March 31, 2018 - Pre-Recorded World Satsanga for The Kevin Moore Show
Transcript of Pre-Recorded World Satsanga by Guy Steven Needler:
“This is the World Satsanga on the 31st of March 2018 in conjunction with Kevin Moore and The Moore Show. And again thanks to Kevin for posting the World Satsangas together with some visuals as well on his YouTube site (The Moore Show). So I’m very delighted that he continues to do that and we work together in quite a symbiotic way in that respect.
Okay, so let’s go through the agenda for this particular Satsanga. First of all, I’m going to go through a quick talk on the ascended masters and their relationship to the Source Entities. That really means which particular Source Entity are they derived from, because all of the Source Entities at some point had a True Energetic Self or a smaller aspect of themselves projected into each other, so they could all experience what each other was doing at various different times. And there is a lot of interaction between these particular True Energetic Selves and our Source Entity One, so we can see who’s who and what’s what in terms of those that are classified as Source Entity derived ascended masters.
Then I’ve got quite a lot of questions to go through, and then right at the very end, we’ve got a meditation to change your reality, and I think that’s something that a lot of us need to do right now, because the realities we’re having at the moment are a bit interesting to say the least, and we need to sort of move away from them. Okay, right.
Part 1. Lecture on “The Ascended Masters and their Relationships with the Source Entities”
The Source Entities in essence want to experience what each other are doing, and one of the ways in which they do this is to project a smaller version of themselves, if you like a True Energetic Self, into the environment that is created by each other to experience what their individualized units of self or sentience are. And so what we’ve got here is a list of individuals, who are, for want of a better word, of note and of quite experienced levels of interaction with us, that are doing some level of good for us as well.
And this is interesting, because in essence the Source Entities you would have thought would just have wanted to interact with us, but in real terms what they’re doing is they’re offering some way forwards for incarnate mankind and other areas of incarnate civilization around the rest of the physical universe to help propel it forwards and help with the ascension process. But we seem to have had over the last few thousand years quite a proliferation of the interaction with the True Energetic Selves of some of these Source Entities.
So what I’m going to do now is basically just go through each ascended master. Now before I move forwards, there are a lot of ascended masters, an awful lot. There’s in excess of thirty, probably even more than that, maybe 36 or even more. And there’s lots of descriptions on the internet. What I’m doing is just going through the ones that are classified as the main ones and those that I’m told are aligned to a specific Source Entity. So that’s what I’m going to work on right now, so it will be around about twelve of these things. What I will say that interestingly enough the number of ascended masters that we know about is about thirteen.
(1) You have to think of it in terms of one of them is Babaji, and Babaji is aligned to Source Entity Seven (SE7). Now Babaji isn’t an ascended master. He is still using the human form. Clearly, he can dematerialize it and reconstruct it in different areas, and he does a lot of his work in the background, so to speak. So he is a master, but he is not a true ascended master, because he hasn’t decided to leave the Earth plane and is remaining in the energetic. He is working with us still, and although he’s got complete control over his earthly body — it stays forever young, for instance, and it never gets ill — he does work in the background and works with us in some way. So he’s like the 13th, so to speak. And there is another one as well, which I’ll come to later, where there’s two ascended masters that are part of the same True Energetic Self, and I’ll explain that later.
(5 min) So Babaji is aligned to SE7, and is responsible for the reintroduction of through various other entities, such as Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteswar and later Paramahansa Yogananda for reintroducing kriya yoga as a modality and a method of gaining a level of self-awareness and self-realization whilst still incarnate.
(2) Gautama Buddha is aligned to Source Entity Eleven (SE11). Now Buddha is another famous Indian avatar, if you want to call him that. But basically he also found or established a way of becoming self-aware, self-enlightened. He himself created a method through many years of seeking and practice and study to work out how to project the consciousness or be aware of through changing his conscious state into and outside of those areas that are associated with the human form and into the rest of the physical universe.
Clearly, we know his history. He was born into a very wealthy family as a prince and decided to renounce that. But most of his ways basically are about the “Middle Way,” which is being not too good, not too bad, not too…not to move along any particular line. And in real terms, what he’s doing there is he’s showing us how to stick with a life plan and not get distracted by either side. So he’s the second one. He’s aligned to SE11.
(3) Now Confucius is another ascended master. And clearly he’s one of the great along a long line of philosophers, and he’s associated with Source Entity Three (SE3). Now much of his teachings have been broadcast and written about and discussed and lectured about over the years. But he is very good at understanding the human mentality whilst incarnate. Although he never wrote his own teachings down, it has been passed down by word of mouth and then later broadcast and written down, as people started to write it down. So really his students are the ones who wrote the information down about how to exist, how to be in the physical but not of the physical, and how to work with the thought processes associated with how we think, behave and act.
(4) DjhwalKhul [Master DK] is aligned to Source Entity Nine (SE9). There’s quite a lot associated with the work of this particular ascended master, and you can find a lot of the work or information about him in Alice A. Bailey’s channeled works. And there is some direction from these particular books, that established that he again was reincarnated as the “Tibetan Master” as well. I mean Tibet and the Himalayas and India gave birth to a lot of really high-ranking, highly capable masters of the metaphysical, masters of understanding who they are, what they are, and were able to really control the body, as with Babaji. Djhwal Khul was very good at being able to master and work with the environment around himself. And so he’s another one that, although he actually has moved on and ascended, could have stayed had he decided to do so.
(5) El Morya is aligned to our Source Entity One (SE1). He has been a tireless worker for this particular planet and the betterment of humanity, and in fact is supposed to have had a number of different incarnations as Abraham and even King Arthur and Thomas Becket, although some of these you might want to take with a pinch of salt, and use your own intuition to work out whether this was particularly a reasonable analysis of any sort of downstream incarnations. But El Morya is supposed to have worked with some of the other ascended masters, such as St. Germain, Serapis Bey, again Djhwal Khul, and Kuthumi later. And again has worked through, as did the previous ascended master, Djhwal Khul, work with the Theosophy organization founded by a lady called Madame Blavatsky.
(10 min) So that’s something that needs to be sort of thought about, that you know, we have to think about what is real and what is being created or invented. These all sorts of thoughts are supposed to be very, very close to the highest frequency that is still within the multiversal environment, that is closest to not needing to incarnate any more. So basically this particular master is a very high-ranking and highly evolved entity.
There’s all sorts of stories about him being part of the “Ashtar Command” and these sorts of things, but my feeling is that this is just misinformation and misdirection. My thoughts are that you should use your intuition as to these ascended masters, about what they’ve done, and not use “spiritual fiction” or the descriptions associated with spiritual fiction to link them with things that people like to know about or want to believe and therefore broadcast as being a truth that is probably not quite so true.
(6) Elijah is aligned to Source Entity Eight (SE8). Now according to popular texts, he underwent his ascension and rose in a chariot of fire, a full body ascension, and is supposed to have come back as John the Baptist and to prepare the way for Christ, for instance. The title “Baptist” obviously refers to being baptised or being cleansed or being purified, so that there is no karmic effect on the individual and therefore, the ability to be able to communicate with the Higher Self, communicate with Source and the entities within the multiverse is easier.
In essence, this comment about ascending and being risen in a chariot of fire may lead some individuals down the path of “ah, he was an alien” for instance, or one who was part of another incarnate vehicle that visited the Earth. But again use your own intuition to work out and understand whether this is just simply a way of saying, that when he chose to ascend or chose to move out of incarnation, he simply disintegrated or dissolved his body. And the energies associated with that would have been seen as being maybe even floating in the air or maybe even bright and of different colors and being oscillating or undulating as well.
(7) Source Entity Two (SE2) has Hilarion associated with it. And Hilarion has been around quite a lot. He has quite a history with Greece and Crete, which is where I’ve got my property there, that I and often my late wife Anne used to go to, and I still go there. And it’s an area, where I pick up a lot of energies and it’s also an area, where I also communicate with some of the entities that are there, other incarnate entities that aren’t indigenous to the Earth.
Hilarion is an interesting ascended master, because he focuses a lot on things like technology and science, and helps to broadcast new ideas through some of his helpers into those minds of incarnate individuals, who are of the right level of education and the right level of expansion, and therefore, able to bring into manifestation new types of technology that would not normally have been here. And I’m picking up that he was also involved with some of the ideas of creating memory, solid state memory in computers. Again this particular individual is within the fifth Full Dimension [in the multiverse].
When esoteric writings [e.g. Seven Rays Teachings] talk about these masters as being in a different ray, such as First Ray, Fifth Ray, Fourth Ray, a Ray of Violet and all these different things, they’re talking about two things: (1) the frequency that they’re currently residing within, and/or (2) the Full Dimension that they are residing in, and that is their True Energetic Self, not specifically them. So you have to think about it in terms of frequency rather than a ray of light or anything else.
(15 min) When you can look at these different ways of using the nomenclature and you start to add them together, you start to realize that they’re not always consistent. But when they are consistent, you can say, Okay this is starting to show a decent metric. And then you can start to understand how close they are to the end of the evolutionary cycle, and therefore, how close to recommuning with Source they are.
(8) The entity that is called Jesus, which is supposed to have been a reincarnation of the Master Sananda is aligned to Source Entity Four (SE4). And “Christ” from my understanding means to be purified. And the big series of lessons that Jesus gave to us was basically a way to be in the physical but not of the physical, to love the neighbor, to understand that they’re simply souls working to try and exist in the physical and evolve as a result of it.
The thoughts are that Jesus was really a “composite soul,” where there was three aspects working together within the same body, such as the entity that’s called Archangel Michael and St. Germain. My feelings are that that may well have been the case, but not on a consistent basis. Entities of this level don’t stay in the same body all the time, so although there may have been an association with Michael and St. Germain, it’s more likely that that would have been in times of requirement, where there needed to be the skills and experiences, that they’ve achieved and experienced in incarnation, brought through to the entity that’s Sananda, who is incarnating as Jesus Christ to help out and control those who are here.
Jesus’ main plan was to change the thoughts, behaviors and actions of people, and therefore, raise their frequencies from this particular level into the higher frequencies and higher dimensions whilst incarnate, and again remove the need to incarnate to continue the evolutionary cycle.
(9) Krishna, who is a Hindu master is assigned to Source Entity Five (SE5). There’s a number of different Indian avatars. There’s four main Indian avatars and lots of people believe he’s the 8th incarnation of Vishnu. Clearly, he’s done a lot of work associated with Bhagavad Gita, which is in story telling terms a way of describing how one might win the battle of the ego in real terms, and work with understanding the same things as Jesus — to be in the physical but not of the physical, and therefore, renounce the physical but still need to work with it. A very popular ascended master in India.
(10) Kuthumi [Koot Hoomi] is aligned to Source Entity Six (SE6). He’s supposed to be a Chohan or a Lord associated with the Second Ray. Again think of it in terms of the First Ray would be the highest point within the multiverse and therefore closest to recommuning with Source. The Second being sort of the next level down. He is also classified as being a world teacher, as well as Jesus, and actually as well as Buddha and as was Confucius. I mean they were all world teachers, aren’t they in real terms?
But in essence in real terms they’ve all had significant incarnations here: Pythagoras being one for instance, and St. Francis [of Assisi] being another one. There’s lots of thoughts that Kuthumi might well come back, and incarnate again to help people move forwards and remove this particular downward spiral, that we’re experiencing in our frequencies right now that hasn’t really moved forwards.
(11) St. Germain is associated with Source Entity Ten (SE10). He’s quite a popular ascended master actually. He was associated with the seventh level, the Seventh Ray. In this instance, they call it the Violet Ray. There’s also been links to Merlin, Francis Bacon, Columbus, etc. But more importantly and interestingly enough, the same True Energetic Self that is associated with St. Germain is also associated with the LadyMasterPortia.
(20 min) So here we are seeing an ascended master and an association with another ascended master, but really they’re the same ascended master, because they’re from the same True Energetic Self. If you like, they’re twin flames. Now a “twin flame” in my understanding is the same soul, the same Aspect being split out into two different bodies. But from most people’s understanding, a twin flame is part of the same soul group. So we have to think of it in terms of actually it’s not a twin flame per se, he’s from the same soul group, or an Aspect from the same True Energetic Self as Lady Portia. So what we have here is two ascended masters being linked together as one. So when I see St. Germain, I also see Lady Master Portia being in the same thing, so I tend to ignore the Portia bit, because it’s a bit of a distraction from the more dominant personality as it were, that was presented to us even as late as the 1700’s.
(12) The next one is Maitreya, which is associated with Source Entity Twelve (SE12). Now SE12 for those of you, who have read the “Beyond the Source” books, will understand that that was really not awake at all. It had been given its sentience, and the sentience being assigned to a group of energies or a body of energies (as I’m told to call it), but it actually hadn’t become self-aware.