1.Work Week. There is no overtime authorized in the contract; each employee may only work 40 hours per week. If the Transition Assistance Advisors (TAA) works a weekend day, plans must be made for the TAA absence during the preceding the weekend to avoid overtime.
2. Federal Holidays. Employees are paid for all federal holidays off. Occasionally, a State or local office may declare a special holiday or day off. However, the TAA contract employee must report to work, make up the time within the week, or take leave or unpaid leave. TAAs need to arrange with the State Government Manager to gain access to the work site if the TAA will work on government day off.
3.Time Sheets. The TAA must complete his or her time sheet in a timely manner to avoid delays in pay. Each TAA must ensure appropriate validation of time and attendance records. When in doubt in how to complete your time sheet, call your company contact for time and attendance records.
4.Reporting Chain. As the Program Manager for the TAA Program, I have Program Management oversight of the Skyline contract team. In addition to his PM role, he fulfills the employee/employer role for Skyline employees, but Arrowpoint provides management for all employee/employer relations matters. (Example, time and attendance) As contractors, our responsibility is to ensure that we are fulfilling the contract job responsibilities. At the National level, the NGB J1 monitors our performance. At the local level, the Government TAA Manager (J1 or his/her representative) monitors our effectiveness in meeting the obligations of the contract and the needs of the state level TAA program. The Government Manager is not the TAA “supervisor”, but they ensure that we are completing our assigned tasks in accordance with the contract. For example, the State Government Manager’s acknowledgement on time and attendance records for leave and travel vouchers merely validate contract performance.
5.TDY and Reimbursement.TDY budgets are limited and so the TAA should exercise fiscal prudence of their travel within the state. Any travel that requires travel outside the state orterritorymust be approved in advance by the TAA Program Manager (John Labash).
TAA’s are authorized per diem rate for commercial hotels and meals, but we recommend Post/Base billeting when available. For air travel, TAAs should consider the most economical means: fly at the government fares because we have a government contract or consider a less expensive commercial rate. Flying First Class is permitted with employee paid or free upgrades, but first Class airline ticket purchases will not be reimbursed.
Upon TDY completion, the TAA may file for reimbursement by filling out a TDY voucher that follows the Joint Travel Regulation guidelines. Local daily travel by the
TAA in their POV for official business will also be compensated with travel funds for the standard JTR mileage rate.
6. Probationary Period/Orientation. Once the TAA contractor is hired there will be an introductory performance period. This probationary period is to determine if there is a good fit for the company and the individual. Assuming the employee and company have a compatible relationship after this probationary period, the TAA will be considered a regular full-time employee.
7. Non-Disclosure. Due to their access of private and sensitive information, TAAs must ensure they follow their respective company’s non-disclosure guidelines.
8. TAA Contractor Signature Block.Your signature block elements for your email messages and letters must reflect that you are a contractor working for Skyline or Arrowpoint. This identification is important in your role as the TAA when dealing with various governmental agencies. See the example of my signature element below.
John D. Labash
Program Manager
NGB Transition AssistanceAdvisors
3709 S. George Mason Dr., Suite C2E
Falls Church VA 22041
Voice: 703-373-2320
Fax: 703-991-0034