CarletonUniversity – Scheduling Office

Class Section Fields and Data Requirements

Class Section Fields and Data Requirements
SSASECT (Schedule Form)
Term / Yearterm Term Codes: 10 =Winter, 20 = Summer, 30 = Fall
Course Ref. Number (CRN) / Enter the CRN or search to find the one for an existing class section.
If you're adding a class, enter ADD; the system will generate a CRN.
Course Number and Title / The title defaults from catalogue. It can be overridden . This is useful for Selected Topics, Independent Study and other courses where the course content may change from term to term or section to section. Note: Only generic titles should be changed; all other course titles must match the Catalogue and the Calendar.
Section / Section ID Conventions
Undergraduate Course Sections
Use letters ‘A’ to ‘Z’ for the main part of undergraduate course sections. Use letter-number combinations for secondary sections like discussion groups and laboratories, e.g. A01 for lab 1. See below for exceptions: cutv, Internet and Web sections.
Graduate Course Sections
Use "F" for Fall Term sections. Use “G”, “H” and “I” for additional sections in the term.
Use "W" for sections offered in the Winter Term. Use “X”, “Y” and “Z” for additional sections in the term.
Use "T" for sections offered in the Fall/Winter Term. Use “U” and “V” for additional sections in the term.
Use “S” for sections offered in the Spring/Summer Term.
University of Ottawa Graduate Course Sections
Use "O" for Fall Term sections. Use "J" for an additional section.
Use "P" for Winter Term sections. Use "K" for an additional section.
Use "Q" for Spring/Summer Term sections. Use "L" for an additional section.

cutv/Internet/Web Sections

Use "T" for cutv sections offered in the Fall Term and Early Summer Part-of-Term.
Use "V" for cutv sections offered in the Fall Term, the full-session Fall/Winter, Full Summer Part-of-Term and Late Summer Part-of-Term.
Use "W" for web (internet) sections.
Use “R” for sections that are not aired on cutv but are otherwise offered via videotapes of previously recorded courses.
Cross List / Cross-list codes are ‘rolled’ with the other data for the term.
If you need to enter a new cross-listing, ask the Scheduling Officer for a code, create the new cross-list group by entering the code and maximum enrolment in SSAXLST and assign the code to the classes involved.
For more information on this topic, see separate document titled Cross-Listed Courses.
Campus / Use ‘M’ (Main Campus) for all sections except the following:
For sections offered at Native Reserves, use ‘O’.
For sections offered at Sir Sanford Fleming, use ‘SSF’.
For sections offered in other non-traditional locations, e.g. B. COMM. in India program, use ‘Z”.
Status / A = Active, C = Cancelled (active) – no registrants, X = Cancelled (Inactive) - with registrants.
Schd Type / Select from choices that default from the Catalogue.
Part/Term / Defaulted for Fall and Winter terms. For Summer Session: Full-session = 1, Early Summer = H1, Late Summer = H2.
Grade Mode / Leave blank for all sections except enter ‘C’ (Continuing) for the Fall term of Full Session sections.
Session / Select an appropriate code from the menu. Note: Full-session Fall/Winter sections have their own set of codes.
Appr Code / Enter DP for sections that require Permission of the Department to register.
Attn. Meth / Enter F1 for the fall-term of a fall/winter section and F2 for the winter-term.
Credit /CEU Ind / Enter the correct value in the box under the default data as follows:
  1. Main section that is given one term and is not a grad thesis or thesis-like = credit value.
  2. Main section of a Fall/Winter full-session class = half of credit value.
  3. Secondary section (lab, discussion group, tutorial, etc. including TTY and VTY sections) = 0.0
  4. Grad Thesis = 0.0
  5. EXCH, EXUO and OVGS sections = as requested by URO or GSRO.

Lecture / For Fall and Winter terms, enter the correct value under the default data. For Summer terms, leave it blank .
Lab / For Fall and Winter terms, enter the correct value under the default data. For Summer terms, leave it blank .
Other / For Fall and Winter terms, enter the correct value under the default data. For Summer terms, leave it blank .
Contact / System generated. Sum of instruction hours. Blank for summer.
WCH / Do not use.
DCH / Do not use.
Print / Check to indicate that the course should be shown on the schedule of classes on the web or in print.
Tuit/Fee Waiver / Usually blank. For Work Terms and CCR sections, check and go to Course Section Detail Form (SSADETL), choose option Section Fees and enter detail code and amount.
Gradable / Check for main part of the course but not for secondary sections like labs, discussion groups, tutorials, etc.
VR/Web Avail / Check to indicate that the section is available for registration on the web.
Link Ident
*** NEW *** / Use to link class sections that students must take concurrently, e.g. a lecture section and associated lab, tutorial or discussion group. Each section needs a Link Identifier and a Section Link (connector).
Note: Effective academic year 2007-08 we will be adopting a new linking convention. For 2007-08, the Scheduling Office will be responsible for entering the Link Identifier and the Section Link codes.
CAPP Area / Do not use.
Meeting Time Window
Meet / Enter Slot Number or TAB.
Meeting Type
*** NEW*** / The utilization of this field is new for coordinated timetabling. The Meeting Type field contains a list of available time patterns for you to choose from. For example, if the course is to be a 3 hour lecture once a week, you would select the 1x3-hrs pattern.
The time pattern information along with the information found in the ‘Session’ field (day/evening, etc.) will determine a day or evening pattern for the timetabling software.
Start Date / Defaults.
End Date / Defaults.
Days / If the Meeting Type field contains a time pattern, leave this field blank.
If the Meeting Type field is set at CLAS, this field must be filled in.
Start/End Time / If the Meeting Type field contains a time pattern, leave these fields blank.
If the Meeting Type field is set at CLAS, these fields must be filled in.
Auto Schd / Enter the appropriate codeDE or TP.
Code DE Department pre-assigned.
(Class scheduled in departmental room indicated in the Build/Room fields. If the room is not defined, ask the Scheduling Officer to add the room to the system.)
Code TP Needs a room assignment.
(Class needs a room assignment and is followed by building code of ‘TPHI’ and room type code of ‘SEM’ OR ‘LEC’.)
Sched Pref / Click on ‘Sched Pref’ (blue magnifying glass icon) to enter building (partition) and room attribute preferences. DO NOT enter your preferences in “Section Partition Preferences” and/or “Section Room Attribute Preference” under the Options menu.
1. For building preference, in the Partition Preferences window, enter the appropriate building code and enter a preference number ‘01’.
Note: Do not request more than one building preference.
2. For room attribute preference, in the Room Attribute Preferences window, select from the menu the codes beginning the letter Z (e.g. ZWIN) and enter a preference number starting at ‘01’ for your first requirement, ‘02’ for your second preference, etc.
Please note that not all codes are valid.
Valid codes:
ZELE = Electronic
ZMEL = Mini Electronic
ZNTA = Not Tablet Arm
ZPRJ = Project Booth
ZSPJ = Slide Project
ZTAB = Table Arm
ZTBL = Moveable Tables and Chairs
ZWIN = Windows
Z2PJ = Double Project
ZCDB = Lots of Chalkboard
ZDSK = Desk Top
Note :It is not necessary torequest room characteristics of ZSEM or ZLEC in this preference window. This information is recorded in the “Room” field.
Part Det / Do not use.
Room Att Det / Do not use.
Building / Enter building code ‘TPHI’ if the ‘Auto Schd’ field is coded ‘TP’ (=needs a room assignment).
Note: For web courses, enter ‘WWW’; for Tapes-to-You sections, enter ‘TTY’; for cutv sections, enter ‘CUTV’; for University Of Ottawa courses, enter ‘U OF O’.
Room / Enter the type of room required, ‘SEM’ OR ‘LEC’,if the ‘Auto Schd’ field is coded ‘TP’.
There are other room type codes, but they are not for general use. These room types are request/department specific.
Room type of SSCL. (To be used for those CRNs which require a Social Sciences Computer Lab.)
Room type of GIS, GTL. (To be used by the Geography Department only.)
Room type of MSCL. (To be used by the Math Department only.)
Schd / Default.
O / Enter 'O' to override time conflicts between cross-listed classes.
Hrs/Wk / Default – except for unscheduled sections, enter ‘0’.
Sess Cred / Default.
SessInd / Session Indicator. Default is '01'.
Note: For classes that meet at different times during the week; e.g. M 11:30; W 13:30 or take place in different rooms at each meeting, enter '01' for the first meeting, '02' for the second and so on.
Instructor Window
SessInd / Default.
ID / Enter instructor's ID number. To search for ID number, click on the “ID” drop down button. Another way to search is from ‘Go To…’and the form is called SIAIQRY.
Notify the Scheduling Officer if you can't find instructors in the system or you can't assign them to a class.
To change the instructor of a section, click “Remove Record” icon followed by the “Rollback” icon to remove current instructor and then enter the new instructor's ID and Save.
Name / Default from ID.
Instruction Workload / Defaults from Catalogue.
% Resp / If one instructor 100%; if more than one instructor assign appropriate percentage to each one.
P / Primary Instructor flag. Default is 'Yes'. If more than one, only one in the list can, and must, be flagged as the primary instructor.
O / Enter 'O' to override instructor time conflict, e.g. one who is teaching cross-listed sections.
% Sess / Defaults.
Section Scheduler Preferences Window - Do not use.
Enrolment Data Window - access by going to Options/Section Enrolment Info
Section Enrolment Info / Enter estimated or maximum enrolment in 'Maximum' field.
Do not use waitlist area.
To enter Reserved Seating data, select the 'blue box' or detail icon.
Reserved Seats Window
  1. In the first row, change the maximum number to the number of 'open' spaces.
  2. Enter reserved seating data as appropriate.
  3. Save.
  4. Overall Section Totals should be the maximum enrolment for the class.

Section Registration Restrictions Form (SSARRES) - access from SSASECT by choosing Options/Course Section Restrictions
Registration restrictions that appear in the Calendar and hence in the Catalogue will be defaulted to the Schedule. These can be adjusted on the Fall/Winter Schedule if necessary or desirable. Registration Restrictions can also be added on the schedule, e.g. to reserve an entire section for students in a faculty (College), Major, Class (year), Level (GR, UG), Degree or Program.
Restrictions are stated as 'inclusions' or 'exclusions'. It is important to remember that exclusions and inclusions are absolute; excluding a "type" means including all other types and including a "type" means excluding all other "types".
Course Section Comments Form (SSATEXT) - access from SSASECT by choosing Options/Course Section Comments
Use to enter registration messages. The messages will appear in the printed timetable and on Carleton Central but not on the main university web site.