Train Yourself to Be Godly

Pt 7 - Service

John 13:1-17

Paul wrote to young Timothy in Ephesus and urged him to “discipline himself for godliness”. Train yourself for this spiritual journey that you are on. This morning we make our next stop along the path of discovering spiritual disciplines in our lives. To do that I want to take you to the climactic moments of Jesus earthly ministry. His time is drawing to a close the cross is only a day away and he stops to share his most pointed instruction with His disciples. Richard Foster in his book Celebration of Discipline writes “Jesus took a towel and basin and redefined greatness.”

Our 6th spiritual discipline is Service. Paul simply defines the idea of service as using our God given gifts, talents, and abilities for the work of building up the body of Christ, “until we come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature and full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ.”

So as with each of these disciplines we are asking Why? When? How?

1)  Why? Why in my busy life should I find a place of service in the body?

God created you for a purpose – and that purpose is far more than just existing or enjoying life. Psalm 139 says that God knit us together with skill and planning. He didn’t do that so we could waste our lives on things that would not last. He has created your life to have eternal consequences. Only in service to Christ can your life have meaning beyond the moments of this temporal existence. Your life is designed to impact eternity.

You will never know the fullness of God until you find your place of service. Christianity is not a spectator sport. It’s about investing your life in the project and plan of the God you say you serve. You will never find fulfillment or peace in this life until you begin to live for something more than yourself.

The church is the body and without you the body is crippled – the body of Christ can only be as strong as the joining of its parts. Eph 4:15-16.

It’s simply a part of growing up – Babies spend their time and energy playing with toys and learning the skills to be able to survive in the world around them. Adults use their time providing and passing on those same skills. Service is simply a part of growing up.

2)  When? How much time should I spend? Honestly we serve according to the measure of our abilities. Jesus says “to whom much has been given much shall be required.” This is not about a time investment it’s about a life investment. No one here is so busy that they cannot serve in some capacity in the house of God. It’s funny how much busy people can accomplish. I find that people who have the least time do the most for God. Take inventory of the time you spend – are you spending your life on anything or squandering it on nothing?

3)  How? How do I get started?

Acknowledge Your Giftedness – Every person has been designed by God for a purpose. His purpose. Some grand some simple – some flashy some subtle – but all with a purpose to fulfill God’s design in the world around us. Each one of you has been given specific gifts, talents and abilities to use in the service of God. I Cor 12:18

Accept Responsibility – Romans 12:3-8 – God has made you what you are and given you what He has given for a purpose – No retirement, no giving up, it’s takes all of us.

Make a Commitment – To use what you have – Phil 1:19-20 I am committed to being all that God wants me to be – Be as committed to the work of God as you are about other things. Show up, be early, give yourself, bless others, - why are you giving your best for less than Christ?

Acquire the Fire – Hebrews 12:1-2 – Power for the purpose – Fix your eyes on Christ – lay aside encumbrance and sin

o  Launch out – Do the work – It’s one thing to know what to do another to do it. Stop making excuses, stop quitting half way through, stop wasting your life on nonsense and start making a difference.