Transfer of Agency Functions – Section 32 of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997

Purpose: This form is to be completed for the purposes of preparing a determination under sec 32 of the FMA Act 1997 for the transfer of appropriation amounts related to the function(s) being transferred from one agency to another.

Transferring Agency: / Enter the name of the transferring agency
Gaining Agency: / Enter the name of the gaining agency
Function to be transferred: / Provide details of the function or program to be transferred. The details of the function being transferred should be sufficiently clear to allow accurate identification. [Attach supporting documentation]
Authority and Date: / What was the authority for the transfer ? (For example a change in the Administrative Arrangements Order, letters from relevant Ministers, a decision of the Prime Minister or Cabinet)
Commencement Date: / Enter the date on which appropriations are to transfer from the Transferring Agency to the Gaining Agency
Has the Finance Minister made a previous determination under section 32 of the FMA Act in relation to the transfer of this function? If yes, please provide details of when signed.
[No previous determinations]
Table 1Table to be completed byEnter the name of the transferring agency {transferring agency}
Appropriation Act/Item
Column 1 / Appropriation Amount
Column 2(1) / Appropriation Adjustments
Column 3 (2) / Balance of Appropriation
(Col 2 plus/less Col 3)
Column 4 / ACM Appropriation Draw Downs to
[Insert date]
Column 5 / Balance of Unspent Appropriation at
[Insert date]
(Col 4 less Col 5)
Column 6 / Amount to Transfer Under s32 Determination to:
[Enter the name of the gaining agency]
Column 7 / Balance Retained by Transferring Agency
(Col 6 less Col 7)
Column 8
$ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
Choose Approp. ActAppropriation Act 1Appropriation Act 2Appropriation Act 3Appropriation Act 4Appropriation Act 5Appropriation Act 6Appropriation (WE&HI) ActAppropriation (WE) ActAppropriation (ESS) Act 1Appropriation (ESS) Act 2Appropriation (NBJ) Act 1Appropriation (NBJ) Act 2Appropriation (NTNER) Act 1Appropriation (NTNER) Act 2Appropriation (RTS) ActAppropriation (TFA) ActAppropriation (AIPRD) Act
Choose Approp. ItemDepartmental OutputsAdministered ExpensesPayments to States etc.Equity InjectionsLoansPrevious Years’ OutputsAdminist’d Assets and LiabilitiesNew Administered Expenses
Choose Year 2009-102008-092007-082006-072005-062004-052003-042002-032001-022000-011999-00
Choose Outcome Outcome 1Outcome 2Outcome 3Outcome 4Outcome 5Outcome 6Outcome 7Outcome 8Outcome 9Outcome 10Outcome 11Outcome 12Outcome 13Outcome 14Outcome 15Non operating / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00

(1)Appropriation amounts as per the Schedules to the annual appropriation Acts are as follows:

(1.1) Act 1 Appropriations:

(1.1.1) For administered items, this will be amounts opposite an outcome under the heading Administered Expenses;

(1.1.2) For departmental items, this will be the total amount in relation to an entity under the heading Departmental Outputs.

(1.2) Act 2Appropriations:

(1.2.1) For administered items, the actual appropriation item is the amount set out opposite an outcome of an entity under the heading New Administered Expenses.

(1.2.2) For State, ACT, NT and local government items, the actual appropriation item is the amount set out opposite an outcome of an entity under the heading Payments to States, ACT, NT, and local government;

(1.2.3) For administered assets and liabilities items, the actual appropriation item is the amount set out in relation to an entity opposite the heading Administered Assets and Liabilities.

(1.2.3) For other departmental items, the actual appropriation item is the amount in relation to an entity opposite the heading Equity Injections, or opposite the heading Loans, or opposite the heading Previous Years’ Outputs.

(2)If applicable, record the amounts of any adjustments to appropriation amounts in column 3 (e.g. s32 Determinations, AFMs issued, appropriation reductions approved by MfFD, Section 31 receipts).

Table 2CBMS ACM Allocation –Enter the name of the transferring agency {transferring agency}
Column 1 / Amount to Transfer
Under s32 Determination
Column 2 / ACM Program
Column 3 / Amount
Column 4
$ / $
Choose Approp. Act
Choose Approp. Item
Choose Year
Choose Outcome / $0.00 / Enter Program Name / $0.00
Program Total / $0.00
Table 3CBMS ACM Allocation – Enter the name of the gaining agency {gaining agency}
Column 1 / Amount to Transfer
Under s32 Determination
Column 2 / ACM Program
Column 3 / Amount
Column 4
$ / $
Choose Approp. ActAppropriation Act 1Appropriation Act 2Appropriation Act 3Appropriation Act 4Appropriation Act 5Appropriation Act 6Appropriation (WE&HI) ActAppropriation (WE) ActAppropriation (ESS) Act 1Appropriation (ESS) Act 2Appropriation (NBJ) Act 1Appropriation (NBJ) Act 2Appropriation (NTNER) Act 1Appropriation (NTNER) Act 2Appropriation (RTS) ActAppropriation (TFA) ActAppropriation (AIPRD) Act
Choose Approp. ItemDepartmental OutputsAdministered ExpensesPayments to States etc.Equity InjectionsLoansPrevious Years’ OutputsAdminist’d Assets and LiabilitiesNew Administered Expenses
Choose Year 2009-102008-092007-082006-072005-062004-052003-042002-032001-022000-011999-00
Choose Outcome Outcome 1Outcome 2Outcome 3Outcome 4Outcome 5Outcome 6Outcome 7Outcome 8Outcome 9Outcome 10Outcome 11Outcome 12Outcome 13Outcome 14Outcome 15Non operating / $0.00 / Enter Program Name / $0.00
Program Total / $0.00
CFO Sign-Off –Enter the name of the transferring agency {transferring agency} / CFO Sign-Off –Enter the name of the gaining agency {gaining agency}
By signing this form, I acknowledge that this request for a determination under section 32 of the FMA Act, relating to a transfer of appropriation amounts, will inform the Minister for Finance and Deregulation, for the purpose of making a determination that amends the Schedules of the Appropriation Acts,identified in column 1 of Table 1 by the amounts identified in column 7 of Table 1. / Signature:______
By signing this form, I acknowledge that this request for a determination under section 32 of the FMA Act, relating to a transfer of appropriation amounts will inform the Minister for Finance and Deregulation, for the purpose of making a determination that amends the Schedules of the Appropriation Acts,identified in column 1 of Table 1 by the amounts identified in column 7 of Table 1.
Finance Appropriation Bills and Management Team
Application Checked by:______Date:______
Date Determination Signed:______
Date Determination Actioned in ACM:______

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