TQM in the Public Sector

Anschutz, Eric E. "A Point of View: TQM - The Public Sector Challenge." National Productivity Review. 15 #1 (Winter 1995-96): 1-6.

Bemowski, Karen. "The Air Force Quality Flight Plan." Quality Progress. 27 #6 (June 1994): 25-29.

Berg, Anne Marie. "Participatory Strategies in Quality Improvement Programs." Public Productivity & Management Review. 21 #1 (September 1997): 30-43.

Connor, Patrick E. "Total Quality Management: A Selective Commentary on Its Human Dimensions, with Special Reference to Its Downside." Public Administration Review. 57 #6 (November/December 1997): 501-509.

Cox, Raymond W. III. "Getting Past the Hype: Issues in Starting a Public Sector TQM Program." Public Administration Quarterly. 19 #1 (Spring 1995): 89-103.

Dean, James W. Jr. "Creating Real-World Value." Quality Progress. 30#11 (November 1997): 85-86.

Harrow, Stuart. "DCMC Long Island: Striving to be a Quality Improvement Prototype for all Federal Organizations." National Productivity Review. 16 #4 (Autumn 1997): 51-62.

Hubiak, William K. "Do Americans Have Their Minds Set Against TQM?" National Productivity Review. 15 #3 (Summer 1996): 19-20+.

Kessler, Roland and Nancy Weidenfeller. "Leaders Invest for Change." Public Manager. 25 #2 (Summer 1996): 49-50.

Kidder, Pamela J. And Bobbie Ryan. "How the Deming Philosophy Transformed the Department of the Navy." National Productivity Review. 15 #3 (Summer 1996): 55-63.

Kirchhoff, Judith J. "Public Services Production in Context: Toward a Multilevel, Multistakeholder Model." Public Productivity & Management Review. 21 #1 (September 1997): 70-85.

Klagge, Jay. "The Reinvention Trail: An Account of One State Agency’s Quality Journey." Public Administration Quarterly. 20 #4 (Winter 1997): 433-448.

Landis, George A. And Daniel J. Knight. "No Quick Fixers Need Apply." Journal for Quality and Participation. 18 #1 (January/February 1995): 78-83.

Mahler, Julianne G. "Evolution of a Quality Management Program." Public Productivity & Management Review. 18 #4 (Summer 1995): 387-396.

Mani, Bonnie G. "Measuring Productivity in Federal Agencies: Does Total Quality Management Make a Difference?" American Review of Public Administration. 26 #1 (March 1996): 19-39.

Mani, Bonnie G. "TQM Management Development in Public Agencies Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Adjective Check List." Review of Public Personnel Administration. 16 #4 (Fall 1996): 79-76.

McGowan, Robert F. "Total Quality Management: Lessons from Business and Government." Public Productivity & Management Review. 18 #4 (Summer 1995): 321-331.

McNabb, David E. and F. Thomas Sepic. "Culture, Climate and Total Quality Management: Measuring Readiness for Change." Public Productivity & Management Review. 18 #4 (Summer 1995): 369-385.

Miller, Carl F. "The Measurement of the Effectiveness of the Institution of a TQM Program in the Atlanta Region of the Wage Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor." Public Administration Quarterly. 21 #4 (Winter 1998): 432-445.

Nyham, Ronald C. et al. "Performance Measurement in the Public Sector: Challenges and Opportunities." Public Productivity & Management Review. 18 #4 (Summer 1995): 333-348.

Orwig, Robert A. et al. "An Empirical Investigation into the Validity of SERVQUAL in the Public Sector." Public Administration Quarterly. 21 #1 (Spring 1997): 54-68.

"From Quality Circles to TQM." Government Executive. 29 #7 (July 1997): 60-62.

Rago, William V. "Struggles in Transformation: A Study in TQM, Leadership and Organizational Culture in a Government Agency." Public Administration Review. 56 #3 (May/June 1996): 227-234.

Rusaw, A. Carol. "Reinventing Local Government: A Case Study of Organizational Change Through Community Learning." Public Administration Quarterly. 20 #4 (Winter 1997): 419-432.

Vinzant, Janet C. And Douglas H. Vinzant. "Strategic Management and Total Quality Management: Challenges and Choices." Public Administration Quarterly. 20 #2 (Summer 1996): 201-219.

Wilson, Laura A. and Robert F. Durant. "Evaluating TQM: The Case for a Theory Driven Approach." Public Administration Review. 54 #2 (March/April 1994): 137-146.

Yoder, Eric. "Time for a Change." Government Executive. 30 #5 (May 1998): 53-56.