Appendix Three
Training and Development 2008/09
This appendix analyses the profile of staff who have undertaken courses within Queen Mary. Educational and Staff Development produce a variety of coursesto staff, which include learning and teaching and leadership and management development. In the 2008/09 academic year 2381attendances on courses were monitored[1].
Gender / TotalFemale / 1223 (51%)
Male / 1158 (49%)
Total / 2381
There is almost an equal gender split in participation on courses, which is an important difference from the previous academic year, where women represented 57% of participants on courses. However, it is in line with the gender slip of the staff composition at Queen Mary.
Ethnicity / TotalWhite / 1028 (43%)
Asian / 192 (8%)
Chinese / 142 (6%)
Black / 93 (4%)
Mixed Race / 51 (2%)
Information refused or not known / 874 (37%)
Total / 2380
The largest proportion of staff that completed courses were White. Employees from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds took up 478 (20%) training places on courses within the College, a figure similar to the previous year.BAME staff represent 21% of the College workforce.
Age Group / Total18 and under / 28 (1%)
18 - 25 / 189 (8%)
26 - 34 / 1054 (45%)
35 - 50 / 811 (34%)
51 - 65 / 257 (11%)
65 and over / 20 (1%)
Total / 2359
Staff from all age groups participated in courses. Just under half of those participating were between the ages of 26 and 34 (45%), followed by those aged between 35 and 50 (34%). A greater proportion of staff between the ages of 26 and 34 took courses compared to their workforce profile as a whole (28%). After the age of 34, the proportion of staff who undertake training appears to decline with age. There have not been any changes in these trends compare to the academic year 2007/08. There are only 1% of participants on whom we do not hold data.
Disability / TotalKnown Disability / 40 (2%)
No Known Disability[2] / 2333 (98%)
Total / 2373
Themajority of staff who completed courses had no known disability.Althougha very small proportion of staff attending training had a disability (1.7%), this is an improvement compared to the previous academic year. This could partly be due to the extension of categories on Equal Opportunities forms and the staff validation of their person details. The proportion of staff with disabilities within the College is 1.9%.
Religion and Belief
Religion and Belief / TotalChristian / 511 (21%)
Muslim / 68 (3%)
Hindu / 64 (3%)
Other Religion / 131 (6%)
No Religion / 584 (25%)
Information refused or not known / 1023 (43%)
Total / 2381
Staff that identified with no religion made up 25% of those that completed courses. The next most populous group were Christians (21%). We do not have information on the religion or belief of 43% of those attending courses. There are only minor changes compared to the previous academic year.
Nationality / TotalUK / 1012 (43%)
EU (excl. UK) / 317 (13%)
Non EU / 408 (17%)
Not known / 644 (27%)
Total / 2381
Staff with UK nationality made up for 43% of all participants, which is less than their representation in the whole of the workforce (64%). This could be partly due to the fact that we do not hold data for 27% of the participants.
Staff from all groups were well represented in the numbers of staff who attended training courses in the last academic year. Some specific variations did occur;the gender split in participants was more equal than the previous year. Younger staff were more likely to complete courses than older members of staff who were further on in their careers and the proportion of participantswith disabilities is about the same as their proportion within the College. There is a high proportion of staff for whom we do not data within the ethnicity, religion and belief categories. This is because the Educational and Staff Development collection of data does not include employee identification numbers which are needed when analysing equality data to gain accurate information. A system has been put in place so that next year’s data will be more robust.
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[1]ESD also run courses for non staff (106 during the academic year 2008-09), but they are not included in this report.
[2]No known disability data refers to those ‘not known to be disabled’ and includes those for whom we do not yet hold data.