Transeosophageal ECHO
Beique, F et al (1996) ‘Equipment in Anaesthesia – An introduction to transoesophageal echocardiography: basic principles’ CJA Review Article – page 252 – 277
Dr Chris Horrocks Tutorial – 19/3/09
- allow real time anatomical and physiological assessment of cardiac status
- probes (single, bi, omiplane and epivascular)
- very expensive equipment
- very expensive but reusable
- anatomy (heart, valves, great veins, aorta)
- preload (volume status)
- contractility (left and right systolic and diastolic function)
- regional wall motion abnormalities
- abnormal masses (i.e. vegetations)
- peri-cardial/pleural/aortic collections
- pressure gradients (across valves and chambers) -> remember NOT pressures as you can’t measure pressures with sound waves!
- using Doppler -> Q
- sound waves via piezoelectric crystals -> electrical current -> produces and senses vibrations
- remember that sound waves can get bounced and also that if you seen something -> you need to ensure its not artefact by looking in two views
- crystals produce 2-3 wavelengths (short burst) and then listens for a comparatively long time
- remember: time is proportional to distance
- speed of sound in soft tissue = 1540m/s
- 4-7 MHz
- frequency can be adjusted based on what you are looking for
- resolution is directly proportional to frequency (but you loose tissue penetration = depth)
- attenuation of U/S signal is proportional to distance travelled and medium travelling through (air = worse, H2O = best )
- M, 2D, Doppler (spectral, colour flow)
- multiple beams across a single plane
- resolution can be altered by changing the number of crystals being recruited and narrowing the area being studied
- goals in examining in cardiac surgery = assessment of ventricular function, volume and area that is being repaired
- there are over 20 views
- 5 that should be mastered by a novice
- 0º = U/S ray coming out horizontal from probe
- 90º = U/S ray coming out vertical from probe
- 180º - U/S ray coming out horizontal from probe (opposite from 0º)
- long axis = view structure side on
- short axis = view structure end on
- movements of the probe:
1. advance/withdraw
2. turn left/right
3. ante/retrovert
4. rotate (0-180º)
5. flex left/right
- M = motion
- an amalgamation of A and B modes which represent lines and dots depending on the echogenic density of the medium through which the U/S wave is travelling.
- M mode displays this in real time
- it provides the highest resolution across a specific line
- used with colour flow Doppler to define timing of an abnormal flow within the cardiac cycle
- allow precise measurement of changes in cavity size, wall thickness and wall motion
- also the best at looking @ anatomical structures (vegetations, thrombus and valve dysfunction)
See Figure 3 in Article
Mid Oesophagus (30cm)
- Four Chamber view (0º) - ventricular function, valvular function and atrial abnormalities, Doppler interrogation of MV and TV, pericardium
- AV short axis (30º) - “Mercedes Benz” sign of AV, interatrial septum, coronary ostia, LVOT, PV
- Two Chamber view (90º) - left atrial appendage, inferior and anterior LV walls, MV and transmitral flow and coronary sinus
- Long Axis (130º) - LA, LV, AV, MV and proximal aorta
Transgastric (40cm)
- Short Axis Mid Papillary View (0º) - LV function, RWA, RV function, tamponade (can look at this view and get a lot of information – kissing sign = decreased preload, collapsing ventricle = decreased after load, RWA = ischaemia, pericardial fluid = tamponade)
Upper Oesophagus (20cm)
- Aortic Arch Long Axis (0º) - PA bifurcation, aortic root
- Aortic Arch Short Axis (90º) - aortic arch, PA, PV, left brachiocephalic vein
Mid Oesophagus (30cm)
- 5 chamber view (0º) - LA, LV, RA, RV and LVOT
- Right Ventricular Inflow Tract & Coronary Sinus (60-90º)
- Right Ventricular Inflow and Outflow Tracts (from 90º, rotate to right)
- Bicaval (80-110º) - RA, right atrial appendage, atrial septum, venae cavae and LA (PFO and ASD)
Deep Transgastric (45cm)
- long axis (0º and anteflex) - LOVT, AV, ascending aortic arch, aortic outflow velocities
And there are many others!
- increase frame rate = frequency of refreshment of screen
- limit frame = increased definition
- decrease depth = increases quality
- increase gain = power output or strength of the signal (increases will increase artefact however)
- adjustment of dynamic range compression (like adjusting contrast level on a TV)
- adjusting frequency filter to eliminate noise
- the cine loop = allows digital acquisition of and storage of cardiac cycles which are then displayed on the screen (can use full screen, split or quad screen to look @ different views of the heart @ the same time)
- zoom = U/S limited to a specific depth
- B mode colour = changes the grey scale of 2D imaging to various hues of blue, purple, orange or yellow
- The Doppler shift = frequency shift that take place when RBC is moving towards and then away from transducer
- towards = sound waves compressed -> frequency increases
- away = sounds waves expand -> frequency decreases
Spectral Doppler
- blood flow velocity can be measured using a pulsed wave or continuous wave.
- a spectral tracing derived by Fourrier analysis (time vs spectral tracing)
- the amplitude of the spectral tracing (y-axis) is directly proportional to the measured RBC velocity
- BART = blue away, red towards
- patterns of blood flow can also be determined (laminar to turbulent)
- laminar = well defined flow with pale centre
- see diagram in notes
- Bernoulli equation: change in P = 4V2
- sends a signal and waits for its return before sending another one
- good for looking at an area of interest that is at a specific depth
- cannot measure high velocity turbulent flow (c/o high frequency shifts)
- colour flow mapping = a form of pulsed wave Doppler -> good for illustrating regurgitation and abnormal flow (ASD, PFO, VSD)
- two different transmitters transmitting and listening
- can measure high velocity flows
- disadvantage is that the transducers cannot differentiate which signals come from which depth -> final analysis = an average of all U/S signals generated by moving RBC’s
CLINICAL APPLICATION = measurement of:
- pressure gradients
- flow velocity
- valve areas
- pressure half time
- regurgitant factions
- Q
- systolic function
- diastolic function
- stenotic = calculate gradients
- regurgitant = use colour flow mapping
LV Function
- end systolic distance < 4.5cm
- end diastolic distance < 7cm
- wall thickness < 12mm
- transgastric short access to get impression
- fractional shortening (diastolic – systolic diameter of LV)
- fractional area change (diastolic – systolic circumference change of LV) – more accurate
- 2 and 4 chamber area change in systole and diastole = EF
Diastolic Function
- relaxation requires energy (ATP)
- phases of relaxation = isovolumetric relaxation, early filling, diastasis (when LA passively fills LV and then stops), atrial contraction
- transmitral flow velocity
- normal = E > A
- abnormal = A > E
- pseudonormal = E > A (LA dilated to compensated for lack of LV relaxation)
- restrictive = E > A
Regional wall motion abnormalities
- heart divided into 16 parts than can be seen on TOE (+1 = apex which is not seen)
- all can be commented on
- normal
- mild RWMA
- severe RWMA
- akinesis
- dyskinesis (move in opposite direction to where it is meant to be)
- decreased interference from bone or air (exception = left main bronchus -> distal ascending aorta)
Valves - increased resolution (endocarditis, post surgery)
Atrial structures – appendage, septum, pulmonary veins
Thoracic aorta
TTE technically difficult – post cardiac surgery and in ventilated with high PEEP
- gastrointestinal bleeding
- oesophageal rupture
Jeremy Fernando (2010)