RESEND.DOC Page 4 of 4
This document describes how to configure an outbound interface thread on the Cloverleaf interface engine to resend outbound messages. The following procs will be used:
· tps_save_ob_msg (previously called save_ob_msg_33)
· tps_resend_ob_msg (previously called resend_ob_msg_33)
· tps_check_reply (previously called check_reply)
· tps_kill_ob_save (previously called kill_ob_save_33)
· hcitpsmsgkill
Use hcinetconfig to configure the outbound thread (we will use ob_gepacs_3326 as an example)
· sets $ob_save global which can be used by resend_ob_msg_33
· does not return the message to the engine, so the message is in state 14, and will be resent by the engine if the thread gets recycled
hcinetconfig à ob_gepacs_3326 à outbound à Outbound data (Send OK procs: save_ob_msg_33)
· resend message by putting the message in the outbound queue by setting the message disposition to PROTO and message_handle to the save $ob_save global set by save_ob_msg_33. This causes the message to be placed in state 11 and makes it the first state 11 message that will go out)
· Note: resend_ob_msg_33 will resend indefinetly if no ACK or NAK is received
hcinetconfig à ob_gepacs_3326 à Inbound à Configure à * Await replies: 60 à Reply ‘generation’ à Procs: resend_ob_msg_33
· CONTINUE the reply if it is an ACK
· Assumes NAK for any reply received that is not an ACK
· If the reply is not an ACK then continue to resend for MAXTRIES (defaults to 3 tries)
· After MAXTRIES resends has occurred then
· Dump message and NAK reply to a unique files in ’thread_name’_NAK subdirectory in the process directory ($HCISITEDIR/exec/processes/ob_gepacs_3326_NAK); automatically creates the directory if it does not exist
· Turn off alerts for this thread ( touch $HCISITERDIR/Alerts/
· Append a time stamped entry to alerts log file ($HCISITEDIR/Alerts/ob_gepacs_3326.log) describing the problem
· Page the email addresses specified (defaults to {EMAIL page_hub_team})
· Stop the thread
· Null $ob_msg global set by the save_ob_msg_33 proc
· KILL $ob_save message which is in state 14
· CONTINUE the reply on to the next procs (hcitpsmsgkill)
· KILL reply
Hcinetconfig à ob_gepacs_3326 à Inbound à Configure à TPS Inbound reply:
· Check_reply {ACKTYPE AA} {MAXTRIES 3} {STOP yes} {EMAIL weekday__ob_gepacs_3326}
· Kill_ob_save_33