School Improvement Plan Central Elementary School

2013-2014 435 E. Stadium Drive

Eden NC 27288

Central Elementary School Improvement Plan

Rockingham County Schools’ Vision:

Rockingham County Schools will empower all students to compete globally.

Rockingham County Schools’ Mission:

Rockingham County Schools will provide a safe and dynamic globally competitive environment in which all students can reach their highest potential.

School Mission, Vision and Belief Statements

Central Elementary School creates a strong foundation for developing and educating lifelong learners who are socially responsible and globally competitive in the 21st Century.

Our Vision at Central Elementary is to provide a safe and productive learning environment in which all students are challenged to succeed. We believe that:

1.  All children can learn.

2.  Planning and time on task increases learning.

3.  Education is the shared responsibility of the school, family, and community.

4.  Learning is for the present and for the future.

5. High expectations increase optimal learning


Leadership Team Members


School: Central Elementary School

The following team members collaborated with school staff to develop the School Improvement Plan for our school (parents, faculty, and administrators must be included):

Name / Position or Role / Signature / Date
Barbara Brown / Principal / 10/31/13
Tania Martin / Assistant Principal / 10/31/13
Tammy Robertson / Intervention Specialist/ Chair / 10/31/13
Melodie Overby / Enrichment Rep/ Co Chair / 10/31/13
Lou Berrier / Kindergarten Teacher / 10/31/13
Cami Gunn / First Grade Teacher / 10/31/13
Sherri Tilley / Second Grade Teacher / 10/31/13
Sonia Prichard / Fourth Grade Teacher / 10/31/13
Robyn Bondurant / Fifth Grade Teacher / 10/31/13
Erica East / PTSO President/ Parent / 10/31/13
Jessie Buffkin / PTSO Vice President/ Parent / 10/31/13
Cher Delapp / Instructional Coach / 10/31/13
Sara Holt / Third Grade Teacher / 10/31/13

School Improvement Plan Approval Form

Update presented to staff and approval information

Date of Presentation/Approval Vote ___10/28/13______

Results of Approval Vote 37/38 YES

Principal’s Signature ______

Approved by Superintendent


Superintendent Signature______

Approved by Rockingham County Board of Education

Date 10/28/13

School Improvement Plan for 2013 -2014

LEA: Rockingham County Schools School: Central

SMART Goal: 45% if the students in grades 3-5 demonstrated proficiency in math as measured by 3rd grade Math Benchmark Projected Proficiency and EOG Math Assessments. In the 2013-14 school year, at least 50% of the students will be proficient in math as measured by EOG Math Assessments. At the beginning of the school year, 46% of the students in grades K-2 demonstrated proficiency in math as measured by Kindergarten Pre-Assessment and K-1 EOY Assessments. During the 2013-14 school year, at least 60% will be proficient as measured EOY Math Assessments.

Strategy / Professional Development / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Evaluation / Resources/Technology
Required Budgeted
Foster collaboration between classroom teachers and Title I, EC, ESL and AIG and tutors / Co Teaching in the classroom / Kristy Harris / September 23, 2013 –October 21, 2013 / Weekly Lesson Plans / Master Schedule
Utilize an IE schedule to remediate students performing below grade level. / Using an IE Schedule Effectively / Classroom Teacher Leaders
Enrichment Teachers
EC, Tutors, Intervention Specialists, ESL, Teacher Assistants / August 16, 2013 – June 10, 2014 / Surveys by teachers and staff / Master schedule
Teach Objectives from the Common Core/ Pacing guide with rigor and relevance / Classroom Teachers / August 27, 2013 – June 10, 2014 / Weekly Lesson Plans and EOY assessments / Common Core Curriculum and RCS Pacing guide for each grade level
Meet in math PLC (CASA) to discuss math data. / Using Data with Fidelity and Understanding and the Importance of Formative Data / Dr. Lewis Johnson / November 15, 2013 / Master Schedule
Continue to use a variety of assessments to meet the students needs / Using CASE 21 with Fidelity / Jonathan Pratt and Kim Garrett / November 18, 2013 / Surveys by teachers and assessments created from Case 21
Continue collaborative planning to ensure understanding and teaching during grade level PLCs and half day planning, and duty free lunch / Classroom teachers, Instructional Coach, Administrators
Teacher Assistants / August 26, 20 13 – June 10, 2014 / Surveys from teachers and staff members / Planned extended learning days in the master yearly schedule.
Students will keep journals in math. / Using math journals in the classrooms / Kim Garrett, Sara Holt / August 27, 2013 – June 10, 2014 / Survey by teachers and journals
Provide daily interactive instruction utilizing the Active Board. / Classroom teachers / August 26, 2013 – June 10, 2014 / Classroom lesson plans and walk throughs

Interim Update January 31, 2014:

What is the status of each strategy being used to attain this goal? What initial results/data have been collected? What should be modified to meet goal by June 2014?

Final Update June 27, 2014:

What strategies have been successful? What data have collected? What strategies will need modification for the upcoming school year?

School Improvement Plan for 2013 - 2014

LEA: Rockingham County Schools School: CENTRAL

SMART Goal: 34% if the students in grades 3-5 demonstrated proficiency in reading as measured by BOG Reading Assessment and EOG Reading Assessment. In the 2013-14 school year, at least 45% of the students will be proficient in reading as measure by EOG Reading Assessments and 3rd Grade Portfolios. At the beginning of the school year, 54% of the students in grades K-2 demonstrated proficiency in reading as measured by BOY MClass TRC. During the 2013-14 school year, at least 64% will be proficient as measured EOY MClass TRC data.

Strategy / Professional Development / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Evaluation / Resources/Technology
Required Budgeted
Teachers will continue to use guided reading groups with emphasis on Non Fiction. / Comprehension Strategies/ Mclass / Instructional Coach / August 26, 2013 – June 10, 2014 / EOY assessments
Utilize available soft ware and reading incentives programs to reinforce the skills. / Increasing our Technology Tool Belt / Classroom Teacher Leaders / August 26 – 2013 – June 10, 2014 / Surveys by teachers / Education City, PebbleGo, Case21, TumbleBooks
Develop lessons by using the pacing guides and Common Core Curriculum with differentiation, rigor and relevance. / Differentiation / Instructional Coach, AIG, EC, ESL, Intervention Specialists / August
26, 2013 – June 10, 2014 / Classroom lesson plans
Meet in CASA PLCs to review students’ Dibels measures, TRCs, and other reading assessments. / Using Data with Fidelity and Understanding and the Importance of Formative Data/ Progress Monitoring / Dr. Lewis Johnson, Classroom Teachers, Intervention Specialists, Instructional Coach / Bi-monthly beginning on September 9, 2013 to June 10, 2014 / CASA online program, EOY assessments
Fundations will be taught daily in grades K-2 / Fundation Updates / Kristy Harris / August 26, 2013 to June 10, 2014 / EOY assessment
Teachers will use Blooms Higher Order of Thinking daily in the classroom / Using Blooms Questioning in the classroom with fidelity / Classroom Teacher Leaders / November 14, 2013 / Classroom lesson plans with questions
Implement mClass 3D in grades K-5 / mClass Training / Laura Springs/ Cher Delapp / August 26, 2013 – June 10, 2014
Utilize Discovery Education, Tumble Books, PebbleGo, Education City, Wixie, and Noodle Tools to provide focused interactive instructions with students. / Digital Resource
Building our Tool Belt / Suzanne Massey/ Cher Delapp/ Debra Thompson and teacher leaders / August 26, 2013 and June 10, 2014 / Classroom lesson plans
Teachers will develop constructed responses across the content areas. / RAFT training / Cher Delapp and teacher leaders / August 27, 2013 – June 10, 2014 / Teachers will use constructed responses in classroom lessons
Teachers will model, provide guided and independent practice in the classrooms / Writing and using rubrics / Tania Martin
Sonia Prichard
Cher Delapp
Suzanne Massey / August 27, 2013 – June 10, 2014 / Classroom lesson plans
mClass EOYdata

Interim Update January 31, 2014:

What is the status of each strategy being used to attain this goal? What initial results/data have been collected? What should be modified to meet goal by June 2014?

Final Update June 27, 2014:

What strategies have been successful? What data have collected? What strategies will need modification for the upcoming school year?

School Improvement Plan for 2013-2014

LEA: Rockingham County Schools School: CENTRAL

SMART Goal: In accordance with General Statute 115C-105-47 (b)(7), 100% of the faculty and students will participate in scheduled (monthly, twice per semester) drills, i.e., fire, tornado, lock down, and evacuation, to improve school safety and ensure appropriate measures are in place.

Strategy / Professional Development / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Evaluation / Resources/Technology
Required Budgeted
Teachers and staff will participate in monthly safely drills. / Crisis Training / Crisis Team, and Administrative Team / August 27, 2013 – June 10, 2014 / Feedback from the teachers and staff.
Invite law enforcement and central office personnel to do random walk-throughs. / Eden Police Department / August 27, 2013 – June 10, 2014 / Feedback from the police officers.
Keep parents informed of safely drills. / Barbara Brown, Intervention Specialist / August 27, 2013 – June 10, 2014 / Title One Survey , Black Board Message, Newsletter
Teachers and students will participate in PBIS procedures. / Teachers and students reinforce the safety procedures for the school. / PBIS Team / August 27, 2013-June 10, 2014 / SET Team Evaluation
Implement plan for parents to show ID before a child is picked up from school. / Office personnel / August 27, 2013-June 10, 2014

Interim Update January 31, 2014:

What is the status of each strategy being used to attain this goal? What initial results/data have been collected? What should be modified to meet goal by June 2014?

Final Update June 27, 2014:

What strategies have been successful? What data have collected? What strategies will need modification for the upcoming school year?

School Improvement Plan for 2013 - 2014

LEA: Rockingham County Schools School: CENTRAL

SMART Goal: Increase parent involvement by 30% during the 2013-2014 school year as evidenced on sign-in sheets at school events and activities.

Strategy / Professional Development / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Evaluation / Resources/Technology
Required Budgeted
Survey parents to see what their interest in before adding new events / New Ideas for Family Night Committee / August 27, 2013 – June 10, 2014
Implement a parent/ staff “team” structure supportive of academic and social priorities. / Barbara Brown, Tania Martin, Ellyn Kramer / November 18, 2013 and May 5, 2014
Integrate Title I Information meetings with scheduled PTSO events. / Tammy Robertson and Laura Springs / August 26, 2013 – June 10, 2014
Teachers will continue to communicate with parents in a variety of ways including conference, phone call, newsletters, Folders, or planners will be used weekly. / Using Remind101 to get Parents Attention / Sara Holt, Jonathan Pratt, Robyn Bondurant / August 26, 2013 – June 10, 2014
Conduct Parent Volunteer Trainings / Parent Volunteer Training / Intervention Specialists / September 20, 2013

Interim Update January 31, 2014:

What is the status of each strategy being used to attain this goal? What initial results/data have been collected? What should be modified to meet goal by June 2014?

Final Update June 27, 2014:

What strategies have been successful? What data have collected? What strategies will need modification for the upcoming school year?

School Improvement Plan for 2013 - 2014

LEA: Rockingham County Schools School: CENTRAL


Interim Update January 31, 2014:

What is the status of each strategy being used to attain this goal? What initial results/data have been collected? What should be modified to meet goal by June 2014?

Final Update June 27, 2014:

What strategies have been successful? What data have collected? What strategies will need modification for the upcoming school year?

School-Based Management and Accountability Program

Summary of School-Based Waiver Requests for 2013-2014

LEA: Rockingham County Schools School: Central Elementary School Code: 310

Request for Waiver
Title of Waiver / 1.  Describe the waivers you are requesting.
·  To accommodate the reduction in faculty due to budget cuts at the Local and State levels, we are requesting an exemption on class sizes in grades 4-12.
2.  Identify the law, regulation, or policy from which an exemption is requested.
·  115C-301.1- Allocation of teachers; class size
3.  State how the waiver will be used.
·  Due to reductions in Local and State Budget Allotments we would be unable to offer students required courses in all areas needed for graduation without the class size waiver. This will also allow us to include students in higher level classes when only singletons can be offered.
4.  State how the waiver will promote achievement of performance goals.
·  Waiver of class size maximums will allow more effective scheduling where students are working on similar curriculum goals and objectives. Students can be more readily assigned to appropriate grades and classes.


Principal’s Signature Date


Chair of School Improvement Team’s Signature Date

District Approval: ______(date)