Created in 2005, the Nova Scotia Power Trades Scholarship was developed to encourage and support students entering Trades related to Utility or Energy sectors.
This year, ten (10) non-renewable $1000 scholarships will be available for students enrolling in the following programs at the Nova Scotia Community College in September 2015:
Power Engineering
Industrial Instrumentation
Utility Line Work - Construction & Maintenance
If you are not enrolled in one of the three programs listed above, you will not be eligible for this scholarship.
Recipients are selected on the basis of a solid academic record. We define this as a minimum overall average of 70% over their senior years (grades 10 through 12), with a passing grade in all required subjects.
Applicants must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants, and a permanent resident of Nova Scotia and must be prepared to demonstrate their interest in a utility or trade-related career through an essay or similar means.
Applicants must be graduating or have graduated from a Nova Scotia high school and entering their first year at NSCC within 15 months of their high school graduation.
Applicants must be accepted into the Nova Scotia Community College for full-time studies in a trade discipline as outlined above.
This scholarship will not be awarded in conjunction with any other NSPI scholarship.
Application Requirements
Submit a Nova Scotia Power Trades Scholarship application form along with the following:
High school transcript, grades 10-12
Written essay (500 word maximum)
Reference letter
Demonstrated leadership, service to the community and involvement in extra-curricular activities will also be considered. The selection committee, made up of Nova Scotia Employees, will review the applications and award the scholarships in June 2014.
Forward completed applications to
Nova Scotia Power Trades Scholarship Committee
c/o Human Resources
1223 Lower Water Street, Halifax
Nova Scotia, B3J 3S8
Deadline for submission of applications is April 24, 2015
For more details on this and other scholarships offered by Nova Scotia Power, please visit our website at http://www.nspower.ca/community/scholarships/
2015 NS Power Trades Scholarship ApplicationINSTRUCTIONS
Please print or type clearlyAttach your High School transcript from grade 10-12 to application, including fall grades
Deadline for Application submission is April 24th, 2015
Incomplete applications will NOT be considered
Please direct questions to Human Resources at
Applicant name (surname) Given name(s) / E-mail Address:Home Address / Telephone Number
City/Town Province / Postal Code
Permanent Address (if different from above) /
Are you a member of a visible minority group? If Yes, please specify (response to this question is voluntary):
No Yes
Name of most recent educational institute attended and level achieved:PROGRAM ENROLMENT
Program (please select from the below):Power Engineering
Industrial Instrumentation
Utility Line Work - Construction & Maintenance
*If you are not enrolled in one of the three programs listed above, you will not be eligible for this scholarship. / At which NSCC Campus?
I certify that I have carefully read the foregoing Application and that the statements made by me therein are correct.
Certified by Applicant / dd / mm / yy / Evaluated by School Official / dd / mm / yySignature / Signature/Phone No.
NS Power Trades Scholarship Application Checklist
(Ensure to include all of the items below before sending in your application)
ÿ APPLICANT’S RESUMEPlease attach a current resume to the application. Your resume should include all summer and/or part-time jobs as well as volunteer activities and sports/recreation/extra curricular activities you have been involved with during school.
Typewritten essays preferred although clear hand-written essays will also be accepted.
This is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the Selection Committee. Write a brief essay that will help us get to know the person behind the application form. Your essay should include educational and career goals, non-academic attributes. It should demonstrate your interest in a utility or trade-related career and convey what receipt of the scholarship would mean to you.
Attach a minimum of one reference letter to the application. You may submit up to three letters, however at least one reference is to be completed by applicant's Teacher, Guidance Counsellor, Vice-Principal or Principal.
Attach at least one reference letter to this application form
Your transcript must include your grade 10-12 grades.
Please forward completed applications to:
Nova Scotia Power Trades Scholarship Committee
c/o Human Resources
1223 Lower Water Street, Halifax
Nova Scotia, B3J 3S8
Deadline for Application submission is April 24, 2015
Internal Use Only - Date Received: 3