Emotionally Yours…

Instead of an experiment, you are to do some self-examination on an emotional level for this chapter.

Create a power point of at least fifteen of the personality traits and explain how they related to you. Included is a list of traits that could or could not represent you on an emotional scale. You can make the slide show personal, using personal pictures, or a bit generic using generic images. Each slide must show a way that you deal with the emotion. For example, if you chose anger, you would describe the emotion of anger, have an example of something that angers you and have a picture of that object or shows you angry. Humor is of course encouraged in some emotions, if not expected, but take the time to be serious enough to do a good job. At least five of the emotions you chose need to be positive emotions and five emotions also need to be more pejorative. The others are up to you.

Disclaimer: not all of the emotions of human behavior are included in the list, and you can also use opposite words of those on the list if you wish.

Take your time and do a good job, while pausing a bit and trying to have some fun with it. Self-exploration is a key component to trait theory (which this is an exercise within) and theories like Cooley’s Looking Glass Self. This will be due on November April 27, 2010. It is worth 50 points for following directions and doing the assignment, 25 points for creativity, and 25 points for honesty and your ability to prove to me that you have taken an honest assessment of yourself.

Emotion List / Definition
Fear / Aversion.
Anger / Displeasure , hostility. An emotional state that may range in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage.
Guilt / Culpability especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy.
Depression / Pessimistic sense of inadequacy , lack of activity .
Pride / Exaggerated positive evaluation of oneself based on a devaluation of others.
Jealousy / Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that occur when a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened by a rival.
Self-pity / A self-indulgent dwelling on one's own sorrows or misfortunes . An estate of mind of an individual in perceived adverse situations who has not accepted the situation. And does not have the ability to cope with it .
Anxiety / An abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension often marked by physiological signs . Sweating, tension, and increased pulse.
Resentment / A feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury.
Envy / Painful or resentful emotion. Awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage.
Frustration / A deep dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs.
Shame / - A condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute. Shamery is also a central feature of punishment, shunning, or ostracism. In addition, shame is often seen in victims of child neglect, child abuse. And a host of other crimes against children.
Love / A strong affection for another.
Appreciation / admiration, approval, gratitude.
Happiness / Well-being , contentment.
Hope / To cherish a desire with anticipation. To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.
Enthusiasm / A strong excitement of feeling. Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause.
Vitality / Physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed. The capacity to live, grow, or develop.
Confidence / Faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way . A state of being certain.
Gratitude / The state of being grateful; thankfulness.
Grief / Intense sorrow especially caused by someone’s death.
Negative / Being pessimistic, expressing disagreement or refusal.
Patient / Having or showing patience.
Regret / sorrow, repentance , disappointment.
Resentful / Feeling of bitterness or indignation.
Sad / Unhappy. Feeling sorrow .
Trust / Firm belief in reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something.
Vulnerable / Feeling exposed to being attacked or harmed.
Worried / Anxious over actual or potential difficulties.
Optimistic / Expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds.
Denial / An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.
Offended / To result in displeasure.
Appreciative / Feeling or expressing appreciation.
Apprehensive / Anxious or fearful about the future. Uneasy.
Ashamed / Feeling inferior, inadequate, or embarrassed.
Astonished / To fill with sudden wonder or amazement.

List Of Common Emotions

abandoned abashed accused aggressive

alienated agonized aloofamused

angry annoyed apathetic apologetic

arrogant ashamed baffled bashful

belittled bewildered bitter bored

burdened callous cautious cheerful

cheated compassionate confident confused

content crushed curious deceived

defiant deficient deflated dejected

denied depressed despairing despondent

determined deserted disappointed disapproving

disbelieving disconcerted discouraged disgusted

dishonest dismayed disoriented distant

distasteful distracted distraught distressed

downcast downtrodden elated embarrassed

enthusiastic ecstatic enraged envious

evasive excited excluded exuberant

flustered fearful forlorn frantic

frightened frustrated furious gloomy

grieving guarded guilty happy

hateful helpless hopeless hopeful

horrified hostile humiliated hurt

hysterical ignored inadequate indifferent

indignant innocent insecure isolated

insulted intense jealous jubilant

livid lonely loved mean

melancholy mischievous miserable mournful

negligent optimistic outraged paranoid

peaceful perplexed pessimistic pleased

protective proud provoked puzzled

regretful relieved remorseful resentful

sad satisfied self-pitying sheepish

shocked shy silly smug

spiteful stubborn sure surprised

sympathetic suspicious thankful thoughtful

thrilled tranquil trapped uncomposed

undecided underestimated uneasy unwanted

upset uplifted weak withdrawn