Training Tracker is a secure online portal that allows users to manage and control all facets of the training and knowledge of employees through one easy to use system,immediatelyreducingtimeconsumingadministrationcosts. Training Tracker provides a web-based interface and supports tasks such as on-line registration, workflow and self-service training programs. Training Tracker gives clients direct access to innovative solutions for the deployment, tracking and reporting of training services company-wide or worldwide.

A web based tracking and collaboration system for administrators, trainers, course delegates and their nominated colleagues. The administrators can set up the details of each training programmer and this information can be accessed online by the trainers and delegates. Course delegates can provide and receive information. Nominated colleagues can provide appraisals of the delegates. Trainers can assess data provided by the delegates and their nominated colleagues. Administrators can monitor progress and

The flow of information. RecordingPersonnelDetails Each employee must be registered in the database. Certain details about each employee.

system analysis


The traditional belief among imaging system implementers is that imaging systems (whether based on DOS or Windows) are primarily limited by server-specific issues such as network traffic and CPU utilization. We have found this to be true in several cases, specifically when coalescing a large number of clients to maximize the usage of the server's resources. In our earlier test studies, we noted that the maximum number of imaging users on a DOS platform is around 100 users, whereas for Windows the number is around 25 users. (Note that we're talking about a practical maximum which pushes the server as fast as it can go without sacrificing performance or over utilizing the server's valuable resources.)


Compliance Training Manager is one of the world's leading software applications for managing and tracking training. Its features and functionality are based on more than ten (10) years of practical experience with software and training tracking related issues with recommendations made by customers world-wide. Because this information should be centralized, Pro-ductility Systems offers both network and web-based software systems to schedule, track and report about revised documents, persons trained, knowledgeable and compliant. Our systems facilitate effectiveness in quality projects that bring about desired change.


Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Pentium 4

Processor Speed : 2.40GHz

RAM : 512 MB

Hard Disk : 80GB

CD Drive : Samsung 52X

Software Requirements:

Environment : Visual studio .NET 2005

.NET Framework : VERSION 2.0

Language : ASP.NET with C#

Operating System : WINDOWS 2000/XP

Back End : SQL SERVER 2000