Human Resources Policy or Procedure / Pages / 3
Title: AWC Training Tracking Procedure / Date Issued / 1/2/2015
Supersedes / NEW
- Vision.
To support the 2019 Vision, managers continue to require a method of tracking specific training versus a plan by employees to ensure they are meeting the requirements for their position within a specified time frame. Every position within AWC will have a Job Profile tied to the job title and it will become an Individual Development Plan linked by the employee number. Completed approved training and developmental courses will be entered into Train Track within the month of identification or completion. To assist managers and employees with their professional development, standard training reports will be generated on a monthly basis and exception reporting to be available as required.
- Current Reality.
AWC uses the TrainTrack system to establish training profiles for all jobs and to perform basic management reporting.
- Purpose.
Utilize technology to eliminate non-value added work by providing a user-friendly data entry and report generation solution. Provide Managers and Supervisors a method of tracking overall training activities for employees by providing reports which can be generated as needed.
- Benefits.
This procedure gives managers a tool to track overall training activity and support for managing employee training directives.
Formalized Training. Includes any company course - technical, supervisory, or soft skills – that is a planned activity designed to improve employee competency level and provide the employee with the knowledge and skills needed for their present job and future jobs within the organization. Formalized training developed and conducted by AWC must have adequate supporting materials (outline which follows the meeting management format, content, and teaching notes) so that it can be successfully delivered by individuals other than its author. Formalized training attended outside of AWC must have adequate supporting materials (outline, purpose, objectives, method of instruction and evaluation). The purpose of training is to change employee behavior, and information must be learned if change is to occur.
Training. Activities designed to provide learners with knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs.
Development. Learning that looks beyond the knowledge and skills needed for a present job; it has more long term focus. It prepares employees to keep pace with the organization as the company changes and grows.
Job Profile. A list of required Cultural and Technical Courses for a specific position within AWC.
Individual Development Plan (IDP). A report for a specified employee within AWC that displays training required, received, and needed.
Train Track. A data entry and report generation solution to track overall training activities for employees
VI.Training Approval Process.
Step 1:Review the approved training course list available on the Timberlake Training Websiteto determine if the course has already been approved and has a course code.
If the course is listed, use this course code when completing the T & D Course Roster (Step 5). If the course is not listed, complete the Training Approval Form (Step 2).
Step 2: Complete the Training Approval Form prior to conducting/attending formalized training. Attached to the form an outline of the course or Powerpoint presentation and submit to the Corporate Training Manager for Sales & Marketing.
Step 3:The course will be approved/disapproved for credited AWC training within five business days and a copy of the form returned to the form’s originator.
Step 4: The course will then be added to the approved training course list on the Timberlake Training Website.
Step 5: At the conclusion of the class, complete the T&D Course Roster and submit to your location training data entry representative.
- Future Opportunities and Development Process.
Step 1: The supervisor and employee evaluate their strengths and skill sets. The
Supervisor identifies areas of growth, skill development and training necessary for development. The supervisor determines course(s) necessary for the employee to meet this need.
Step 2: The course title and code is listed on a Development Form by the
employee’s immediate supervisor, then signed by the next level manager to be added to the employee’s Individual Development Plan (IDP) as additional skills and knowledge. The completed Development Form is then submitted to the individual responsible for entering training data for their area/location.
IX. Responsibilities.
- AWC Corporate Training & Development is responsible for maintaining and updating the approved training course list on the Timberlake Training Website.
- AWC Corporate Training & Development is responsible for assigning one of the
following categories to each approved course: Cultural and Technical.
- All trainers/facilitators are responsible to submit completed rosters to the individual responsible for entering training data for their area/location. The training data must be entered within the month that the rosters are submitted.
- Developmental needs identified by the employee’s supervisor will be recorded on the Development Form which will be utilized as the source document to input data into Train Track. T&D will monitor these courses to identify internal and external courses meet the various department needs.
- Location HR Manager/Representative is put a copy of the employee’s IDP in their personnel file when they terminate employment for any reason. This will serve as a permanent data reference.
- The HR Manager/Representative will enter on the Cyborg Screen 05 Job Assignment/Change - Type of ChangeCode Key “N01” No Effective Date Change specifically for an employee that is making a change and the effective date on their IDP is not changed.
- All solution center tickets will be sent to the Corporate HR TSS.
- All users of Train Track must complete a Security Access Form and forward it to the Corporate T&D Manager for approval.
- Training data will be transferred by the Corporate HR TSS (via the Corporate HR Manager) for Control 1 and Control 2 and vise versa.
X.Forms and Rosters.
Development Form: A form completed by an employee’s supervisor and signed by their manager for additional training required for their position. The form is submitted to the location data entry representative, and then entered in to Train Track to appear on the employee’s IDP.
Training Approval Form: This form must be completed entirely for approval prior to conducting/attending formalized training.
Training & Development Course Roster: A form thatdocuments who has completed a particular class of a particular course. This roster must be completed entirely in order to ensure accurate data entry and submitted to the individual responsible for entering training data for the area/location.
Development Form
Security Access Form
Training Approval Form
Training & Development Course Roster
Woodmark Information Network
AWC Training Tracking Procedure, ver.7
November 2014, page 1