410 Cooper St.

Camden NJ 08102-1521 + (1) 856-225-2973


1991 Ph.D. in Public Policy, Harvard University. Dissertation: "The Biological and Toxin Weapons Arms Control Regime: Is It the Best Way to Minimize the Risk of Biological or Toxin Weapon Use?" Committee: Thomas C. Schelling (Nobel Laureate in Economics 2005), Paul M. Doty, and Matthew S. Meselson.

1986 Master in Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government. Harvard University.

1972-74 School of Law, University of Washington - no degree.

1972 B.A. with honors, University of Nebraska. Double major in Psychology and French, Junior Year at L'Université De Bordeaux, France.


20011-Present Professor of Public Policy and Administration Rutgers University Camden. Department Chair, 2013—present, Director PhD program in Public Affairs 2012—present.

1991-Present Professor of Public Policy and Political Economy (Assosiate Professor 1997-2009) Assistant Professor 1991-1997), Director, Masters in Public Policy Program (2007-present) Coordinator of the Masters’ in Public Affairs Program (1999-2002) , Associate Program Chair in Public Policy and Political Economy (2007-present) Honors Faculty 2008-present. School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas. Faculty member in the programs in Public Policy and Political Economy, Political Science and Public Affairs. Administrative responsibilities for the MPP program (2007-present) and the MPA program (1999-2002).

2000-present Faculty Member, Alliance for Medical Management Education, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and University of Texas at Dallas. Overall programmatic and instructional responsibility for 40 hour module on conflict resolution and negotiations.

2008-2011 Chair, BioWeapons Prevention Project, An global network of civil society actors dedicated to the permanent elimination of biological weapons and of the possibility of their re-emergence. Board member 2005-present.

2008 Consultant, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

2006 Guest Visiting Faculty, Creative Change Center, Antioch University, Seattle, Washington. One week visiting appointment—worked with students and faculty in the Reflective Practice and Transformative Leadership program, taught guest classes and gave a public lecture in the Global Issues and Perspectives series.

2004-2005 Visiting Professor, Nelson Mandela Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India. Fulbright lecturer in Peace and Conflict Resolution.

1997-1998 Associate Director, The Harvard Sussex Program on Chemical and Biological Warfare, Armaments and Arms Limitation, and Senior Research Fellow for Chemical and Biological Weapons Policy Studies, The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

2005-2007 Chair, Scientists Working Group on Chemical and Biological Weapons, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. Washington DC. (Founding member in 2004), Continuing Member.

1990-2004 Consultant and member, the Federation of American Scientists Expert Working Group on Biological Weapons Verification. Chair, Political Subgroup.

2000-present Faculty Member, Alliance for Medical Management Education, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and University of Texas at Dallas. Overall programmatic and instructional responsibility for 40 hour module on conflict resolution and negotiations.

1985-1990 Instructor in Public Policy, Economics Coordinator, Economics Instructor, and Teaching Fellow, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

1978-1984 Administrator, King County Medical Examiner's Office, Seattle, Washington.

1974-1978 Director, Seattle Rape Relief, Seattle, Washington.

1976-1982 Guest Instructor, Alaska State Trooper Academy. Sitka, Alaska.



Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2012. Arms Control Policy: A Guide to the Issues, Praeger Security International.

Pearson, Alan, Marie Isabelle Chevrier, and Mark Wheelis eds. 2007. Incapacitating Biochemical Weapons: Promise or Peril?, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle, Krysztof Chomiczewski, Henri Garrigue, Gyõrgy Granasztói, Malcolm R. Dando and Graham S. Pearson eds. 2004. Implementation of Legally Binding Measures to Strengthen the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. Amsterdam: Klewer Academic Publishers.

Refereed Journal Articles

Koblentz, Gregory D. and Marie Isabelle Chevrier. 2011. “Modernizing Confidence-Building Measures for the Biological Weapons Convention” Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science 9, (3, September).

Winter, F. D. and M. I. Chevrier. 2008. "Conflict Resolution in a Different Culture" Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings 21, (3 July).

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle and Iris Hunger. 2000. “Confidence-Building Measures for the BTWC: Performance and Potential” The Nonproliferation Review 7(3, Fall/Winter).

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1996. "The Aftermath of Aum Shinrikyo: A New Paradigm for Terror?" Politics and the Life Sciences 15 (2, September).

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) Working Group on Biological and Toxin Weapons Verification, (Marie Chevrier principal author). 1995. "Beyond VEREX: A Legally Binding Compliance Regime for the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention" Contemporary Security Policy 16 (2, August).

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1995. "From Verification to Strengthening Compliance: Prospects and Challenges of the Biological Weapons Convention." Politics and the Life Sciences 14(2, August).

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1995. "Impediment to Proliferation: Analyzing the Biological Weapons Convention." Contemporary Security Policy 16(2, August): 72-102. Abstract in International Political Science Abstracts.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1993. "Deliberate Disease: Biological Weapons, Threats, and Policy Responses." Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 11:395-417.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1992. "The Biological Weapons Convention: The Third Review Conference." Politics and the Life Sciences 11(1, February): 86-92.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle, and Jessica Eve Stern. 1991. "Chemical and Biological Weapons in the Third World." Boston College Third World Law Journal 11(1, 1991 Winter): 45-81.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1990. "Verifying the Unverifiable: Lessons from the Biological Weapons Convention." Politics and the Life Sciences 9(1, August): 93-105.

Federation of American Scientists Working Group on Biological and Toxin Weapons Verification. 1991. “Proposals for the Third Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention." Arms Control 12(2, September).

Refereed Book Chapters

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2007. "Why Do Conclusions from the Experts Vary?" In Bioterrorism: Confronting a Complex Threat. Andreas Wenger and Reto Wollenmann eds. Boulder, London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Pearson, Alan, Marie Isabelle Chevrier and Mark Wheelis, "Introduction" in Alan Pearson, Marie Isabelle Chevrier, and Mark Wheelis eds. 2007. Incapacitating Biochemical Weapons: Promise or Peril?, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

Pearson, Alan, Marie Isabelle Chevrier and Mark Wheelis "Conclusion and Recommendations" in Pearson, Alan, Marie Isabelle Chevrier, and Mark Wheelis eds. 2007. Incapacitating Biochemical Weapons: Promise or Peril?, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle and James F. Leonard "Biochemicals and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention." 2007. in Pearson, Alan, Marie Isabelle Chevrier, and Mark Wheelis eds. 2007. Incapacitating Biochemical Weapons: Promise or Peril?, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2006. “The Politics of Biological Weapons Disarmament.” In Deadly Cultures: Biological Weapons Since 1945, eds. Mark Wheelis, Lajos Rozsa and Malcolm Dando. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2002. “Chemical and Biological Weapons Arms Control.” In Arms Control: Cooperative Security in A Changing Environment Jeffrey A. Larsen ed. Boulder, London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2000. "Strengthening the Biological Weapons Arms Control Regime." In Biological Warfare: Modern Offense and Defense, ed. Raymond A. Zilinskas. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Pearson, Graham S., and Marie I. Chevrier. 1999. "An Effective Prohibition of Biological Weapons." In Biological Weapons: Limiting the Threat. CSIA Studies in International Security, ed. Joshua Lederberg. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle, and Amy E. Smithson. 1996. "Preventing the Spread of Arms: Chemical and Biological Weapons." In Arms Control: Toward the 21st Century, eds Jeffrey A. Larsen and Gregory J. Rattray. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Chapters in Edited Volumes of Conference Proceedings

Chevrier, Marie Chevrier. 2007 "Biological Weapons Terrorism and Transparency" in Understanding and Responding to the Terrorism Phenomenon, Ozgur Nikbay and Suleyman Hancerli, eds. IOS Press, Amsterdam. Proceedings of the Conference: Understanding and Responding to Terrorism: A Multi-dimensional Approach. Washington D.C. September.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2002. “The Paradoxes of Biological Terrorism.” In Implications of 9/11 on International Security and the Path Forward to Peace, James Brown ed. Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Arms Control Conference. Sandia National Laboratory.

Chevrier, Marie I. 2001. “Compliance Measures for the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Protocol.” In Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, Mario Trapani ed. Rome: Istituto Diplomatico Mario Toscano. Villa Madama, Rome, Italy. Proceedings of Conference.

Chevrier, Marie I. 2001. "Preventing Biological Proliferation: Strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention." Annex in Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, Mario Trapani ed. Rome: Istituto Diplomatico Mario Toscano. Villa Madama, Italy. Proceedings of Conference.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2000. "Towards a Verification Protocol." In Verification of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, eds. Malcolm R. Dando, Graham S. Pearson and Tibor Toth. NATO ASI Series. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Studies Institute.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2000. “Verification Provisions in the Biological Weapons Convention.” Proceedings of the conference “Biosecurity and Bioterrorism” Istituto Diplomatico, Mario Toscano, Villa Madama, Rome, Italy. Organized by Landau Network-Centro Volta, Como, Italy, Unit of Policy Planning and Analysis of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, Italy, in collaboration with International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste, Italy, and Forum for the Peace, Florence, Italy. September 18-19.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2000. "Status of the Legally Binding Text by the Ad Hoc Gorup and Expectaions for the Next Review Conference on the BWC." Proceedings of the conference “Biosecurity and Bioterrorism” Istituto Diplomatico, Mario Toscano, Villa Madama, Rome, Italy. Organized by Landau Network-Centro Volta, Como, Italy, Unit of Policy Planning and Analysis of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, Italy, in collaboration with International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste, Italy, and Forum for the Peace, Florence, Italy. September 18-19.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1999. "Arms Control Regimes Under Assault: Explaining the US Position in the Negotiations to Strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention." In Entering the New Millenium: Dilemmas in Arms Control. Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratory. Proceedings of the 9th Annnual International Arms Control Conference. Sandia National Laboratory

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1995. "From Verification to Compliance Assessment: Prospects and Challenges of the Biological Weapons Convention." In Old Issues and New Strategies, ed. James Brown. Amersterdam: VU University Press. Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Arms Control Conference. Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas.

Other Journal Articles

Scientists Working Group on Biological and Chemical Weapons (Contributing Author). 2010. “Biological threats: A matter of balance” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Web edition.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2002. “Waiting for Godot or Saving the Show? The BWC Review Conference Reaches Modest Agreement, Disarmament Diplomacy No. 68, December 2002 / January 2003.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2001. “A Necessary Compromise” Arms Control Today 31(4, May).

Klotz, L. C., M. I. Chevrier, J. J. Dingerdisson, L. Pritchard, B. H. Rosenberg, M. Wheelis, and G. R. Wollet, 2000. Implementing the Biological Weapons Convention in the United States: what it means to the biopharmaceutical industry. Biopharm, August 2000, 46-48.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1996. "Verification and the Biological Weapons Convention." UNIDIR Newsletter 33/96 The Biological Weapons Convention Revisited, ed. Pericles Gasparini Alves. United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research.

Other Invited Publications

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle, 2011. “Arms Control” in Governing America: Major Decisions of Federal, State, and Local Governments from 1798 to the Present, Volume III, Paul J. Quirk and William Cunion Eds. New York, Facts on File Libray of American History.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle, 2010. “Arms Bans: Working Around Weaknesses” in A Gobal Agenda: Issues Before the United Nations, 2010-2011, Irwin Arieff, Ed. New York, United Nations Association USA.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle, 2009. “Implementation of Arms Control: CBW, Conventional and Small Arms” in A Global Agenda, Dulcie Lembach, Ed. New York: United Nations Association USA.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle, 2009. “The History of BTW Disarmament” in A Handbook of Biological and Toxin Weapons Arms Control, Kathryn Nixdorff, Noel Stott, and Malcolm Dando Eds. Geneva: The BioWeapons Prevention Project.

Rappert, Brian, Marie Chevrier and Malcolm Dando. 2006. "In-depth Implementation of the BTWC: Education and Outreach” Strengthening the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, Briefing Paper (2nd Series) No. 20. Graham S. Pearson and Malcolm R. Dando, Series Eds. University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies, Bradford, UK.

Rappert, Brian, Marie Chevrier and Malcolm Dando. 2006. "The Life Sciences, Biosecurity and Dual Use Research: A Role Play of an Interactive Seminar". Available online at:

Chevrier, M. I. 2002 “Biological weapons” in Encyclopedia of the United Nations, John Allphin Moore, Jr. and Jerry Pubantz eds. New York: Facts on File Books.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. With Ambassador James F. Leonard and Rajendra Aldis. 2002. “The U.S. Government’s Interpretation of the BTWC” Working Paper of the Federation of American Scientists’ Working Group on Biological Weapons.

Chevrier, Marie. 2001 “The Biological Weapons Convention: the protocol that almost was” in Verification Yearbook 2001 eds. Trevor Findlay and Oliver Meier. London: Verification Research, Training and Information Centre.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 2000. “Assessing the Biological Weapons Threat” for the Panel on State Biological Weapons Threat, The 2000 Carnegie International Non-Proliferation Conference: "New Challenges in Asia and America" March 16-17, 2000, Washington Marriott Hotel Washington, D.C. This publication was listed on the website of the US Department of State, International Information Programs, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.

Hunger, Iris and Marie Isabelle Chevrier. 2000. “Questions of Compliance: The Case of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Control Regime” Geneva: Geneva Centre for Disarmament Studies.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1999. "Preventing Biological Proliferation: Strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention." In Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: What Role for Arms Control? ed. Oliver Thränert. Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1999. "The Threat of Chemical and Biological Terrorism is Exaggerated." In Weapons of Mass Destruction, ed. Jennifer Hurley, Greenhaven Press.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1998. "Doubts About Confidence: The Potential and Limits of Confidence Building Measures for the Biological Weapons Convention." In Biological Weapons Proliferation: Reasons for Concern, Courses of Action, ed. Amy E. Smithson. Washington D.C.: The Henry L. Stimson Center.

Chevrier, Marie Isabelle. 1997. "Conflict and Peacemaking in an Evolving World." In Teaching About Conflict and Peacemaking: Syllabi from the Faculty Seminar Program, eds Saadia Touval and Pamela R. Aall. Washington D.C.: United States Institute of Peace.