Pg. 2/2 Taylor
Ian Mitchell Taylor PhD
1004 Mirror St., Pittsburgh, PA 15217 419-957-7912
- To obtain a Ph.D. level research and development position in analytical chemistry at PPG Industries
- PhD analytical chemist with experience in project development, execution, and management
- Initiated and fostered successful inter-departmental collaboration
- Mentored undergraduate researchers toward independent research, publication, and graduate school
- Selected as head moderator for a discussion panel of 25-35 individuals at a major scientific conference
- Presented original research at over 15 domestic and international scientific conferences
- Author of 8 publications, cited 10 times
Research Achievementsand Work Experience
Doctoral Research Pittsburgh, PA
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry May 2010 – Present
- Discovered the role of restricted dopamine diffusion in the brain usingin vivo electrochemistry
- Determined the electrochemical sensitivity of novel PEDOT-GO polymer coated electrodes in collaboration with Dr. Tracy Cui in the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Bioengineering
- Developed, optimized, and useda reusable probe for intracranial drug delivery
- Drafted an original proposal using online microdialysis/HPLC/MS/MS to investigate the mechanism of opioid induced constipation
- Intricately involved in determining the creative scientific direction of research in the Michael Lab
- Original research was the major contributorto a recently funded NIH grant
Research Specialist II Pittsburgh, PA
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery June 2008 – August 2009
Isolated breast cancer stem cells from fresh tumor and peripheral blood samples collected from metastatic breast cancer patients at UPMC Magee Women’s Hospital of Pittsburgh using flow cytometry, fluorescent antibody labeling, immunohistochemistry, microscopy, and cell culture
Summer Research Internship Columbus, OH
The Ohio State University, Department of Chemistry Summer 2007
Mutated, expressed, and purified the Ybak protein through multi-site DNA mutagenesis and replication, protein expression, chromatographic purification, and radioactive activity testing
- Developed proficiency with HPLC, PCR, electrophoresis, DNA sequencing, 35S radioactive isotope counting and cell culturing procedures
Phlebotomist Findlay, OH
Blanchard Valley Hospital Summer/Seasonal 2005-2008
Performed venipuncture blood draws on hospital patients
- Trained new associates
Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry 2014
University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA
Research Advisor: Adrian C. Michael, PhD.
B.S. in Chemistry 2008
Westminster College New Wilmington, PA
Publications(8 total, 10 citations)
Taylor, I. M., Ilitchev, A. I., Michael, A. C. (2013)ACS Chem Neurosci. 15; 4(5):870-8.
Publications (Continued)
Taylor, I. M., Jaquins-Gerstl, A., Sesack, S. R., Michael, A. C. (2012) J. Neurochem.122, 283-294.
Taylor, I.M., Walters, S.H., Micheal, A.C. (2014) (J. Neurochem, in preparation)
Shu, Z., Taylor, I.M., Michael, A.C. (2013) Eur J Neurosci.38; 8, 3221-3229.
Shu, Z., Taylor, I.M., Walters, S.H., Michael, A.C. (2014) Eur J Neurosci. (in press)
Walters, S.H., Taylor, I.M., Shu, Z., Michael, A.C. (2014) ACS Chem Neurosci. (under review)
Taylor, I. M.,Groskreutz, S.R., Gerstl, A. J., Zhang, J, Weber, S. G. (2013) Trends Anal. Chem.47, 129-137.
Gerstl, A. J., Taylor, I. M., Shu, Z., Zhang, H., Weber, S. G. (2012) Trends Anal. Chem.36, 1-10.
Professional Presentations
- Pittsburgh Conference for Analytical Chemistry 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Society for Neuroscience 2011, 2012
- Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience: 14th International Conference London, UK 2012
- University of Pittsburgh Student Seminar Series 2011
- Westminster College Seminar Series: Invited Speaker 2011
- University of Pittsburgh: Science 2009
- McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine Retreat 2008, 2009
- American Chemical Society National Conference 2008
- Westminster College Research Symposium 2007, 2008
Teaching and Mentoring Experience
Graduate Teaching Assistant Pittsburgh, PA
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry 2009-Present
General Chemistry – laboratory instructor to undergraduate students
Chemistry for Engineers – laboratory instructor to undergraduate engineering students
College in High School – laboratory instructor for high school students performing college labs
Nominee for the Elizabeth Baranger Excellence in Teaching Award
Mentoring Undergraduate Researchers Pittsburgh, PA
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry 2010-Present
Mentored four undergraduate students conducting independent research projects
Mentored student coauthored a publication and is enrolled in graduate school at UC Santa Barbara
HeadModerator of Conferee Networking Session Orlando, FL and Chicago, IL
Pittsburgh Conference for Analytical Chemistry 2012 and 2014
Facilitated discussion between 25-35 individuals during a two hour round-table session
Professional Affiliations
- American Chemical Society
- Society for Analytical Chemistry of Pittsburgh
- Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry
- Society for Neuroscience
- Younger Chemists Committee of Pittsburgh