Transition from the “age of grace” to the time of wrath

InAugust of 2001, I felt compelled in my spirit to go to each of the ruins of the seven ancient “churches,” assemblies of Asia, in order as they are listed in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

In May of 2001, I had been on the island of Patmos completing an important assignment for Yahuweh. (Revelation 1:9) The two assignments were interlocked.I began organizing a tripin October to the seven assemblies.

2001 was a very busy year, full of many assignments from the Master. For this trip, as always, I did a lot of research and planned it out carefully, led by the Spiritof Yahuweh in every detail. He also, as always, gave me the exact timing of the trip. I knew I must go to each assembly to bring the Name of Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel, and the Name of Messiah Yahushua, to proclaim the restoration of the set-apart remnant of Ya’cob, and proclaim His Word to open portals for His entrance into His assemblies worldwide, which the seven ancient assemblies typify. Though the seven assemblies may align with historic events as many believe, still characteristics found in each of the seven assemblies of Revelation 2 and 3 are with us, typifying the divisions of His people into spiritual categories. The final one of the seven is manifesting to its maximum in the Western “free” world--the assembly at Laodicea. And, in countries where believers are persecuted and killed, the assembly of Smyrna is evident. Yahushua did not have anything negative to say about either the assembly at Smyrna, or Philadelphia, which pictures the bridal remnant. The overcoming martyrs and the bridal remnant are the glorious overcomers of these last days. The other assemblies typify the condition of churches worldwide that do some things right, and some things very wrong, even eternal-life threatening as the assembly at Sardis. But, these seven ancient assemblies were Messianic, but also Torah-guarding. Thus these seven typify the divisions of the Messianic Movement also.

What Abba Yahuweh had given to me to do was almost wrested out of my hands by a strong usurper whom I barely knew,one who took it upon herself to join with meand to invite her buddy to come along also.To go on this assignment alone in Western Turkey would have been a foolish thing, but I shouldn’t have allowed her to come in the first place.

I had invited two friends that I knew from living around them. From the time we started on the trip, the usurper with the jezebel spirit proceeded to take total control over the rest of us with incredible tenacity. Because I didn’t bow to the control, I was blackballed and treated as a rebel. But, by Abba’s mercy, I got done what He asked me to do!The enemies of the true servants of Yahuweh fight for supremacy, seeking control and domination. Tragically, enemies are often those of our own household-- either naturally related family, or those who claim to be familyhiding under the guise of “believers.” Well does Messiah Yahushua speak into this in Matthew 10:34-39, and the Apostle Sha’ul in II Corinthians 11:13-15.

When Yahuweh sends one of His servants on an assignment for Him, though there may be obstacles, He makes sure that His servant gets His job done! But, oftentimes, the servant has to press forward against demonic forces.

The main friend I had invited, a dear sister named Betty, knew that the Spirit of Yahuweh had also given her an assignment. The second lady I invited was a good backup. Though Betty and I had what appeared to be two different assignments, they actually entwined as one. The Spirit had asked me to invite these two ladies. Yahuweh, the Spirit, gave me eighteen requirements/qualifications needed to do my assignment. I qualified in all eighteen, but so did Betty! Our two assignments joined in Laodicea. We went to the ruins of each assembly, in order, as they appear in Revelation chapters 2 and 3: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.

From the beginning, Betty told me that she was going on this trip because Abba had instructed her to do intercession over each assembly location andfinally “close the Church Age in Laodicea.”

I was surprised when she said it, but witnessed to it immediately in my spirit, so I was excited at the same time. But, then, Betty was also a seasoned intercessor who was solid in the Word of Yahuweh. She joined our mutual friend and I. We were already on the island of Samos, near the coast of Turkey. Betty had been on the island of Patmos to do an assignment for Abba there, so she took the boat from Patmos to Samos to meet us.

The next morning the three of us went by boat from Samos to Kusadasi, Turkey. Truly, our steps were ordered by Yahuweh. We were to meet the other two women who had invited themselves in Kusadasi.

I agreed with Betty that Yahuweh was closing the “church age,” for from its pagan roots it had grown into a fully-developed tree, producing the defiled fruit of blatant apostasy. The “great falling away” of II Thessalonians 2:3 had begun!

To give you understanding of the man-created term “church age,” first of all the term comes from the Fundamentalist Christian theology that divides the Word into seven sections called “Dispensational Theology.” The Roman Catholic Church, and later the Protestant churches too, said that the “church” began on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) after Jesus ascended into heaven at the age of 33. That is a twice-over lie. The Apostles began no “church,” because Yahushua left us no “church,” after He ascended at the age of 31. He left us as a family, united with His Father and He as one (John 17)--who met in assemblies and congregations. But, the assembly of Yahuweh began when the twelve tribes came out of Egypt into the wilderness, as the beloved martyr Steven reiterates in Acts 7.

The word “church” came into the English from the German “kirke.” That word comes from the goddess Circe, daughter of the sun god Helios, who supposedly turned men into pigs. It is also where we get the English words “circle, circumference, and circus.”William Tyndale, who was burned at the stake in England for translating the Bible into English, correctly translated the Greek word “ecclesia,” as assembly, or congregation, and only used “church” when referring to pagan temples. But, King James ordered his translators to not use the Greek “ecclesia,” but to use “kirke.”

The Greek used “starios,” which is translated “stake, pole, tree.” But, the Roman Catholic translator “St.” Jerome, in his Latin Vulgate, used the Latin word, so in English we have “cross,” a pagan fertility symbol from the time of Nimrod. Jerome bypassed the Greek word “nomos” and inserted the Latin word for Roman judicial law, and thus the English versions use “law” instead of the Hebrew “Torah,” or Greek “nomos,” which means teachings and instructions. Thus the Romans imparted the idea that the Torah of Yahuweh was the “law of the Jews,” or the “law of Moses,” and therefore unacceptable to Christians who lived under “grace.”

It has been documented that Dispensational Theology initially came from the Jesuits in the Counter Reformation. Their goal was to keep people from seeing what the reformers saw--that the Vatican and the pope matched the description of the anti-messiah (“antichrist”) in Daniel and Revelation. The Jesuits, who controlled the Counter Reformation made sure the Bible was outlawed in the languages of the people, and in general outlawed all together. If a priest found someone with a Bible, their Bible was taken from them and burned. This became law during the 18-year“Council of Trent.” The Jesuits despised the Bible with bitter hatred. They knew that if the people got the Bible in their own languages, they would stop obeying the pope.

The Jesuit Conspiracy - The Secret Plan of the Order by Abbate Leone 1848 Leone recorded the meeting, his being in that secret meeting of the Jesuits. It was called to damn the Bible and try to remove it, for it was dangerous to their plans to enthrone the pope as the ruler of the world.

The Jesuit Conspiracy meeting was in 1825… At this meeting in Chieri, France, the Jesuit General boldly proclaimed: “We shall know how, by marvelous stories and gorgeous shows, to exorcise heresy from the heads and hearts of the multitudes; we shall know how to nail their thoughts upon ours, so that they shall make no stir without our good pleasure. Then the Bible, that serpent which, with head erect and eyes flashing fire, threatens us with its venom, whilst it trails along the ground, shall be changed again into a rod as soon as we are able to seize it; and what wounds will we not inflict with it upon these hardened Pharaohs and their cunning magicians! What miracles will we work by its means! Oh, then, mysterious rod, we will not again suffer thee to escape from our hands, and fall to the earth! For you know but too well that, for three centuries past this cruel asp has left us no repose; you well know with what folds it, entwines us, and with what fangs it gnaws us!”

What so infuriated the Jesuits was that the Protestant Reformation led to the printing of the Bible in the languages of the people.

Along with Dispensational Theology, the Jesuits also created the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, which fit perfectly at the end of the “church age,” and before a “7-year tribulation,” which would precede the return of Messiah. Their goal was to get people to look at a 3½-year period before Messiah came and a political world ruler rather than to the pope, who always had the characteristics of the anti-messiah/Beast--Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 26, 27, and 28, Daniel chapters 2 and 7, and Revelation 13, 14, 16, 20.

Excerpts from II Thessalonians 2:1-3: “As to the coming of our Master Yahushua Messiah and our gathering together unto Him … Let no one deceive you in any way, because the falling away (apostasy) is to come first, and the man of lawlessness is to be revealed, the son of destruction.”

Sha’ul says that the resurrection of the just will not take place until after the anti-messiah is revealed. Messiah described this resurrection in John 5:28-29: “The hour is coming when all those in the tombs shall hear His voice and shall come forth – those who have done good unto the resurrection of life, and those who have practiced evil to the resurrection of judgment.”

In II Thessalonians 2:3, theGreek word “destruction” is “apolia,” from Apollyon (Revelation9:11). Today the world is crying for the return of Apollo/Apollyon, son of Zeus to rule the world, and bring in the “golden age” of the gods – the Nephillim of pre-flood days. The ancient prophecy of the Cumaean Sibyl in Delphi is about the return of Apollo in our day. This calling for Apollo is done on Mount Olympus in Greece before each Summer Olympics games at the lighting of the Olympic torch, and the prayer of the high priestess o Apollo. Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod are one in the same person who will incarnate the abiding presence of Lucifer/Satan. Please re-read my last study/article “The Hidden Agenda of the Pope’s Visit,” June 2014, for more information on these subjects I present here.

[For more details, refer to these articles written in 2012 regarding the Olympics in London and my intercession assignment over them:

The Unleashing – London Olympics – On July 27th the Gate/Portal Will Be Opened (The unleashing of the powers of darkness for the final time before the return of Messiah/July 22, 2012); The Unleashing Part II - the Rise of the Dark Kingdom (July 23, 2012); The Declaration Assignment – In Praise of My Abba (My report on my 10-day trip to Rome and Greece/August 8, 2012); What Really Happened At the Olympics? – The Bottom Line That Fine-Tunes Timing (It is what was not apparent to the average observer that tells the real secrets/ August 17, 2012]

Do yourself a huge favor: Read Isaiah through Malachi and Revelation and get the whole picture as Yahuweh had it written. Man’s theologies are, for the most part, only the speculation of people who do not use the whole Word, or know the nature of Yahuweh, or know Yahuweh Himself. Let His Spirit teach you!

Now,we are seeing this Beast making his moves to take his throne of world rule, not just over the Roman Empire. As you learn from that article I wrote in June 2014, the Vatican’s Jesuit General, and now the Jesuit pope, are aligned, and their goal, from the inception of Jesuitism, was world rule.

The Roman Empire never died--it has just been hidden in the papacy.

During the Counter Reformation, because the book of Revelation was so dangerous to the popes and the Vatican’s wealth and power, the pope ordered the Jesuits to write a commentary on the book of Revelation and add some things to Revelation in order to take people’s eyes off of the papacy. But, the reformers were not fooled. They were very outspoken.

An excellent commentary is Lamp in the Darkness, a DVD by Chris Pinto – especially note the section “Enter the Jesuits.”

With me right now, I have documentation that traces the manipulations of the Jesuits in creating Dispensational Theology, which is the father of the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. I know from Abba thatthe pre-tribulation rapture doctrine is the mother of the great deception in II Thessalonians 2:8-12- for several reasons. A fake rapture is planned. [Refer to: How To Keep Functioning in Peace and Joy When Project Blue Beam Does Everything Possible to Make Sure Your Mind Shuts Down For Their Takeover (A plea to save your eternal life/April 3, 2011)

Do your own research. This is a part of a New Age-Jesuit combo-plan using “aliens” to deceive the world. Leading New Age occultist Alice Bailey told about this plot to deceive Christians. The Jesuits were occultists from their inception under Ignatius Loyola in the early 1500s. As their founder, Jesuits are known Satanists also. Their doctrines and ideas are from Satan to lure the world into worshipping him. It’s all just fact!

The Jesuits hired Darby to take this doctrine to America to undermine the faith of the Protestants, so that they would put their faith in escaping, and not in building their faith to stand against the Beast of Rome. [Please refer to: “Who Will Be Left Behind”/January 2006]

But, as one example of what I am saying, I highly recommend that you read the documented article:“VATICAN: JESUITS, DISPENSATIONAL THEOLOGY, AND JOHN NELSON DARBY


Dispensational Theology was brought forth from Jesuit teachings and further head-reasoningof intellectual fundamentalist Bible scholar John Nelson Darby, and was promoted in 1888 by C.I. Scofield(Dr. Cyrus Ingerson Scofield1843-1921) and associates. I have quite a bit of documentation on how the Jesuits used Darby to spread these doctrines to America, and the unsavory reputation of Scofield, who became famous for his Scofield Reference Bible, whose bedrock teaching was Dispensationalism and the pre-tribulation rapture. But, behind it all were the Jesuits of the Counter- Reformation who were doing all they could to distort true Scriptural prophecy that pointed to the pope and the Vatican.

Notice these doctrines have no Scriptural foundation. They use a few verses out of context to try to prove their deception. I was ignorant. I wore out three Scofield Reference Bibles in my late teens and college years, and afterwards, as I taught the pre-tribulation rapture as fact. When I saw the truth pointed out to me, I repented! A pastor of mine simply pointed out Matthew 24:27-34 and the light turned on in my spirit.

Yes, as Sha’ul points out in I Thessalonians 5, the true believers, the children of light, are spared the wrath of Yahuweh. His wrath comes with the return of Messiah on the “Day of Yahuweh.” Revelation 11:15-18 clearly shows that the “last trump” of I Corinthians 15:51-52 is blown just before Messiah descends. It is then that His wrath comes. Messiah comes with His wrath! (i.e. Isaiah 34, 63:1-6; Revelation 19) This is consistent throughout the Word!

So, basically, what the Jesuits started has created between 1 and 2 billion “foolish virgins” i.e. Matthew 25:1-12, to whom Yahushua said: “Truly I say to you, I do not know you.” These 10 foolish virgns represent mostly nice believers who have not prepared to go through the tribulation before His return. When the plans of the Jesuits go into effect to put their “god” on the Temple Mount, the persecution will be so horrible against believers that multi-millions will deny their Savior because He didn’t “rapture them.” This happened in China when Mao came in and killed Christians.