Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency
Institutional Quality Audit Report
Document referenceHERQAQARO1/07
Date of issueXXXXX 2007
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This document reports on a HERQA Institutional Quality Audit
carried out between xxx and xxx xxx 2007
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This Institutional Quality Audit Report was issued XXX 2007
Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency
Institutional Quality Audit Report
HERQA’s Approach to Institutional Quality Auditingxx
Executive Summaryxx
The Institutionxx
The Institutional Quality Audit Processxx
The Institutional Quality Auditxx
1: Vision, Mission and Educational Goalsxx
2: Governance and Management Systemxx
3: Infrastructure and Learning Resourcesxx
4: Academic and Support Staffxx
5: Student Admission and Support Servicesxx
6: Program Relevance and Curriculumxx
7: Teaching, Learning and Assessmentxx
8: Student Progression and Graduate Outcomesxx
9: Research and Outreach Activitiesxx
10: Internal Quality Assurancexx
Thematic Enquiries and Audit Trailsxx
Appendix 1:Acronymsxx
Appendix 2:The Institutional Quality Audit Teamxx
Appendix 3:Timetable of activities undertaken during thexx
Institutional Quality Audit Visit
Appendix 4:Participants in meetings held during thexx
Institutional Quality Audit Visit
Appendix 5:Documents consulted for the Institutional Quality Auditxx
Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency
Institutional Quality Audit Report
HERQA is an autonomous agency established through the Higher Education Proclamation (351/2003) as one of the key agencies responsible for guiding and regulating the higher education sector in Ethiopia. HERQA has been established to help ensure a high quality and relevant higher education system in the country. One of the central roles of HERQA is to encourage and assist the growth of an organizational culture in Ethiopian higher education that values quality and is committed to continuous improvement.
As one of its key activities HERQA carries out Institutional Quality Audits ofHigher Education Institutions (HEIs). An Institutional Quality Audit is an in-depth analysis and assessment of the quality and relevance of programs and of the teaching and learning environment. Equally importantly, an Institutional QualityAuditassesses the appropriateness and effectiveness of a HEI’s approach to quality assurance, its systems of accountability and its internal review mechanisms. The product of an Institutional QualityAudit is an Institutional Quality Audit Report.
HERQA intends that through its Institutional Quality Audit Reports and the dissemination of good practice that it will help to enhance the provision of higher education in Ethiopia and the confidence of all stakeholders in the quality and relevance of that provision.
HERQA’s Approach to Institutional Quality Auditing
A HERQA institutional quality audit proceeds through a number of stages. The initial action is a self evaluation carried out by the HEI to be audited. HERQA asks that this should deal with ten focus areas. These are as follows:
1: Vision, Mission and Educational Goals
2: Governance and Management System
3: Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4: Academic and Support Staff
5: Student Admission and Support Services
6: Program Relevance and Curriculum
7: Teaching, Learning and Assessment
8: Student Progression and Graduate Outcomes
9: Research and Outreach Activities
10: Internal Quality Assurance
HERQA has issued documentation to illuminate each of the above areas providing reference points and indicating possible sources of evidence.
Following the institutional self evaluation the HEI prepares a Self Evaluation Document (SED) organized in accord with guidelines issued by HERQA. This helps to ensure that all SEDs deal with the same aspects of the work of HEIs and are of similar structure and length. The completed SED is sent to HERQA.
Following receipt of the SED, HERQA initiates a dialogue with the HEI to establish a timescale for the institutional quality audit. HERQA also selects a team of trained institutional quality auditors (normally five people), sends the names of the proposed team to the HEI and asks the HEI to consider if any member may be unsuitable. Where reasons for unsuitability are upheld by HERQA (e.g. possible conflict of interest) then a replacement will be nominated.
Following analysis of the SED by the auditors, two members of the audit team make a one day briefing visit the HEI. The purpose of the visit is to help ensure a common understanding of the audit procedure in the HEI; help the HEI make the necessary preparations and arrangements for the audit and to indicate further information that the HEI should try to make available to the audit team. During this visit the timetable for the institutional quality audit visit is discussed and, where possible, the date for the visit confirmed.
The institutional quality audit itself is carried out during a four day visit to the HEI by the team of auditors.The key purpose of the audit visit is to validate the SED submitted by the HEI.
During the visit the team studies documentation, visits facilities, meets with staff and students and observes teaching. At the end of the visit the team makes a brief oral report to the President of the HEI.
Following the institutional quality audit visit the audit team draft an audit report. This draft is sent to the HEI to check for factual accuracy. HERQA then produces a final Institutional QualityAuditReport which is presented to the HEI and subsequently published. An Institutional QualityAuditReport seeks to make clear HERQA’s confidence in the ability of the HEI to provide appropriate degree level education. Importantly, a report also aims to support a HEI by recognizing its good practices and by indicating areas where changes in provision and practice can improve the quality and/or relevance of its activities.
Further to the institutional quality audit report the HEI is asked to prepare an action plan that seeks to enhance the quality and relevance of its provision. HERQA requests a copy of this plan and monitors its implementation. Subsequent institutional quality audits consider the extent to which the HEI has been able to use its action plan to enhance quality and relevance.
Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency
Institutional Quality Audit Report
Executive Summary
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This section provides a summary of the report. It will provide an overview of the HEI, the procedures of the Institutional Quality Audit, the major conclusion of the audit, elements of good practices and recommendations for essential actions on quality and/or relevance. It will also state the total number of commendations and the number of essential, advisable and desirable recommendations for action made.
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Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency
Institutional Quality Audit Report
The Institution
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This section sets the context for the Institutional Quality Audit by describing the location, size, and history of the HEI including any special features. It will also give information on the programs offered, the students and the staff. In addition, it will present any recent actions taken following internal audits or reviews, responses to external audits or reviews or responses to changing situations.
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The Institutional Self Evaluation
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This section describes how the HEI carried out the self evaluation
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The Institutional Quality Audit Process
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This section describes how the Institutional Quality Audit was carried out, how information was collected, the meetings held and the observations and visits made.
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The Institutional Quality Audit
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This section deals with the findings of the audit. It is divided into 10 sub sections each corresponding to one of the ten focus areas of the audit
Each of the ten focus area sub sections is structured similarly.
The starting point for each sub section is description of the focus area and a commentary on each of the reference points of that focus area. This commentary is based on the information in the Self Evaluation Document and any additional information gained during the audit exercise. Where the evidence cited or referred to in the Self Evaluation Document has been confirmed this is stated. Where the evidence in the Self Evaluation Document has been shown to be unreliable this is also stated. Where there is no evidence that a focus area meets a threshold level this is stated and, where possible, an explanation given. Where a HEI has made a judgment on its educational provision in a focus area then this is commented on. Where the audit team is not in agreement with the institutional judgment an explanation is given
Where there is evidence of what is considered to be good practice, achievements or planning, this is stated and, if merited, there is a statement of commendation. Where it is considered that improvements should or could be made then these are stated in the form of recommendations for action. Essential recommendations are actions that need urgent attention to assure quality and/or relevance. Advisable recommendations relate to areas where there is the potential for quality and/or relevance to be at risk and where action is needed but not so urgently. Desirable recommendations are actions which will help to enhance quality and/or relevance.
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1: Vision, Mission and Educational Goals
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2: Governance and Management System
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3: Infrastructure and Learning Resources
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4: Academic and Support Staff
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5: Student Admission and Support Services
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6: Program Relevance and Curriculum
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7: Teaching, Learning and Assessment
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8: Student Progression and Graduate Outcomes
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9: Research and Outreach Activities
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10: Internal Quality Assurance
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Thematic Enquiries and Audit Trails
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This section describes and evaluates any themes that have been investigated across the HEI and aspects of the management of quality that have been investigated in depth in one of more programs. (e.g. themes of equal opportunities, student centered learning, continuous assessment, feedback to students on their progress: aspects such as program approval, assessment practices, staff development.
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This section presents the overall conclusions from the Institution Quality Audit. It expresses views on the educational provision of the HEI and the factors that have an impact on quality and relevance. It comments on the HEI’s capacity to manage, assure and enhance the quality and relevance of its programs and its capacity to provide an appropriate learning environment.
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This section brings together all the commendations made in the earlier sections of the report.
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This section brings together all the recommendations for action made in earlier sections of the report grouped under headings of essential recommendations for immediate action required to assure quality and/or relevance; advisable recommendations where action is needed to assure quality and/or relevance but not so urgently and desirable actions which will help to enhance quality and/or relevance.
Appendix 1:Acronyms
Higher Education Institution
Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency
Appendix 2:The Institutional Quality Audit Team
Appendix 3:Timetable of activities undertaken during the Institutional Quality Audit Visit
Appendix 4:Participants in meetings held during the Institutional Quality Audit Visit
Appendix 5:Documents consulted for the Institutional Quality Audit
XXXUniversitySelf Evaluation Document
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