Bible photographed by Nancy JOHNSTONE RATAY

Bible in possession of Anna Elizabeth MOFFIT MORGAN

Transcribed records from two Bibles formerly owned by Daisy Hindle SPEARMOFFIT, a native born Patersonian who died in Kentucky. Daughter Anna Elizabeth MOFFITMORGAN currently holds possession of original Bible.


Presented to Lizzie

by Charles B. HINDLE

April 20, 1885

Birth Page

John B. SPEAR December 10,1854

Elizabeth HINDLEJuly 25th, 1861

Daisy HindleSPEAR March 6th, 1888

Hester Louise SPEAR Jan. 31st, 1891

Louise MOFFIT May 10, 1921

Beatrice MOFFIT Nov. 17, 1925

Anna Elizabeth MOFFIT March 4, 1930

Nancy Louise JOHNSTONE Sept. 5, 1949

Erich Paul VIERKANT Feb. 7, 1951

James Lawton VIERKANT July 26, 1952

Charles Michael MARVEL March 17, 1960

Mary Melinda MARVEL July 10, 1964

Clifton Scott MORGAN March 5, 1963

Erich Paul VIERKANT, Jr. March 19, 1977

Death Page

John H. HINDLE - Elizabeth HINDLE’s parent July 31st, 1888

Elizabeth, wife of John H. HINDLE, Oct 7th,1862

John HINDLE, brother of Elizabeth HINDLE, Jan 1st,1887

Mary Ellen SPEAR, sister of John B., Oct 16th,1875

Elizabeth Hindle SPEAR, May 29th,1909

John B. SPEAR, Dec. 13, 1925

Mary Malinda MOFFIT, Apr. 23, 1942

Marriage Page

John B. SPEAR and Elizabeth HINDLE, April 23, 1885

Robert H. FORDYCE and Daisy Ackerman HINDLE June 17th 1885

James William MOFFIT and Daisy Hindle SPEARJuly 3, 1919

Wilfred L. Lloyd-SMITH and Hester Louise SPEAR Aug. 23, 1919

James Geo.JOHNSTONE and Louise MOFFIT Aug. 24, 1946

Billy Gene MORGAN and Anna Elizabeth MOFFIT Dec. 23, 1949

Hurst VIERKANT and Beatrice MOFFIT July 28, 1950

Memoranda Page

John H. HINDLE, Born May 27th,1833

Mary Elizabeth HAMMOND, Born Aug. 5th, 1835, Married Sep. 9th,1855

Hester Louisa CUNNINGHAM, Born Sept. 19th, 1844, Married Nov 20th 1864

John HINDLE, Born June 19th, 1856

Daisy Ackerman HINDLE,Born Dec. 5th, 1857

Elizabeth HINDLE

Charles Beckwith HINDLE, Born June 8th, 1866

Frank Lawton HINDLE, Born March 29th, 1871

Jacob SPEAR,Born Jan. 19th,1828

Eliza Ann POST,Born Apr. 1st,1831, Married April 2nd 1851

Mary Ellen SPEAR,Born Feb. 16th,1852

Charles J. SPEAR,Born Dec. 26th,1872

John Barnard SPEAR,Died Dec., 1925

James William MOFFIT,Born Jan. 10, 1889 (Daddy’s birthday)


Used with permission of Nancy JOHNSTONERATAY, Denver Co.

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