg kicks with one arm on the thigh and the other extended in front
III. Alternating arm actions after six leg kicks
IV. Continuous and alternating arms actions ‘catch and pull drill’ and bilateral breathing every three arm pulls.
V. Complete 50 metres freestyle swim with bilateral breathing. / Swimming: Children will know and be able to swim the freestyle stroke with correct form for 50metres.
Music:Children will be able to identify how lyrics can be used to convey mood , attitude or tell a story. / Music: To learn what is meant by the term lyrics.
French: Children will be able to read in French.
African Studies : Children will be able to describe the life and exploits of Shaka Zulu. / French: To learn how to read in French using the French vowel sounds.
African Studies:To evaluate the person of Shaka Zulu.
PE: Children will be able to know and understand the different aspects and its uniqueness of the 400m sprint compared to the 100 and 200 races / PE: To be able to begin a sprint race using the semi-crouched start.
To know and understand the different aspects and its uniqueness of the 400m sprint compared to the 100 and 200 race.
Art: The children will be able to produce an artwork that they have used tooth picks to make. This would be done in a gradual procedure. / Art: To scratch the surface of the board they have prepared by using tooth picks. This would be done through the bit by bit process
ICT: The children will be able to use tools to help them design and create a web based application for smart phones/tablets, giving consideration to the market/audience for their application. / ICT: To continue to create websites based on topics, area of interest or events, increasing the complexity of these sites.
T2, W4 / Numeracy: The children will be able to understand and use approximate equivalences between metric units and common imperial units such as inches, pounds and pints. / Numeracy: To work out new co-ordinates after a translation or reflection; Interpret, compare, construct and draw a conversion graph of imperial to metric units and use it to read off equivalent measures.
Literacy: The children will be able to identify features expanded noun phrases and plan, , draft, edit and redraft a persuasive story
Topic: The children will be able to understand how the Maya trade and transport goods and find out about the legends of the Maya people. / Literacy : To discuss ideas for a short persuasive story plan, , draft, edit and redraft a persuasive story
Topic: To learn about the Maya trade and their trading activities. Find out about their religion.
Science: The children will be able to explore online the evolution of flight in birds through the fossil record. / Science: To recognise the role fossils have in the development of evolutionary theory.
African Studies: The children will be able to present a debate about Shaka’s leadership style; determining he was a tyrant or a hero. / African Studies: To examine Shaka’s style of leadership; his achievements and shortcomings.
Music: The children will be able to recognize how lyrics often have cultural historical and social meaning. / Music: To learn that lyrics have social and cultural meaning.
ICT: Pupils will be able to create websites for a specific purpose and improve these sites. / ICT: To continue to create websites based on topics, area of interest or events by increasing the complexity of these sites.
PE: Children will be able to perform staggered start and crouched start. / PE: To understand the Techniques used..
On your Marks: - The foot is placed up to the starting line but not on it.
- The feet are about shoulder width apart to obtain a good balanced position
- The weight is distributed so that about 2/3rds of the weight is on the front foot.
Set: - Bend the knees and lean forwards.
- Arms synchronised with the legs - in this case right foot forward and left arm forward.
- Back, neck and head in line.
- Remain motionless.
French: The children will be able to read in French. / French: To read in French.
Art: The children will be able to produce water colour painting in landscape by applying the principle of perspectives drawing. / Art:To identify what is landscape painting look at the different materials used and techniques involved in producing a water colour painting.
T2, W5 / Numeracy: The children will be able to solve problems involving rate using rounding to approximate. / Numeracy: To solve problems involving rate using mental strategies to scale up and scale down.
Literacy: The children will be able to list features of poetry and understand that a range of conjunctions can be used to join clauses. / Literacy: To use dialogue, direct speech and punctuation. And as well understand grammatical terminology.
Topic: The children will be able to write about the family society of the Maya community and discuss in-depthly the general way of life of the Mayans, which include; the food they eat, their clothing, headdresses, hairstyles and their struggles. . / Topic: To find out how the Maya family system operated and understand their culture and tradition.
Science: The children will be able to understand the evolution of plant and animal. / Science: To research and present evolutionary information on a specific animal.
African Studies: The children will be able to write an argumentative piece for or against the notion that Shaka was a tyrant. / African Studies: To review our learning on Shaka Zulu.
Music: The children will be able identify song. / Music: To learn how musical structures.
ICT: The children will be able to understand the importance of evaluation and adaptation of individual features to enhance the overall product / ICT:· To use word processing and desktop publishing to present their work, combing formatted text with other media and making choices about programs and features to use and justifying these choices to others.
PE: The children will be able to understand the basic techniques in Long Jump. / PE: To understand the Techniques used;
On your Marks: - The foot is placed up to the starting line but not on it.
- The feet are about shoulder width apart to obtain a good balanced position
- The weight is distributed so that about 2/3rds of the weight is on the front foot.
Set: - Bend the knees and lean forwards.
- Arms synchronised with the legs - in this case right foot forward and left arm forward.
- Back, neck and head in line.
- Remain motionless.
Swimming: The children will be able to begin the backstroke by practicing leg kicks with:
I. Float on chest
II. Float on abdomen or thighs
III. Float on the knees
IV. Sculling action of the arms
V. Hands on thighs with leg kicks
VI. Hands behind the head with leg kicks
VII. Hands extended behind the head with leg kicks. / Swimming: To further understand and be able to apply proper legs and arm actions as well as good body position and bilateral breathing in the freestyle strokes.
Art:The children will be able produce a landscape painting by applying one type of the principles of perspectives. They will apply the principle of tonal gradation / Art:To produce sketches they have researched on by using one of the principles of perspectives in drawing.
T2, W7 / Numeracy: Children will be able to recognise, compare and order fractions with unrelated denominators and use knowledge of factor and divisibility rules to find out which fractions of amounts will give whole number answers. / Numeracy:To recognise and compare fractions with unrelated denominators using equivalence and to use mental division strategies to find equivalent fractions, decimals, percentages and non-unit fractions of amounts.
Literacy: The children will be able to identify the various ways of writing play script. / Literacy: To use dialogue and understand the differences between spoken and written speech.
Topic: The children will be able to find out about the fascinating early civilization in the Indus Valley. / Topic: To understanding the early civilisation in the Indus valley, rise and end of the civilisation.
Science:: The children will be able to create classification routes for a range of living things, identifying relatedness. / Science:To explore classification systems, understanding that they group according to similarities & differences
African Studies: The children will be able to outline some causes and extent of poverty in large African cities. / African Studies: To evaluate the causes and extent of poverty in large African cities.
Music: The children will be able to write their own lyrics based on headlines and common phrases. / Music:To learn about song writing.
ICT:The children will be able to use technology to electronically compose music or sounds including creating melodies and save these as audio files. / ICT: To independently choose and use an appropriate device to record sounds in order to create a sound file and use software manipulate sounds using computer software – e.g. remove unwanted silences/trimming start and end.
French: The children will be able to recognise words for food and drink and name the items accurately. / French: To learn how to ask for food and drinks.