December 20, 2017

Little League Board Meeting Minutes

Zoom Call Meeting


Johnny Dunn

Mike Forster

Chris Mathias

Rob Gilbert

Melissa Simmons

Ashlee Davis

Liz Garcia

Jenn Weiden

Danny MacShane

Meeting called to order at 6:15 pm

Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 pm

Johnny Dunn made the motion to call the meeting to order at 6:15 pm.


Rob Gilbert gave us a report on the condition of the field at Founders Park. The outfield is destroyed currently, Lights came off, and the grass is damaged. We would need to have both repaired. The pitcher’s mound would need to be built, a small storage shed/facility would need to be either built or purchased to be placed there. A new roof on the dugout. Possibly a hose or a water connection of some sort. 225 feet from home plate out to the outfield would need repair of some kind.

Coral Shores High School field is looking better. The base pads would need to be adjusted and a small storage shed/facility of some sort would need to be in place.

Johnny filled out the application for Key Largo Park through both the YMCA and Monroe County.


Jenn let us know that there is a customer of hers that would like to sponsor all the kids who can not afford to play this year and are need of scholarship. This sponsor would like to remain anonymous. His foundation that he runs will be writing the check.

During the coaches meeting we will be asking the potential coaches if any of them would like to be team sponsors.

Each board member try to ask or reach out to at least two or three potential sponsors to ask if they would like to sponsor a team. Sponsorship is a business tax write off.

We do know right now that Tropical Home Construction will be a kid pitch/Minor division team sponsor.


Melissa got the registration flyers to every school and daycare between mile marker 106 and mile marker 84 (Island Christian). She also sent the flyer in a PDF format to the schools to send out in their weekly newsletters that they email to the parents.

Coaches Meeting

We are looking for a place to hold the coaches meeting. Right now it is tentatively scheduled to be held at the Electric company. Potential coaches that attend the meeting will not 100% coach a team but anyone who is interested should attend the meeting to go over league regulations and league rules. Ashley Miranda signed up to be a softball coach, we will still need more volunteers for softball coaches (5 girls have signed up for softball so far).


We are still putting together volunteers for umpires. Still looking for a head umpire. The interest for umpires is not great.


A few board members will need to be at tryouts every night both for the evaluations and for the parents that will register their children at tryouts. We need to start sending emails to parents about when tryouts will be and what nights are for each division. We are going to have a WiFi hotspot available during tryouts with laptop computers so that parents can register their children during tryouts.

January 16 – Coach Pitch tryouts

January 17- Minors/Kid Pitch tryouts

January 18- Majors/50/70 tryouts

January 19- Makeup Day

Softball can come any night. Kids can come to tryouts any night that they would like but we would like to keep it as organized as possible by age to fairly evaluate the kids based on their ages. If they do not come to tryouts then they will be placed on a waiting list and after we make the teams based off the kids that tried out we will evenly and fairly place the kids on the waiting list on teams. Teams will be board approved.

We will need to get medical releases from all the kids that are playing. Either at tryouts or from the coaches after practices start. All coaches will have blank medical releases on the first day of practice. Coaches should have signed copies of medical releases of each child on his or her team with them during both practices and games.

Baseball Grant

Jenn is going to fill out the application for the grant money for baseball bats. They will send us the actual bats on just the money for the bats. We would like to be able to provide each team at least two USA approved bats.

Task List

Overall everyone please get on businesses and people for sponsorship. All get the word out about registration and when tryouts are.

Danny and Johnny are going to meet sometime over the Christmas break to put together an equipment order.

Jenn is going to work on the baseball bat grant.

Melissa is going to work on Facebook posts encouraging registration.

Rob is going to work on the coaches meeting and putting together the local rules to be gone over at the next board meeting.

Lauren, Melissa, Jenn and Ashlee are going to start the planning of the opening ceremony. Anna Askin will be helping with the opening meeting.

Johnny will look into the PA system and if it needs replaced.

The next board meeting will be on January 3rd at 6:00 pm at Johnny’s house to go over local rules and regulations. Also to go over the expectations of the coaches and to discuss the umpires. January 10th there will be a mandatory board meeting and that will be the meeting before tryouts begin.

Johnny made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15. Jenn seconded the motion and all were in favor