Transcript The One People Show July 1 2013
Heather: Yes. What we have here is … essentially we went in and the banking systems (inaudible) that everyone has seen, in the different news, the different media. They’ve had some problems. In 2008, you saw a lot of bubbles and everything else and just nothing moved. No money moved, because that’s what everyone was told was the value, was the money; currencies, paper, gold, silver. Really they shied away from the gold and the silver and really tried to have people focus on the paper and the coins.
So essentially what has happened is that there was a public trust and it was at one time called The One People’s Public Trust, which was the tool that was used to be able to go in and grab everyone’s value and return it to them near simultaneous to the grab. Essentially, the only thing that they could take was the title and ownership, but through deceptive acts and practices and fraud. So it all boils down to banking. Banking is the one thing that crosses all borders, whether perceived planetary, perceived universal. This, what some call the slavery system, was actually much greater than what everyone saw or had experienced.
That’s really the cap of what occurred up to this point, was that a few of us who knew the system and knew people within the systems, everyone worked together in a collaborative effort; some quite anonymously, some with certain amounts of deniability, but everyone worked very hard to bring this to a close.
So what happened was basically everything runs on commercial … what is called the commercial registry … Uniform Commercial Codes in the US, however all banks, all the central banks … each country actually is a corporation operating under the guise of the people’s governments, from any nation that you can think of. D from Removing the Shackles, American Kabuki, Kauilapele, Brian, Lisa, Bob, Chris – everyone brought that to light; was able to actually show people the documentation and where to go on these purported government sites to actually grab the corporate registries.
Heather: So basically I started with that public trust on March 6 of 2011. From there … I can only speak to the experience that I had … it’s been a wild ride. There have been a lot of banker resignations. There have been whole governments that … purported governments … that have resigned after lunch. (Laughs). Lots of Ministry officials, lots of arrests, so you can actually see the movement. If someone were to put all those dots in one place where you can actually see them, you would see the effects.
The trust tool was a huge tool and then it was retired, reconciled actually. Reconciled into what is, which is essentially every being on the planets and actually every embodiment in the universe is value. They are eternal essence. I don’t get into the religions, because those are basically… for my knowledge base and experience in bank, trade and finance…are just tools that were used for harvesting energy, control, management of the actual value and their assets, is that every BE’ing is the value.
So eternal essence … some people call it a soul … but it really is about energetics. Everything is about energetics. All of that value was returned, title, ownership, full custody. It never left the embodiments, but it’s sorta like a house. If you steal a house you either go in and possess it, but it’s always there; you don’t move it. Or you steal it by title and paper essentially, which is what all the banks have been doing.
Heather: Right. On July 25, 2012, last year, everything that was on the commercial registry … everything operates under a commercial registry … everything is commercial …
Heather: From the people who are put under commercial, the purported courts, purported corporations operating under the guise of governments are all corporate, everything is corporate. So everything to your religions, your schools, your hospitals and actually a number of hospitals have their own banks. A lot of universities are heavy into the financial area as well, finance companies. Here’s what I can tell you is that the approach that we took, whether it was the public trust, there were many before us, but the ones that actually went in to close everything – all the purported systems down, so that what is could actually operate absent limit, was Caleb Skinner, Hollis Randall Hilner, and then myself and through the…
Heather: Heather Tucci-Jarraf… and through our various backgrounds and experiences, like Caleb’s … he’s got a successful company that does a lot of code writing, program writing … he works in a lot of different areas, because that’s also another sector that has no borders. Then Randall was around … Randall’s older than Caleb and I, so he was around during many different movements and has been in the bank, trade and finance in some fashion or form. So with all of that basic knowledge, we were able to go in … and mine is legal, law, bank, trade, and finance and contracts … which everything is a contract. Every event in your life is a contract, whether you know it or not. They get basically a contract or an agreement. The way that the system, as D had said, is basically they take your eternal essence from birth, because your body is just your vehicle that your eternal essence operates through and what it operates, is actually energy and energy IS the value system.
Heather: Right, exactly. So what our approach that we took was number one, just go in and get done the parts that … instead of sitting there trying to teach everyone how to go do it, we realized that it could be done by one, because it’s all the same facts, the same scenario, the same system. Once you know the template, they all are uniform. So that was all closed down and essentially, all this corporate or representations were cancelled, for cause; deceptive acts and practices and fraud. There was a certain way that we did that and No, we did not use the lien mechanism. We actually went in and did it a different way; it’s all in the paperwork. We can go over that later. There’s been a number of interviews on that, so I’ll leave that to the side for now.
Essentially what everyone is wanting to know at this moment is, they have all this value and nothing’s ever been taken from them, but it has been taken by title, by paper
Heather:…by paper and process and through management. If you look at where they’ve invested all of their time, their money, their efforts, their energy, it’s in controlling the population, the public.
Heather: Schools, hospitals …
Heather: Well, the way that they go in and from the moment that the body is created; because that’s actually the notice of eternal essence in body … people say embodiments, I say In body, In’bodiment … and that’s when the eternal essence, the soul, whatever you would like to call it, goes in and really it’s about that particular soul or eternal essence being able to use the energy and manifest and create. And that IS the value.
So what they do is they go in and basically the birth certificate is one example where they go in and they take over the body and here you think you’re just registering yourself so people know that you actually are a human BE’ing, a live body. That’s all sent off to the World Bank and IMF and from there, everything you do, you do actually under, you’re a corporation operating under the guise of human. Then your account at the central banks is charged, basically for everything.
All the systems … that’s where all the courts, purported courts, send all their paperwork is up to the central banks. They get credits for every transaction and contract that they do.
Heather: It’s by consent. No one goes to jail without their consent.
Heather: Well, that’s fine, Bob. Here’s the thing; there’s a lot of contracts that people aren’t made aware of. So a contract is where you know the material facts. There’s certain elements to a contract in order to have a binding contract. Then there’s agreements, which legally and factually, conceptually, are different. So agreements, you don’t have to disclose everything. If you can get their consent and it’s an unknowing, unwilling and unintentional consent, it’s still an agreement. It’s really about asking the right questions. So the best thing to do is … if someone comes up to you, Bob, with a contract that has a signature that says Bob Wright, but you know you didn’t sign it and you don’t even know this person, what would you say to them?
Heather: If they tried to enforce it?
Heather: Right. And I didn’t sign that… whatever it might be. So here’s the thing, if anyone makes you sign anything, just your signature is whatever you want to make of it. Okay, it can be an ‘X’, it can be a thumbprint, it can be a squiggly, it can actually be Bob Wright okay! For me what I do is in law and then in legal systems because there’s a difference between law and legal systems. Alright, so what happens is when I go to sign something my signature, because your signature is anything you intend to represent you. My signature is ‘Without Prejudice, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf. And I do that because I don’t know what contracts, or agreements; what kind of dealings have been done, so when I sign something I’m just signing “Yes sure, you need this piece of paper okay, but I’m DO’ing it without prejudice”, which means I can’t be harmed, damaged or prejudiced or held to a binding contract that I have never seen and don’t know all the facts to. That’s what ‘Without Prejudice’ means.
So I’ve had, my husband in fact, was in a situation where just out of the blue all these cops show up and he’s in Spain and Spain happens to not think that it’s part of the European Union; it’s Spain, it’s Espana.
Heather: In that town. And so they were like “You have to sign this.” Same kind of attitude that Bob you were just illuminating to with the….
Heather: …traffic police. You know they were like “You have to sign this, you have to sign this!” And they were getting really aggressive, really pushy and my husband’s not small he’s six four, and no he’s not an Ethiopian he’s not actually Moroccan. (Laughter).
And he was like “I will sign anything you put in front of me”. And then when he went to go sign he signed ‘Without Prejudice’ and they flipped out. And all the way from the cops to the lawyers to the magistrate to the judges were flipping out that he signed ‘Without Prejudice’ and he was very respectful and said ‘No problem… you put anything before me and I’ll go ahead and sign it”. But that’s what he signed with and they were all flustered and frustrated but there was nothing that they could do. And…
Heather: Yeah because he kept saying that he wanted to talk to his embassy and they were like “You can’t. You have no rights. You’re not Spanish”.
And he was like, “You are part of the European Union right; because I am Italian. I am part of the European Union and he goes “We’re Espana!”
And so he told them to Google things and they told them “What’s this ‘Without Prejudice’” and he told them Google it!
So yeah it was quite an interesting story, but here’s the point. The point is YOU are the value. That’s what BE’ing when we talk about BE’ing and DO’ing which is a lot of… it’s just really simple, it’s really basic… I use those words BE and DO because those are simple.
Heather: Right, so that’s why it’s so important to BE and to DO. It’s just a very simple statement. The point is if you BE and DO, especially after what was referred to as the OPPT; the People’s Trust… went in and returned everything to everyone; anytime you BE and DO it is now YOUR. There is no corporate or hidden representation that they can actually charge to because you are a full custodian. You are the sole (soul) custodian of your body, which is your vehicle and your BE’ing which is your eternal essence and that is where the value IS.
Heather: Okay. So first off the value has always been in you. It’s just been a matter of what hasn’t been told. What hasn’t been transparent is number one ‘what the value is’ and now that you all know what the value is and it lawfully and legally has been returned. Is that you’ve always been able to access it. So right now it’s a matter of people… you can either give them a fish for a day, or you can teach them how to fish; and really this is just reminding you how to fish. Cause everything that’s about to be said has always been; which is why they really don’t want people to be focused on knowing themselves or going within and using their tools of resonance. They need you distracted so you don’t think about this stuff.
So when you go in to access your value what is very important is to know this; the tools that are in the ‘financial system’ are the tools; they’re representations, they’re usually a written or a physical representation of the energetics.
Okay. So the financial system as far as the tools and the mechanisms are beautiful. And they are very correct because they needed to use the correct tools in order to transfer and use. The problem was they commandeered and stole things that weren’t theirs. And when I say ‘they’ I’m not talking about the purported corporations operating under the guise of government okay. I’m talking about those who actually use those tools in order to commandeer. Normally people know them as the thirteen families and even within the thirteen families there were many that were trying and have assisted in making sure this all comes out. So I’d really like to point that out. And there are a lot of people within those systems; agents and beneficiaries that also have been working to make sure all of this comes out.
So the tools; typically people are very familiar with ‘the bond’ okay. A cheque; you know the cheques you write to your grocer, or that you write for your gas, or that you write for the school, rent or whatever. Cheques are a bond; it’s actually a bill of exchange. Okay. I don’t like the word ‘bond’ because ‘bond’ is ‘bondage’.
Heather: Okay, in the value system what they did was they took a part of the value system, put it into a vacuum and it happened when it’s in the value system and it’s whole it actually is the enforcement and accountability; self accountability feature of the value system. When you separate it, it ends up creating a debt system; which is what people today know as the ‘financial system’. So it looks like there’s limited resources. It looks like there’s not enough. And…
Heather: … and each person is not the value and they actually have to borrow the value okay. That’s a huge part and so what I have focused on with Caleb and Randall throughout this entire time was not to just give a fish and if something happens to the person teaching how to get a fish, everyone’s kind of screwed.
So really it’s about everyone knowing all the data so that they can BE creative, since it is their value, it is their body, their vehicle that they are DO’ing this to and I love all the DNA conversations and the supreme court in the US went in and dealt with this too. DNA is just a part of your vehicle right… it’s part of your body. And GW Hardin brought up it’s not just DNA, you hear RNA, you hear all these acronyms… junk DNA… that’s going to be an interesting revelation here very, very shortly of what that actually all is.
But what I can say is this; the tools are still the same as far as accessing. But I don’t like the word ‘Bond’. It’s an instrument okay. Like the public trust when we went in to test the different mechanisms on how to return everything to everyone there was an ‘acceptance performance bond’. And that’s a ‘bondage’ right! It’s a voluntary commercial indenture. You’re agreeing to be a commercial servant for whatever period of time for whatever the term of contract and terms and conditions are.
So instead what I would like to do and this is what I’ve been working on for release for today, which will be released today; is giving everyone the data of the value system…the whole. And you’ll be able to recognize the part that was the financial system. And I’m actually breaking it down so you can see how they actually made physical representations of the energetics and they didn’t tell you about the energetics. And the whole value system.
Then also the tools and the instruments; you’ll see how value actually works; which is value for value. And you’ll also be able to see the different tools. Because if you know what the actual value system is you know how the value for value works, like currencies for instance as an example, they’ll say “Oh it’s for instance in Morocco it’s something like eight and a half Dirham per dollar, or eight point two Dirham per Euro. That’s the value exchange. We’ll value for value is one to one unit. It doesn’t matter what the units are because they’re all representations of energy.