8 Masons Hill
Tel: 0208 466 3080
Fax: 0208 466 3099
Transfer of cases (temporary or permanent) to Bromley YOT
In order to facilitate a swift and effective case transfer process Bromley YOT have proposed the following model:
In the first instance, acourtesy phone call from the OperationsManager from the YOT wishing to transfer/care take an Order or a case at the PSR stage, should be made to the Bromley Operations Manager- Court and Community team (Lorraine Duffus) to discuss the proposed transfer, timescales and any issues in relation to the young person.
Following discussions with the Bromley YOT Operations Manager – Court and Community team, the YOT wishing to transfer the case will need to complete the attached transfer summary checklist. This will need to be completed as we will not accept cases without a summary and the relevant paperwork.
All paperwork listed below should be forwarded and sent by secure email to
Following the phone call and completion of the transfer summary checklist, all relevant information such as:
- Completed ASSETCountersigned ROSH;
- PSR or Referral Order Report;
- PNC - list of convictions;
- CPS papers and case summary
- Intervention plans and reviews
- Vulnerability and Risk Management Plans and Reviews;
- Contact record or diary sheets;
- Copy of Court order/s and or licence.
- Other relevant Reports, (Educational, (SEN statement) Psychiatric and/or Family Proceedings, etc).
- Notification of any gang issues or any safety concerns regarding the young person.
- LAC paperwork;
These should be sent by secure email to
Once all the paperwork has been received a 3 – way transfer meeting will need to be arranged between the respective allocated YOT officers. The transferring YOT will retain full case responsibility after the transfer meeting has been held and in some instances for a period of 3 months from allocation to Bromley YOT. During the 3 month period the transferring YOT will retain responsibility for any breaches and completion of Pre-Sentence Reports.
In cases involving ‘Looked After’ young people, young people placed in Temporary Accommodation by Housing Departments, or young people with on-going Court proceedings the transfer of case responsibility will be subject to negotiation, depending on the nature of the placement and/or proceedings.
8 Masons Hill
Tel: 0208 466 3080
Fax: 0208 466 3099
Name of young personDOB / Bromley address
Order / Length of Order
Start date / End date
Careworks / YOIS (please indicate)
Family Name and Address (ie parent/carers/siblings etc)
Family Composition:
Reason for Transfer:
Social Situation: (include details of Education, Employment and/or Training)
YOT involvement to date:
Social Services involvement to date:
Current Offence and Pattern of Previous Offending:
Assessment and Supervision Plan/Action Plan Targets – work undertaken to date:
Risk of harm to public and self:
MAPPA case? If so, please provide further details.
Has MAPPA transfer been arranged?
Compliance with National Standards:
No. of missed appointments Acceptable/Unacceptable
No. of warnings
Breach action taken
1. Intervention Plan2. List of Previous Convictions
3. CPS documents/case summary attached
4. PSR and other relevant reports
5. Full ASSET and ROSH
6. Risk Management Plan/Vulnerability Management Plan
7. Copy of the Order/Licence
8. List of intervention contacts to date
9. Has a home visit to the Bromley address been done?
Please indicate if these documents have been sent via secure email
Name transferring YOT:
Name YOT Officer:
Transfer discussed with Operations Manager Y/N
Date discussed with Operations Manager:
Name of operations Manager:
To be completed by Bromley YOT:
Transfer agreed by: Date:
Date File Received:
Date case allocation:
Allocated worker at Bromley YOT:
Date handover meeting – 3- way meeting:
Who will be attending this meeting?