Employee Appraisal
The appraisal form is designed to provide a formal record of the expectations of performance over the next 6 to 12 months, with space to review progress and achievements during the previous year. Any identified development needs are also documented. Please make sure all discussions are recorded throughout the year eg when significant changes are being made to objectives. The form can be completed by either the appraisee or appraiser but both have to sign and agree the contents.
In appraisal meetings you need two appraisal forms:
• the one you have been working on throughout the year and
• a new blank appraisal form to agree and document new objectives for the year head
Section 1: Front pageName of Appraisee
Job title / Payroll no.
Service/Dept/Team / Date appointed to
current post
Name of Appraiser / Relationship to
Date / Appraiser signature / Appraisee signature
Appraisal meeting
Progress reviews
End of year review
Employee Appraisal
It is important to make sure that these have a specific measure and a timescale eg by November 2012 or end of 2nd quarter rather than ‘ongoing’. During the year, review objectives and record any which may have changed, been amended or completed. Bring forward any outstanding objectives from the previous year (refer to the job profile/description when setting objectives).
Section 2: Agreed objectives for the year aheadObjective (SMART) / Key actions required / Why is it being done (eg Council service or team plan objective) / Mid year progress review (date/comments) / Date completed
Please use continuation sheet if necessary and ensure that equality and diversity guidance is followed in setting objectives.
Employee Appraisal
This section is designed to review the core Council behaviours essential in delivering our services. In identifying areas of strength and for improvement, there should be a clear link with the objectives set at Section 2 above and the job specification. Learning and development needs identified should be recorded at Section 4 below. Please ensure that actions identified include support for health and well-being.
Section 3: Competencies (behaviours)Competency (behaviour) / Strengths / Areas for improvement / Actions identified to build upon strengths and/or
support areas for improvement
Quality of work
Effectiveness of communication
Working with people
Customer services
Initiative and problem solving
Employee Appraisal
The learning and development plan is a record of any development needed to support achievement of objectives set at Section 2 or development of a competency area identified at Section 3. Column 2 supports this clear linking of L&D with the essential skills, knowledge and behaviours needed to perform the job role. During the year, review the learning which has taken place and record whether this has taken place and how this has been applied in the job role.
Section 4: Learning and Development Plan for the year aheadLearning and development need (please prioritise) / Objective or competency
supported (see sections 2 and 3) / How will this be achieved? / Timescale for development / Needs met/application of
Employee Appraisal
This is the annual summary of performance during the current year, from both the appraisee and the manager.
This section should be completed at the end of the appraisal year.
• The summary should reflect key achievements and progress over the past 12 months.
• All aspects of performance should be taken into account such as overall attendance, improvement in competency areas, as well as achievement of objectives.
• Record any particular challenges (for example reorganisation of team, availability of resources).
• Appraisee – identify any aspects of your career you would like to strengthen, along with aspiration for
the future.
Employee Appraisal
Continuation sheet – Please use this sheet to continue with any text if you have filled the space provided in any of the above sections
Employee Appraisal Appendix 1
Document check
Service areas to complete the documents required to be checked on an annual basis. Please refer to your service area for information on the mandatory documents which are required for checking. / Date checked / Actions required
(Inform HRSC; contact HR for advice; completed no
further actions)
1. / Current generic role profile and unique characteristic form:
2. / Driving licence and car (business purposes). Insurance checked (if relevant).
Insurance valid until:
3. / Professional registration: / Expiry date:
Registration number:
4. / Valid CRB: / Expiry date:
5. / Right to Work in the UK: / Expiry date:
6. / Certificates / qualifications:
Notification Of Progression From A to B Appendix 2
Name of employee:
Post title:
Payroll number:
Date appointed to current position:
Criteria / Yes / No
Please Tick / Recommendation
Satisfactorily meets the requirements of the job and the standard of behaviours and competencies. / Recommend Progression
Meeting some but not all of the requirements of the job, or the standards of behaviours and competence required. Needs further action including training and development before progression can be granted. / Do not recommend progression and state reasons:
Effective date of progression where applicable:
If not recommending progression outline the action plan including learning and development activities to support the achievement of the required standards, behaviours and competencies.
Action plan:
Date of Next Performance Appraisal / Review Meeting:
Employee signature: Date:
Line Manager signature: Date:
* Where progression is recommended send a copy of this form (Appendix 2) to the HRSC (e-mail ) to action a change to the employee’s pay.