Dr. StruzzieroName______

Humanities English

Study Guide Questions, A Tale of Two Cities : Book II

VOCABULARY: To help you with comprehension and fluency, some unfamiliar vocabulary words are defined in the order that they appear in the text.

DIRECTIONS:Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper using complete sentences.


Incommodious- (adj) uncomfortable, inconvenient, not providing enough space or room

Embellishment- (n) an ornament or decoration

Extemporize- (v) to speak without advance preparation

Appellation- (n) a name, title, or designation

Trepidation- (n) fear, alarm, or agitation

Exasperation- (n) a state of being irritated or extremely annoyed

Efficacy- (n) capacity for producing the desired result or effect

Foray- (n) a quick, sudden attack

  1. What is the bank’s attitude towards change?
  1. What is it about Jerry Cruncher’s wife that exasperates him?
  1. What observations does young Jerry make about his father’s fingers?


Infamy- (n) extremely bad reputation as the result of a shameful, criminal, or outrageous act

  1. What is Old Bailey? Describe it.
  1. Who is being charged?
  1. What is the charge against the defendant?
  1. Who is present in the courtroom to act as a witness for the prosecution?


Demur- (v) to make objection, especially on the grounds of scruples; take exception; object

Pernicious- (adj) causing insidious harm or ruin, ruinous, injurious, hurtful

Auspicious- (adj) promising success, opportune, favorable

Insinuation- (n) an indirect or hidden suggestion or hint, especially of a derogatory nature

  1. Describe Sydney Carton’s appearance and demeanor in the courtroom.
  1. Why is chapter 3 called “A Disappointment”?


Disconcerted- (adj) disturbed, as in one’s composure or self possession; perturbed; ruffled

  1. Why did Dickens choose the name “Stryver” for the attorney?
  1. Explain how Carton and Darnay’s toast is an example of foreshadowing?
  1. Why does Sydney Carton hate Charles Darnay?


Dexterously -(adv) skillful in the use of hands or body

Engender -(v) to produce, cause, or give rise to

  1. What is Dickens’ intent in referring to Sydney Carton as the “jackal” and to Stryver as the “lion”? What literary device is he using here?
  1. Describe how Carton feels about his work and his life. Pay special attention to the last 2 paragraphs of the chapter.
  1. After reading Chapter 5, do you sympathize with Sydney Carton? Why or why not?


  1. Where did Mr. Lorry go most Sundays?
  1. Why did Mr. Lorry go there?
  1. Describe your first impression of Ms. Pross.
  1. What is Ms. Pross like once you get to know her?
  1. How does Dickens foreshadow the French Revolution in this chapter?
  1. Why is Dr. Manette unwilling to share the details of his imprisonment with anyone?
  1. Why is this chapter called “Hundreds of People”?


  1. Consider the people with whom the Monseigneur associates. What does this teach you about what it takes to get ahead in French society?
  1. How does Dickens use sarcasm in his description of Monseigneur?
  1. Describe the accident that the Monsieur the Marquis is involved in in the streets of Paris.
  1. After the accident, what is Monsieur the Marquis’ primary concern?


  1. What peculiarity made the mender of roads stare at Monsieur the Marquis’ carriage?
  1. Based on your answer to the previous question, make a prediction about what will happen in chapter 9.


deference- (n) respectful submission or yielding to the judgement, opinion, or will of another.

  1. What is the relationship between Monsieur and Charles Darnay?
  1. How do Monsieur’s and Darnay’s views differ regarding the family’s position in society?
  1. Why was there “one stone face too many, up at the chateau”?
  1. Who claims responsibility for this?
  1. Perseus is an Ancient Greek hero who battles a Gorgon named Medusa, a monster with snakes for hair that kills its victims by looking at them and turning them into stone. Perseus cuts the monster’s head off and uses it as a weapon against his enemies. Why is “The Gorgon’s Head” an appropriate title for this chapter?


Deferentially- (adv) showing respectful submission or yielding to judgement

  1. A year later, what is Darnay’s profession and social position?
  1. Describe the two promises mentioned in the title of this chapter.
  1. Why do you suppose that Dr. Manette requests that Darnay make this promise?


  1. Summarize Stryver’s plan.
  1. What advice does Stryver offer Sydney Carton?


Emissary- (n)a representative sent on a mission or errand

Venerable- (adj) commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity

Laudable- (adj) deserving praise, commendable

  1. How does Jarvis Lorry respond to Stryver’s plan?
  1. Use indirect characterization to make inferences: what new insights have you gained about Lorry?
  1. Why do you think Dickens entitled the chapter “The Fellow of Delicacy”?


Irresolute- (adj) doubtful, infirm of purpose

Sloth- (n) the state of not liking to work too hard, laziness

Sensuality- (n) the nature of being preoccupied with the gratification of the senses or appetites

  1. What new information have you learned about Sydney Carton?
  1. Please identify the foreshadowing in the chapter.
  1. Why did Dickens name Chapter 12 “The Fellow of Delicacy” and Chapter 13 “The Fellow of No Delicacy”?


Ruminated- (v) to meditate or ponder

Deride- (v)to laugh at in scorn or contempt; mock

Benevolent- (adj) characterized by expressing good feelings or goodwill

Amiss- (adj) improper, wrong, faulty

Ubiquitous- (adj) existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipresent

Ostensible- (adj) outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended

  1. Whose funeral procession does the crowd attack and why?
  1. What is Jerry Cruncher’s second job and how do you know it?
  1. Why does young Jerry want to be a “Resurrection Man”?
  1. Explain the significance of the title of chapter 14


Superciliously- (adj) haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or as a facial expression

Languished- (v) to be or become weak or feeble; droop; fade

  1. Describe the punishment of Gaspard.
  1. Please identify and explain an example of foreshadowing in chapter 15.
  1. Please identify and explain a symbol in chapter 15.


Palpable- (adj) readily or plainly seen, heard, or perceived; obvious; evident

Retribution- (n) requital according to merits or deserts, especially for evil

Discomfited- (v) to confuse and deject; disconcert

Assiduously- (adv) constantly, unremittingly

  1. What is so significant about the news that John Barsad offers to the Defarges?
  1. Please explain the significance of the title of this chapter.
  1. Please connect your analysis from the previous question to another significant character and action from earlier in the novel.


Felicity- (n) the state of being happy, especially in a high degree; bliss

Dire- (adj) causing or involving great fear or suffering; dreadful; terrible

  1. What are Doctor Manette’s feelings about Lucie’s upcoming wedding?


  1. Make a prediction: what do you think Charles Darnay said to Dr. Manette in private before the wedding?
  1. What inferences can you make about charity to others based on the actions of Dr. Manette and Mr. Jarvis Lorry in this chapter?


  1. Please summarize the action of chapter 19: why did Dickens entitle Chapter 19 “An Opinion?”


Supplication- (n) the act of making a humble prayer, an entreaty, or a petition

  1. Please explain the significance of the title of this chapter.
  1. What inferences can you make about love or charity based on the actions of Lucie Manette, Sydney Carton, and Charles Darnay in this chapter?


  1. Please explain the significance of the title of this chapter.
  1. Please describe Lucie and Charles’ family.
  1. What historic event is depicted in this chapter?
  1. Copy some words from a passage that strikes you and explain why you chose it.
  1. Where does Defarge demand to be taken first and why?


  1. Please describe the Vengeance.
  1. Who is Old Foulon, and how is he punished?
  1. What is the significance of the title of Chapter 22?


Edifying- (adj) beneficial, especially morally or spiritually; uplifting

  1. Please describe Gabelle.
  1. Please explain the significance of the title of this chapter.


Judicious- (adj) using or showing judgment as to action or practice; expediency; discrete; prudent, or politic

  1. Why has Mr. Jarvis Lorry gone to France?
  1. What is ironic about the grumblings of those members of the Monseigneur class who have fled to Tellson’s Bank in England?
  1. What do Charles Darnay’s actions in this chapter teach you about his character?