Application form for exchange students to University of Calabria
This form is for students who wish to apply to University of Calabria as an exchange student and are currently enrolled at ______linked to University of Calabria through a formal exchange agreement.
Terms and conditions
Payment of fees
Exchange students are responsible for paying all their own personal expenses such as health insurance, accommodation, meals transport etc.
ECTS Credits & Courses
Exchange students must follow a full-time study programme, i.e. 15-30 ECTS credits per semester, or a thesis work (Research project) at
Personal Details
Surname or family names / Names
Sex / Male Female
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) / Country of birth
Country of permanent residence
Nationality / Passport number
Permanent home address / Phone / +
Fax / +
2/3 - Application form for exchange students to University of Calabria
Current Enrolment
Home University
Faculty / Degree Course
Level of the degree course you are currently enrolled in / Bachelor Master Other
Start date of current degree programme
Expected graduation date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Exchange Period at University of Calabria
Academic year
Semester(s) during which exchange will take place
Study purpose of exchange period / Courses / Research project
Deviant period of stay (In case of research project) / Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) / End date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Field of Study at your home university
Supervisor (In case of research project)
Topic (In case of research project)
Proposed course programme
List course numbers and names below
You must achieve a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30 ECTS credits per semester at .
course code / Course name / Course credits / UNICAL course code / UNICAL Course
name / UNICAL Course credits (ECTS)
3/3 - Application form for exchange students to
Previous StudiesPrevious University or Post Secondary Studies / Year Studied / Given level (Bachelor / Master) and field of study
Italian Language proficiency
B1 C1
B2 C2
Contact in case of Emergency
Surname or family name / Given names
Permanent home address / Phone / +
Fax / +
I would like to arrange accommodation for me.
I would not like to arrange accommodation for me, because I will make my own arrangements.
Student declaration
I declare that all the information provided is true and correct.
Signature applicant Date
Exchange coordinator / project supervisor at your Home University
Stating their name and indicating they approve of your application to University of Calabria, and that the credits obtained for the selected courses / project at University of Calabria will be recognised by your home university.
Signature Date
Exchange coordinator / project supervisor at University of Calabria
Stating their name and indicating they approve of your application.
Signature Date