Recent Planning applications / decisions as at 4/12/17 – most recent first

To see the detail of an application, go to and enter the application number

Deadline for comments / Application number / Details / Parish Council response / Decision
4/12/17 / 174089 / The Stables, Kinnersley, Proposed removal of condition 1 following grant of planning permission for 143727/F - to keep the existing mobile home as a dwelling with an equestrian occupancy condition / General comment
The Parish Council has no objection to the extension of the use of the mobile home, as requested , as they recognise that the applicant seems to be building up a viable business on the site and needs someone living there full time. But this is on condition that during that period they make every effort to find a more permanent dwelling.
24/11/17 / 173989 / Broadfield Farm, Kinnersley, Proposed agricultural workers dwelling / Support
(comment = no objections)
8/11/17 / 173129 / Land at Oakview Norton Canon, add a static mobile home (variation of condition 2) / The parish council objects - it does not support the Variation of Condition 2 of App/W1850/C/09/2119597
1/11/17 / 173637 / Broadfields, Kinnersley, Proposed steel portal framed agricultural manure store. / Support
(comment = no objections)
23/10/17 / 173465 / Woodpecker Cottage, Norton Canon, proposed garage / the PC supports this application / approved 29/11/17
11/10/17 / 173354 / Little Parton Farm, Proposed erection of steel portal framed agricultural manure store. / Support
(comment = no objections)
11/10/17 / 173297 / Land at The Limes, Norton Canon. Proposed agricultural workers dwelling / Support
(comment = the PC supports this application)
7/9/17 / 172721 / Upper Newton Farmhouse, Kinnersley. Agricultural building for storage of cattle muck. / Support
(comment = no objections)
28/8/17 / 172889 / Prior approval sought: Upper Norton Farm. Proposed extension which will extend beyond the rear wall of the dwellinghouse by 8m. / Parish council response not required / Prior Approval Not Required 12/9/17
11/8/17 / 172404 and 172405 / The Masons, Kinnersley, retrospective application for greenhouse (includes listed building consent) / Granted 24/8/17
listed building consent not required
7/8/17 / 172290 / Land adjacent to The Village Hall, Norton Canon, Residential development comprising 2 pairs of 3 bed semi-detached houses / Kinnersley and District Group Parish Council supports this application. However we understand that the site includes the septic tank for the four adjacent Reema Cottages, and that planning consent should ensure suitable provision is included to service the Reema Cottages' sewage.
Note: Patrick Wrixon declared an interest / Granted 23/8/17
21/6/17 / 172045 / Land at Apple Mead, Kinnersley, Outline application for the erection of three new bungalows including access, layout, turning, manoeuvring and car parking. / General Comment submitted – We have concerns about the resulting additional traffic on the road, and the destruction of an ancient orchard. Your web reference number is 73525
Comments not sought, publicity date 12/6/16 / P171953/XA2 / Upper Kinley Farm Letton Application for approval of details reserved by condition 3 attached to planning permission 163865 / N/A / Approved 28/6/17
17/4/17 / 163537 / Lower Ailey, Kinnersley, variation to previous application Silage storage in connection with anaerobic digester and variation of condition 1 of application / Response would have been No Objections but deadline was missed. / Granted 5/5/17
17/4/17 / 171001 / Woodlands, Norton Canon. Widening a gateway / Support
(comment = no objections) / Refused: not enough detail provided in order to consider vehicular access onto an A road
13/4/17 / 170897 / 1 Pennyfields, Norton Canon. Granny annexe / Support
(comment = no objections) / Granted 11/5/17
4/4/17 / 170631 / Prior Approval: Woodmanton Farm Sarnesfield, Replace existing building with new sprayer store., / PC not consulted / Prior Approval Not Required
170825 / Prior Approval Hyatt Sarnesfield Norton Canon, Concreting of yard. / PC not consulted / Prior Approval Not Required
6/3/17 / 170136 / Sallies Cottage and The Cottage – proposal to make the 2 cottages into one dwelling / Support
(comment = no objections) / withdrawn 17/4/17
21/2/17 / 170206 / Land adjacent to Hinton Cottage Norton Canon. Proposed dwelling and garage. / KDGPC Parish Council is not submitting a comment / Refused 17/3/17
comments not invited but any additional info by 30/1 / 164083 / The Barn, Bronte, Norton Canon. Prior approval determination for a change of use from agricultural barn to a residential dwelling / No comments submitted / Prior approval refused 14/2/17 due to the amount of new building work required
12/1/17 / 163807 / The Limes, Norton Canon
Extension to a general purpose agricultural building / Support
(comment = no objections) / Granted 9/2/17
21/1/17 / 163865 / Upper Kinley Farm, Letton
Proposed single and two-storey extensions to existing detached house / Support
(comment = no objections)
12/1/17 / 163911 / Havercroft, Kittys Lane, Norton Canon Application for the removal of condition 8 of planning permission 95/0308/N (conversion of barn to form holiday accommodation) to change holiday let to residential accommodation. / Support
(comment = no objections) / Granted 24/8/17
21/1/17 / 163228 / Children's Daycare Business at Green Farm, Norton Canon, To use the ground for a children's daycare business and erect a wooden sectional building / The parish council supports this application in general, but would like to express some reservations that the access onto the A480 could potentially be dangerous / Refused 2/2/17
extended to 15/12/16 / 163537 / Lower Ailey, proposed construction of Agricultural Silage Barn / Support, but with the following comment
There is concern that, because this is for storage for fuel-stuffs for the aerobic digester, it is likely that it will increase either the number or size of lorries using the approach track.This track is not metalled and is already full of puddles. It is the access to 3 houses beyond the site in question. It is in fact an adopted track at this point, so the Council's responsibility to keep it passable. Any disputes would be between the applicant and the Council, but we would like draw attention to this, for the sake of the other residents.
extended to 13/12/16 / 162789 / Midland Farm, Norton Canon, Proposed plant nursery, with building for cafe and shop,
gravelled plant nursery area and car park. / Kinnersley Group Parish Council objects to Planning Application P162789/F for Midland Farm, Norton Canon, in that it contravenes Core Strategy Objective RA6, i.e. it could generate traffic movements that cannot safely be accommodated within the local road network. / Refused 20/1/17
20/10/16 / 162957 / Barns at Lower Newton, variation to previous application / No response submitted / Granted 4/11/16
13/9/16 / 162430 / Barn at Norton House Farm, Conversion of redundant traditional agricultural building to residential dwelling / Support
(comment = no objections) / Granted 16/9/16
9/9/16 / 162373 / Stanley Villa, Kinnersley, New two-bedroom holiday cottage to replace redundant stables,
including change of use of agricultural land to residential / Support
(comment = no objections) / Granted 20/1/17
16/5/17 / 171659 / Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 6 7 10 1112 & 13 attached to planning permission 162373. / Not consulted / Approved 30/8/17
9/9/16 / 162379 / Hurstley Court, Lean-to extensions to an existing agricultural building to form additional storage capacity for agricultural machinery, hay and straw. / General Comment submitted -
The PC has no objection to this planning application, but would like to make the following comment.
Members of the PC had a meeting with the applicant on site.
It was agreed that the applicant would address the screening issue by allowing the existing hedges to the North and East (roadside) to grow up to a height of approx 10ft. He will keep them maintained to encourage thickening to improve the screen.
The conifers opposite Hurstley Farm have been topped and trimmed. Ongoing maintenance of these has been agreed. / Granted 23/9/16
162736 / Little Sarnesfield, Sarnesfield HR4 8RA Application for prior notification of agricultural or forestry development - proposed building. / The Parish council was not notified / Prior Approval Not Required
26/8/16 / 162194 / Proposed agricultural building on Site adjacent to A480 / Support
(comment = no objections) / Granted 1/9/16
24/8/16 / 162132 / Norton Canon old nursery school change of use from Granny Annexe to self-contained unit, plus extension / General Comment submitted -
The Highway Authority has expressed concerns that visibility at the junction of the access with the A480 is restricted in a southerly direction and that the visibility does not meet the normal requirements for a 50 mph speed limit road. Nor does it meet the standards for the lesser speed measured by the appellant. Also, the proposal would result in an intensified use of a sub-standard access which would result in an unacceptable risk to highway safety.”
The current application proposes to use the same 'sub-standard access'
For this reason Kinnersley Group PC, whilst not against the change of use of the School Cottage, objects to the application as it stands.
The PC notes that an alternative access is available to the south of the School House, (cf. planning application P161246/F) and believes that this would be provide acceptable access for the present application to be approved. / Granted 5/9/16
24/8/16 / 162150 / Norton Canon old nursery school change of use from nursery school to residential / Object
On a previous application for the adjacent property, School Cottage (132130 dated 19 March 2013), there was a comment from The Highway Authority:-
“The Highway Authority has expressed concerns that visibility at the junction of the access with the A480 is restricted in a southerly direction and that the visibility does not meet the normal requirements for a 50 mph speed limit road. Nor does it meet the standards for the lesser speed measured by the appellant. Also, the proposal would result in an intensified use of a sub-standard access which would result in an unacceptable risk to highway safety.”
The current application proposes to use the same 'sub-standard access'
For this reason Kinnersley Group PC, whilst not against the change of use of the School House, objects to the application as it stands.
The PC notes that an alternative access is available to the south of the School House, (cf. planning application P161246/F) and believes that this would be provide acceptable access for the present application to be approved. / Granted 5/9/16
11/8/16 / 161648 / Woodmanton Farm. Proposed steel portal framed general purpose agricultural building. / Support
(comment = no objections) / Granted 23/8/16
30/6/16 / 161630 / 2 Bull Farm Cottages, Letton
Proposed first floor side extension / Support
(comment = no objections) / Granted 11/7/16
1/6/16 / 161246 / Land at Day Nursery, Norton House School. New residential development of 5 detached two storey houses / Support, with the following comments.
1) The parish council would suggest re-siting the sewage bio-unit to the other end of the plot (ie. the south-east corner), furthest from the next-door residents (2 Burford Cottages) because they experience surface-water flooding from the field in very wet weather and are concerned that the flooding might include run-off from the bio-unit.
2) The parish council would like to draw to the attention of planners that there have been several accidents on this stretch of road over the years. / Granted 23/6/16
31/5/16 / 161364 / Prior notification for a proposed change of use of an agricultural building to one dwellinghouse (Class C3), Kinnersley / Response not required - the PC did not make a comment / Prior approval granted 14/6/16
27/5/16 / 161369 / Barn at New Dairy, Norton Canon, conversion to a dwelling house, a prior approval determination for a change of use / Response not required - the PC did not make a comment / Prior approval granted 14/6/16
152615 / Barn at New Dairy, Norton Canon. Determination as to whether prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of an agricultural building to two dwelling houses (Use class C3) - under Part 3 Class Q(a) only / The PC did not comment. Determination made on 27/10/15 that prior approval is not required. But a further application will be needed for the rest of Class Q - • Transport and Highways impacts,
• Environmental Health impacts,
• Contamination Risk,
• Flooding Risks,
• Whether the location or siting of the building makes it otherwise impractical or undesirable for the building to change from agricultural use to a use falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouses) of the Schedule to the Use Classes Order.
12/5/16 / 152383 / Rock Cottage, Ailey Lane
Proposed rear extension to provide one bedroom / Support (comment = no objections) / Granted, 26/5/16
5/4/16 / 160629 / Pax Cottage, Woonton. Proposed replacement dwelling and alterations to existing ancillary storage building to form part of dwelling (Almeley but close to Kinnersley boundary) / Granted 17/5/16
11/4/16 / 160666 / Broadfields, Kinnersley. Proposed extensions to existing cattle building. / Support (comment = no objections) / Granted 16/6/16
11/4/16 / 160663 / Land at The Old Carpenters Shop, Proposed erection of one dwelling / Support (comment = no objections) / Granted 29/4/16